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Everything posted by DaveTN

  1. That's the good part of that story and is whats needed. If followed through on it may help.
  2. This isn’t an issue of the NRA or the GOA. However, as you said people are told “If you see something; say something”. Doing nothing will no longer be acceptable. Cops will act…period. This is going to be like the domestic violence laws; Police discretion is going to be removed. For most families this will be a non-issue. If you have a family member that will call the cops on you; you have bigger problems than someone taking your guns.
  3. Doug, something is being done. People’s guns are being confiscated every day without due process. Then people want to blame them when some nut case they have contacted goes out and shoots someone. After one of these shootings, you yourself wanted to blame the cops and the mental health people because you said they had him in custody, took him in for a mental health evaluation and then let him go. From the stories I read none of that is true. Yes, the cops were called. He threatened no one; he was tearing his house up. He was not taken into custody or taken anywhere. He was detained and mental health people were called to the location. They deemed he was not a danger and left. Weeks later he went out and killed people. Were they wrong? Was he a danger? Sure. And hindsight is 20/20. What do you think those cops and those mental health people will do the next time? They will seize all firearms and do everything can to get a mental health commitment; voluntary or otherwise. And you can’t blame them. I may be the only one here thinking this way, but as a former cop I know confiscation is easy to do and done all the time; without any kind of due process. So I don’t see these read flag laws as a potential violation; I see them as an opportunity to legislate due process. Will that happen? Well, we don’t know because we haven’t seen what Tennessee or the Feds have in mind. I doubt they will add due process because that would require immediate action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I believe that is possible. But I’m sure some lawmakers will argue you can’t act that fast; you need time. You don’t need time to bring the suspect and witnesses before a judge, let them tell their stories and get either a court order or a dismissal. This is like Domestic Violence; you can’t blame it on the cops because families can’t handle their own personal business and have to call someone that can. But in most areas they are law enforcement officers, not mental health experts. This is going to be done. If a person threatens suicide or makes violent threats against others; action is going to be taken. That is the times we live in.
  4. If you check out the 1911 forums you will see that CHIP MCCORMICK POWER MAGS and WILSON COMBAT are the two most popular. You will also see that some people say their gun doesn’t “like” one of those, some the other. I’ve never had a problem with a Chip McCormick, or a factory mag. I’ve never tried cheap aftermarket mags. I think mags get a lot of the blame for junk ammo and guns that need attention. But that’s just my opinion based on what I’ve seen. You tell someone they need the feed ramp polished on their precious 1911 or it is failing because it’s filthy and they act like you called their kids ugly. Neither mag will fix a “bad” 1911. What’s wrong with your gun?
  5. Nice pics guys. Never thought I'd be thinking about a S&W Revolver that's NOT a Pre-Lock.
  6. Great Video. I carry a Whiskers daily. I’m impressed with the quality of my ProTech. I hope to also get a TR4.
  7. And you think it’s going to stop a pothead that wants to own a gun? Okay.
  8. That’s my point. What you are worried about is being done right now.
  9. What about those that don’t like weed and their recreational drug of choice is Cocaine?
  10. “warning: the use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medical or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.” Seems pretty simple to me. The Feds need to remove that line or enforce Federal law; one or the other.
  11. DaveTN


    The New Madrid Fault is the one I’ve heard about all my life. They say West Tennessee, Kentucky and Southern Illinois will take a big hit.
  12. Are DA’s and Courts legally bound by ATF rulings?
  13. Who knows?? These appear to be TENNESSEE FISH AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION PROCLAMATIONS and not part of the TCA. But it looks like if you even possess it during those hours they might beat you senseless with their night sticks.
  14. A quick search showed that this took place in Brazil. The range floor was coated with engine oil to keep termites from eating it, and unburned powder.
  15. I’m not a hunter, but it certainly sounds cool.
  16. If you haven’t been served or it can’t be proven you know about the order; you have answered honestly. If it can be proven you knew; you have a problem. Of course if the order was in effect when you made the purchase you could be charged and have to defend yourself.
  17. No.
  18. The argument is being made that we have due process. We do, but attorneys don’t like to act fast. That is how guns are seized and held forever. Most areas have Judges on call 24 hours a day and there are very few cases of guns being seized from people that are suspected of having mental issues. There is no reason these people can’t be taken before a Judge and let them hear the evidence and witnesses. That way if it’s a crazy ex-wife; the Judge can make that call. If they determine the person obviously has issues a more in-depth hearing can be set for a later date. If someone has a better idea… let’s hear it.
  19. Guns can already be removed by law enforcement in this state, only they don’t need a court to deem them dangerous to do it. Wouldn’t a law specifically defining what the Due Process will be, be a good thing? Accepted what? I haven’t seen a bill; I don’t see that he has proposed a bill. You are new here, I don’t know what gun store you were in, but I think you will see here most oppose an AWB. It would impact most of us. How is our mindset different than yours? I believe we should be able to have whatever weapons we want; including machine guns. But I also believe that you will not threaten people with violence, if you do; you will be arrested and your weapons seized. If you threaten suicide that will require law enforcement to act…period. I just support a requirement for immediate court action to determine what will happen and give you a chance to have a hearing before a Judge prior to being committed or permanently seizing weapons. A hearing days or weeks down the road is unacceptable.
  20. That will never work, and never pass. You can’t make people pay because someone might abuse the system. Police departments rely on the public to report crimes, perceived crimes, or even when they don’t know for sure if a crime is being committed. As long as they are acting in good faith there will be no repercussions; crime or not. You won’t have a whole bunch of legal fees doing it the way I suggest; because it would be done in hours. The threat is immediate and must be dealt with immediately. You will be taken before a Judge and make your case. You could have a reasonable amount of time to contact a lawyer if you wish; but hours, not days. And it would be your responsibility to get them there. You can’t turn a blind eye to this because a pissed off wife might lie. If she does; she can be arrested for filling a false Police report. If you can’t prove she’s lying and if she convinces a Judge you are a danger to yourself or others; you married the wrong woman didn’t you? That’s not our problem. Police will continue to be called to acts of violence, threats of suicide, and mental cases appearing to be out of control. They are not social workers and they will continue to take the weapons based on their gut feelings about what’s going on and who is telling the truth. That is what they do now in most places I’m aware of and just saying “we don’t like this” isn’t going to cut it. If you don’t like it you need to come up with a better plan.
  21. You can't fix whats causing the delay?
  22. I’m kicking around the idea of scoping a revolver. Curious to see what set-ups others have used. I was going to do it with one of my center fire revolvers, but they are not drilled and tapped for it. My 617 is, so I may do it first. I’m looking at a conventional scope. I already have a Vortex Venom Red Dot on a pistol. I’d be interested in what scope and mount you chose. Pictures would be great.
  23. Were shoe laces and belt loops designed to make a semi-auto rifle into a full auto rate of fire? Nope. It’s that whole apples and oranges thing again. All anyone will do by fighting this is hose us on aftermarket triggers. That crazy azz mental case knocked out that window and unloaded at near machine gun rate of fire. The intent of the law was to make any device that allowed that to happen to be illegal. Is a DA and Judge bound by some clown in an ATF office writing a letter? That’s not an argument that’s a question….for anyone that knows the answer.
  24. Is a revolver a way to skirt the law? Of course not… apples and oranges. A bump stock violates the law….. you want that changed? Change the law to include being able to own automatic weapons. It’s not that I don’t care because I don’t own one. I just see it as some azzhat occupying a desk at the ATF that didn’t catch it when it was submitted. I don’t support background checks at all because they do nothing. But yes, if requiring background checks on private sales were put on the ballot it would pass by a landslide....even in this state.
  25. We will never understand or be able to pick out those that will commit homicide or suicide. Like Tacops, I have been the detail Officer on several suicides. Attempts are a cry for help, but many are obviously just trying end their life; and get the job done. Some want to take others with them, sometimes the people they perceive as causing their problems; sometimes innocent bystanders. Whether you are a first responder or a family member immediate action is required if you are to help. As I read this thread, the “Red Flag” threads and the active shooter threads it appears that some seem to think first responders should not act and family members be held accountable if they are wrong. Of course if the professionals are brought in and deem the person not to be a threat, and then they kill someone; they want to blame them for not doing more. Most responsible law enforcement Officers, Medical personnel, Mental Health personnel and family members will do everything they can do within the law when a problem is brought to their attention. Sometimes unfortunately their hands are tied and innocent people die. If I seriously thought a friend or family member was going to commit suicide or homicide; I would act. And being concerned for them losing their gun rights would not even be a blip on my radar. As a friend or family member you may be the only person that can help. That doesn’t necessarily mean calling the cops. There are many other options; but it means doing something.


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