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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. I foresee the gun laws being relaxed. Terrorists are killing innocent citizens on the street. Sooner or later the citizens will demand that they be allowed to be armed. If a large territory opens up; the gun manufacturers will be able to justify adding manufacturing machinery and skilled people. Had they added a bunch on machinery on the Obama/Clinton scare; there would be some gun makers in trouble.
  2. Buds on-line appears to have plenty.
  3. What government official is implying charges could be brought; I don’t see that anywhere? All homicides are investigated by (at least) the cops and the DA whether they are obviously justified or not. Anyone could be charged by a DA for anything, but it sounds to me like the bad guy got what he deserved and that will be the end of it. Props to the neighbor for stepping up.
  4. I know there are a million apps and everyone uses a different one, but I thought I’d throw this out for discussion. I have my music library on my PC. I have about 5K songs by a few hundred artists. As I update my PC library I just recopy the Music folder to the card for my phone. What I would like: An app that I can use on My PC and Android phone. Create and edit playlists that both can use, create and share. I would like to edit tag information and sort. The more file editing and management the better. What I do not need: I do not want to stream music, I do not want to use data on my phone to play music when I’m not on WiFi. I do want to join any music service and I do not want to store music on the cloud. I’ve been playing with Groove on my PC and Pi on my phone. Both keep harping at you to join a service and Pi has ads. I’ve read good stuff about Musicbee for the PC, but it appears they are struggling with their Android app. Ideas/Opinions?
  5. I’d give $200 for one of those just to try it out. Is that the normal price at Outpost or was it a sale?
  6. Only the PPS and PPQ are included in that rebate. Only the PPS would compete size wise. The Shield has a $75 rebate until June 30. So from Buds you could get a Shield for $254 plus a transfer.
  7. Just have your pets put your gun in their bag.
  8. I ended up going with the Plantronics BackBeat Pro. http://www.plantronics.com/us/product/backbeat-pro Pretty sweet so far. Not as good of audio quality as my Status Audio CB-1’s, but I don’t guess I’ll get that with Bluetooth. Pretty close though. Sears ran the Skullcandy Uproars on sale on-line for $40, so I got them also. They really aren’t in the same league; but they are but they are Bluetooth headphones for $40.
  9. I didn't go to Woodstock, but went to Kickapoo Creek (mini Woodstock) in Illinois in 1970. https://www.djtees.com/kickapoo-creek-music-festival-heyworth-illinois-1970/
  10. Okay. The three of us have probably never agreed on anything, and probably never will again; but we agree on this. The “Off Topic” section is what keeps most any forum going. I think use of the forum has dropped off, but I don’t think it’s because of political discussions, but I may be wrong. I don’t have any data to back that up; just general observations. I think it’s due to the software updates. Navigation is just a PITA with the new software. This election has split the country. I think generally the people on a gun forum are good with what’s going on, the liberals on the left; not so much. But we need to have open discussions. I don’t see why the offended parties can’t just not click on a thread instead of sending those that want to discuss politics to another forum. But I fully understand this is not a democracy and I am only offering my opinion as a paid benefactor.
  11. Is there somewhere we can submit our opinions while you are deciding the fate of those discussions? I ask because it is my understanding you don’t want PM’s?
  12. With alcohol and colleges students present adding a gun to the mix could be tragic. She would be faced with the same issues parents with small children are; how do you have a gun available if you need it, but not available to others. It can be done, but requires planning based on the situation. A handgun would be easier to deal with than a shotgun... IMO.
  13. I need a pair of Bluetooth Headphones. They will be used for Music and TV; I’m not a gamer if that matters. I don’t want anything that inserts into my ear, so I want full headphones, not earbuds. Of course I want the best audio quality I can get while staying within my budget. When I was looking for wired headphones, this was pretty easy to do and I ended up with the Status Audio CB-1. But they don’t make any Bluetooth. https://thestatusaudio.com/products/cb1 Finding Bluetooth is harder; there doesn’t seem to be many in agreement. My budget is about $150 I am using this number because I see Sennheiser has a pair with good reviews that is $150. Most of what I’ve been looking at is $100 or under. I can’t justify the $400 price range of top of the line Sennheiser or Bose. I would like them to have an integrated mic, but that’s not a deal breaker. Beats have several in that price range, but in reading the reviews the audio quality is not that good. Here are the four I’m looking at right now, if you have these please give some feedback, or list something else you have found you are happy with. Sennheiser HD 4.50 @ $150 https://en-us.sennheiser.com/wireless-headphones-bluetooth-noise-cancelling-hd-4-50-btnc Plantronics Backbeat 500 @ $80 http://www.plantronics.com/us/product/backbeat-500/?skuId=sku29550094 Sony MDRXB650BT/B @ $70 http://www.sony.com/electronics/headband-headphones/mdr-xb650bt/reviews-ratings Skullcandy @ $50 http://www.skullcandy.com/headphones/wireless-headphones/UPROARBT.html?cgid=wireless-headphones&color=Black&skdy_mic=Universal#ScTX5203OTHmUi2W.97
  14. Something is wrong with that story. You don’t set-up a meet with someone that is probably armed so you can take their car. You take it from some poor sap on the street.
  15. I consider myself pretty computer literate and they don’t seem to make sense to me. It appears when you post you create two separate threads. I’m usually all for change and new stuff, but I don’t like any part of the new forum software. The last version before it went to the bar with all the “read status” and “ownership” was the best. Activity in the classifieds seems to me to have really dropped off, but maybe not. I just figure it will eventually move to the next version and this will be in the past.
  16. I was a little kid (about 6) but it stuck in my mind. We had a swarm on a bush in our yard. The neighbor across the street walked over in a t-shirt and flip flops, reached in the swarm, grabbed the queen, put her in a hive, they all went in and he walked back across the street. Pretty cool stuff for a 6 year old.
  17. A death sentence would be the easy way out. They are protected from the other inmates up to the time they are humanely executed. If it were my family I would want them to do their time and suffer.
  18. A pre-ban isn’t worth anymore unless the buyer is in a state where that matters. You better know the laws if you are going to ship into one of those states.
  19. Well….. He is the first person listed on their “Legal Advisory Board” on their website. And he has made himself “Nationally Known”. I don’t think there is anything wrong with people being prepared. But like any service they should have the right to understand what will and will not be paid. With all the self-defense shootings, and deadly force threats in this country I would think there would be more information available on these outfits. I don’t see much that isn’t in an advertisement. I would like to hear the views of our Tennessee Attorneys on here about the likelihood of any of these places cutting a check and mailing it out as is suggested in their commercials. This is not either of the companies mentioned here….. But it contains some interesting info from a couple of years ago. https://www.thetrace.org/2015/08/texas-law-shield-concealed-carry-insurance-class-action-lawsuit/
  20. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect either one of those policies to cover you in a shooting. Too many possible scenarios they could use for an out. I don’t know for sure, but I doubt there is any insurance company on earth that would cover you if you are charged with a criminal act. Save your money in case you should need a lawyer, or use it to be trained and understand the law so the chances would be greatly reduced you will need a lawyer. How many of you have a phone number you can call day or night and get a response from your attorney in a timely manner? That should be your first goal and it shouldn’t cost you.
  21. Not a lot moving right now; pretty slow really. Everyone wants to trade instead of lowering the cash price. You don't have that option so you will need to have good pricing. Its a buyers market right now. I refuse to sell out of state. I figure if I have to do that; my price is too high. Pictures sell guns. If you have good high resolution detailed pictures you will get more interest. I have a few for sale or trade right now and it really sometimes comical the questions and offers you get. “The item” and ‘best last price” are scammers; don’t even respond to them. Good luck with your sales.
  22. I would guess the no insurance ticket would be the big one. Those tickets should have court dates and instructions on them how and where to pay. I thought I just read that Tennessee just passed legislation making driving without insurance a criminal misdemeanor? So it might be a "must appear".
  23. I was a cop many years ago. Apparently things are harder today than they were back then; or maybe not. If we knew this was going on we would have made a case and made arrests. We would not have needed the BATF or other Federal agencies to do it. It appears to me law enforcement was more advanced 30 years ago than they are today. I wonder if it was because we depended on individuals to do their jobs and not on computers?
  24. I’m not a big Facebook user. I only have an account so I can see the pictures my family posts. I’ve heard people talk about finding guns on Facebook. I’m looking for some S&W revolvers. How do I go about finding Facebook sites for that?
  25. This needed it own thread. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/102687-state-gun-dealer-licensing/


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