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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/09/20/multiple-victims-reported-in-maryland-shooting-sheriff-says.html
  2. It doesn’t make sense (to me) that they used a Blackhawk helicopter, closed the observatory for 10 days, closed a Post Office and evacuated the area to execute a search warrant for a computer with child porn on it. But I could be wrong.
  3. Why would you say that? No one in law enforcement cares enough about his model stuff to give him a 2nd look; let alone kill him or even frame him. Of course with him being charged with sexual assault of a minor I’m sure that’s what he will claim. Now if by “they” you mean the liberal left that thinks this non-sense will allow kids to start cranking out guns at home; maybe. Sounds to me like him thinking he was a bigger deal than he is; might be why this girl rolled on him.
  4. Things back then were on a “need to know” basis.
  5. You might want to just call them instead of waiting for someone to come out. If you are supposed to be at 1024 and you are at 3; you probably have equipment or account issues. They can check and reset all that remotely now. Is that 3 on wired Ethernet?
  6. That’s why Comcast can charge what they do; not much competition in most areas do to local governments. Are you paying for Gig internet? Call them and they will probably get you the speed you are paying for. If they can’t they will reduce your bill. I pay for 250 Mbps, I get around 295. That’s freakin fast. But then I was okay with 120 when I was getting that.
  7. Update.... Lying to the FBI. We all know how that turns out. One Deputy made a plea deal, (probably because they needed him to testify) and one Deputy headed to trial on some serious Federal charges, and then state charges for the felony assault. Unless he cuts a deal. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/cheatham/2018/09/12/cheatham-county-sheriff-sgt-gary-ola-pleads-guilty-taser-incident/1279649002/
  8. It’s an exemption in the eyes of the Officer/Ranger/Deputy otherwise you would be arrested and deal with it in court.
  9. I don’t know why Trump wants to create the ‘Space Force” other than going down in history was the one that did it. The need is obvious; however it’s being done with what we have now. I think all our branches of Military should become one. I bet it would save billions. United States Military; what a concept.
  10. I was being factious.
  11. Who released the information from the warrant? Should they have covered up they recovered illegal drugs? It looks like pretty much a standard investigation to me. What says they might think drug involvement was the victim? Is there not concerns that the Officer may have been intoxicated?
  12. For your theories, keep in mind the Feds will give the Sheriff no information. That kinda rules out any kind of contamination or threat to the locals. It is my understanding the FBI locked the doors and left, asking the Sheriff to keep an eye on the place. So it apparently isn’t a crime scene. Sounds like they took what they wanted and left. They grabbed the missile command control modules (MCCM) and left. That facility, compromised by Russian collusion, is now out of the loop and the world is safe again.
  13. If we had a right to carry a gun I would agree with you; but we don’t. We are a “Special Group” that buys a privilege from the state. Businesses aren’t required to post all the legalize for our special group of HCP holders where we are allowed to carry. It is our responsibility to know where we can or cannot carry. We are moving closer to having a right, but we aren’t there yet.
  14. Think how cool it would be if there were communities built with gun ranges like there are golf courses. Of course it could be a risky proposition.... https://www.wsmv.com/news/macon-county-community-concerned-about-proposed-gun-range/article_e6521ad2-a08e-5fc8-8f45-cd8f5c5e44db.html
  15. Weapons are still outlawed in parks. It is a crime to carry a loaded gun in Tennessee. Therefore signs and the web site are okay. There is an exception for a handgun if you hold a valid HCP. (Or hunting, target shooting, various other stuff) Here is what the laws says.. https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2010/title-39/chapter-17/part-13/39-17-1311/ Here is a Tennessee Attorney General opinion on the matter. https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/attorneygeneral/documents/ops/2018/op18-04.pdf The web site for the park you linked has this statement “To contact a Ranger you can call 423-893-3500”. I’d call and ask them prior to going if I thought I might be hassled.
  16. Well it turns out the Solar Observatory houses tracking and guidance equipment for our Star Wars Missiles. Bob Mueller has discovered some high ranking official in the government (probably Trump) is colluding with the Russians and they may have gained the ability to launch our Megatron hyper speed nuclear missiles. This is scary stuff.
  17. Or more likely what will happen, when PD’s can’t find good recruits that want the job and have to relax their standards. Police Departments are as different as night and day. Even within the same state. Some departments have hiring requirements that are very stringent, and have excellent training. Others will hire anyone that meets the minimum requirements, and do little or no follow-up training.
  18. A grand for something that isn’t a collectable and isn’t near the quality of todays 1911’s is too much for me. But if you want one; you should get it now. If a Democrat gets elected President you can bet the government won’t be selling handguns to citizens.
  19. Exactly; same way on any job. On the Department I was on they had a system to handle that; some do, some don’t. But only one person is responsiable for that. If you have Police committing crimes; pick up the phone and call the Sheriff. If it’s the Sheriff call the TBI. Like any crime it will continue if the citizens keep theirs mouths shut. Isn’t the Ex-Rutherford County Sheriff still in jail?
  20. I can’t think of a single shooting I have seen or read about where a cop shot an innocent person and didn’t go to prison. I doubt this one will be any different. However…I’m sure my idea of “innocent person” and yours may not be the same. You can be stupid enough to get shot, either by a cop or a citizen, and not have committed a crime. Metro PD pays $51-66K a year (with full benefits) for a Patrol Officer. Many departments pay more than that. That’s not a decent wage? One of the reasons I quit many years ago was because of pay. That’s not the case now in the Department I was in. Everyone wants a high paying job. If they have skills someone will pay a lot for; they need to go do that.
  21. The majority of the public either doesn’t have anything against cops or really doesn’t have an opinion either way. Some people don’t like anyone in authority…. cops, teachers, their boss, politicians; they aren’t going to charge their opinion. They also are the ones that will have problems in an encounter with cops. Cops are also blamed for a lot of stuff they have no control over. Cops aren’t to blame because you can’t smoke weed or drive with a BAC above .08. They aren’t to blame that if they show up at your house because a family member called and said you assaulted or threatened them; you go to jail. They aren’t to blame when a citizen thinks you are weird/suspicious/dangerous and calls to have you checked out. I don’t think any cops think it will ever be that most people they deal with give them a handshake and a “thank you”. But I’m sure it still happens occasionally. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you think you can change thins; go either be a cop or an auxiliary Officer. See what it’s like.
  22. Dang man, what are you doing when you are around them?
  23. Cops sometime work long shifts. Some work two jobs. I don’t buy the 15 hour long shift disoriented BS; but that’s just my opinion. Sometimes you just make dumb azz mistakes. I was a trained Police Officer that took more people into custody in a home or business burglary than I can remember. I would not have called for back-up if I found my own door open. Even if that’s department policy (which I doubt) I’m sure it’s not law. However… as soon as I knew someone was inside I would have backed out and used the outside wall for cover. If the person didn’t respond or comply with my commands I wouldn’t have shot him unless I was being attacked or thought I saw a weapon. Short of being shot at I can’t think of a situation where I would fire without having a clear view of my target and believing him to be an immediate threat. If I had no response whatsoever I might yell for someone to call 911 or I might try myself. Of course arm chair quarterbacking and hindsight is always 20/20. This is just discussion; we still don’t know what happened. The city of Dallas needs to step up….sooner than later. Of course it’s murder; is it justified? Nope, not unless she was attacked. It appears that it was voluntary. Do I think she will be convicted based on what I am seeing now? Yes. Do I think she will do time? Yes, more than a citizen that isn’t a cop; but not much. I’m not familiar with the DA in Dallas at all. If this Officer was on Chicago PD that States Attorney would be asking for life for a cop. Unfortunately for the victim this Officer made bad choices; choices that she won’t be able to walk away from.
  24. Other than the cop haters, the ones pushing the cop angle is the lawyers; no cop, no big payday. That’s terrible, but that’s already happening. I suspect that’s also why the Dallas PD Chief was quick to say this was not an Officer involved shooting. While the Officer has been charged with Manslaughter the DA has said a Grand Jury will hear the case and decide the charge. There was no body cam. Those are left at the PD at the end of the shift. This is a case where I would guess the Police Officer will be held to a higher standard than a citizen. If a female with a carry permit had shot someone opening what she thought was her door; this would be a very different public opinion. And there should be a difference. This man opened his door and was face to face with a Police Officer in uniform (from what we have been told). She should have handled that the same way she would have coming face to face with any burglar anywhere. I think it will be awhile before we hear why she thought she needed to shoot him. But without a witness she is the only one to say what happened.
  25. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions about information not being released. Is there a story somewhere about her key not working and someone opening the door to her?


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