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Everything posted by cannoncocker

  1. My experience is 2nd day may be a little less expensive, but not by much. Did you ask Charter to provide a prepaid shipping label since it is a warranty repair?
  2. Yes, you do have to notify FedEx of content.   From ATF FAQ- Q: May a nonlicensee ship a firearm by common or contract carrier? A nonlicensee may ship a firearm by a common or contract carrier to a resident of his or her own State or to a licensee in any State. A common or contract carrier must be used to ship a handgun. In addition, Federal law requires that the carrier be notified that the shipment contains a firearm and prohibits common or contract carriers from requiring or causing any label to be placed on any package indicating that it contains a firearm. [18 U.S.C. 922(a)(2)(A), 922(a) (3), 922(a)(5) and 922(e), 27 CFR 478.31 and 478.30]    
  3. The liability section of my home owners policy specifically states the intentional act exclusion "does not apply to bodily injury resulting from the use of lawful reasonable force by any insured to protect persons or property". My umbrella policy, written by the same carrier, provides excess liability coverage over my home owners policy on a form following basis.  This means if the limits of my home owners policy are reached, the umbrella policy kicks in.   Read the liability section of your home owners policy.  You may already have coverage.
  4. If we are talking about a range gun, I would leave the lock alone.  A carry gun, I would remove it and plug the hole.  Here is everything you need to know about the "plug".   http://smith-wessonforum.com/accessories-misc-sale-trade/143299-fs-plug-new-add-please-read.html
  5. sgammo.com has plenty of .380 in stock.   As far as recoil, you may try:   http://www.gunsprings.com/Semi-Auto%20Pistols/RUGER/LCP%20.380/cID1/mID52/dID422   Wolff offers extra power recoil springs to tame your LCP a tad.  You can even buy a calibration spring pack.   For for a wealth of LCP info go here:   http://rugerpistolforums.com/forums/general-lcp-discussion/   Have fun!
  6. Remington has had Model 700 trigger safety issues as long as I can remember.  My 700 in 300 BLK is affected by the latest problem. Because of Remington's history and the magnitude of the recall, I replaced my trigger with a Timney drop in.  It took less than 30 minutes and, believe me, I am no gunsmith.   The heck with Remington.
  7. I own more than a few Smith's, including 2 air weights.  I also own a Ruger SP 101 in .357, an SP 101 in .22 rimfire and a Redhawk in .44 Magnum.  I do not own, nor have I fired, a LCR.  The Ruger's are fine guns.  However, it has been my experience,  the Ruger's each needed $100.00 of action tuning to match the out of the box action I received with my Smith's.   Don't overlook a Smith Model 60 J frame in .357.  I would much rather shoot .38 +P in a steel gun stout enough to handle .357 than +P in an air weight.
  8. I concur.  Exchange it.
  9. If you are referring to the on/off intensity level switch, mine has no play and has definite click stops as you cycle through the settings.  Have you checked the set screw on the switch knob?
  10. And, we have a winner!!   My 700 SPS in 300 BLK, purchased in July of 2013.  Wonder if I will see it again before Christmas?
  11. Bought a brick of Thunderbolt yesterday from Cabelas. Price was 21.99, plus 8.95 shipping.  Haven't bought from Midway since they terminated their dealer program for C&R holders.
  12. Are you nuts, or is it a gift for your wife?  If it is a gift for your wife, make sure you buy the headlight kit. Just the ticket for cutting the grass when she comes home from her night job.
  13. Robert handled my most recent NFA transaction.  He is a great guy to work with.  Well worth the 400 mile round trip.   Welcome to TGO, Robert.
  14. 16" M4 Carbine, Remington 700 TB.  Working on the Carbine gas problem when shooting unsuppressed subs. 
  15. Interesting comments made by Sheriff.   http://www.wyff4.com/news/local-news/spartanburg-cherokee-news/double-shooting-investigation-underway-in-spartanburg/-/9324158/24299270/-/7dtgqhz/-/index.html    
  16.   Let me try to cheer you up.  Last year, I submitted three Form 4 applications in the same envelope.  One was error free, the other two contained stupid dealer errors and were returned for correction. They were corrected by the dealer, returned to the BATFE, and approved 5 days after the approval date on the error free submission. Good luck.
  17. Form 4 trust transfer submitted 03/19/2013.  Approved 01/21/2014.
  18. The Alabama expanded self-defense law allows the use of deadly force in self-defense or defense of others if you reasonably believe someone is using or about to use unlawful deadly physical force while committing or about to commit any of the following crimes: burglary, kidnapping, assault in the first or second degree, burglary, robbery, forcible rape, or forcible sodomy.
  19. If you paid by check, the check is processed as an electronic payment.  Usually, within a day of receipt.  You will not (at least from my bank) get your check returned.  My bank statement shows the payment as "other debits".  In this case my payment was mailed on 03/23/2013.   - - - - - - - - - OTHER DEBITS - - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT ATF NFA PAYMENT 5011 03/25 200.00
  20. Has anyone read the NFATCA ATF 41P response?  Of particular interest is the legal memorandum attached to the NFATCA response which claims the ATF lacks statutory authority to adopt the proposed rule.   The NFATCA 41P response can be found under a 10 December blog posting here:   http://www.guntrustlawyer.com/
  21. Did you enclose a copy of your trust with the F4 submission in question?   I was told subsequent submissions did not require the trust, but always included a copy.  A Declaration of Trust is nothing more than a document evidencing the trust exists.  My trustees each have a notarized Declaration, but I never submitted a copy of the Declaration of Trust to the BATFE.   Does your trust require a listing of assets?  Mine does not.  However, each class III item I submitted was assigned to the trust on a single assignment form attached to the F4.   Perhaps you ran into an inexperienced pre-examiner.
  22. My last (F4 Trust) was submitted 19 March and went pending 22 May.  I am afraid to call.
  23. For $300.00, I'll send them a stool sample.  Anyone have an address?
  24. I see no reason why you wait.  Have the trust drawn up now.  Just make sure your trust doesn't require a schedule of trust assets be incorporated in the trust document.


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