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Everything posted by plottman

  1. East Hickman High School Atheletic Boosters will again be hosting Middle Tenn Gun and Knife Expo this year at the VFW post in Dickson Tn. Dates will be August 1st and 2nd. Sat 9-5 Sun 9-4 , Table rental is 40.00 admission is 5.00 chilren 12 and under 1.00,full consessions will be available. Last year was a great turnout, bring your guns to sell/trade or rent a table and sell your whole collection. all proceeds go to the East Hickman High School Atheletic Boosters.
  2. loose 777 powder at wal-mart has never failed me.
  3. One of the guys here at my work has a real M-16 he bought back in the 70's it is unfired, he has placed a value of 20,000.00 on it, To me I would never pay that for it even if i was rich. Why are these guns so valuable?
  4. Dickson sportsman store in Dickson Tn. I have been going there for 20 plus years I love the owner he will take all the time needed with you to be sure you are educated on your purchase, thier prices are good, and they usually have a awesome used selection. Nashville Sporting arms are the worst ( guy is a jerk and selection suxx), followed closely by Franklin gun shop, I went in there to get a shotgun forend for my pro hunter, they could care less about helping me find it. needless to say in that huge inventory they did not have it, and never offered to order it after I asked about ordering. If your not there spending a buttload of money I guess they could care less about you. They do have a great selection, but they are crazy on thier old gun/collector gun prices. 1199.00 for a fired,no box , buffalo bill rifle is comical. Thier colt SAA 1st gen. are almost double what they are actually worth.
  5. It all went thru and i got my gun...... the one thing i dont understand, TBI, FBI or whoever does it goes thru all this to verify my prints and is in contact with the agency where my name was evidently used, but they dont correct it ? I am supposed to do a VAF now, One would figure they would correct the errors when they find them ? ? ? ? ? to just leave the identified error "as is" is wrong. The bad thing is I still do not know where or when my name was used....... i guess that is "top secret" , my name is on a file somewhere in the USA that was a crime ,or something disqualifing me to own a firearm and they wont even tell me.. Thats what burns me up more than anything....
  6. Yes this really stinks, especially when you have never even had a ticket in your life.
  7. Yes my SSN was included. I have bought about 30 guns thru FFL in the last 3 years,most old Winchesters but a few pistols ect. The form was filled out as always.
  8. I have heard the nightmares and stories, now it has happened to me. I am a 43 year old white male, been employed at the same company for 20 years, I have never, ever, ever........even had the first brush with the law, never even had a traffic ticket. Never been arrested, never been served any order of protection,garishments,civil or criminal, nothing never ever..... ( I wanted to make it perfectly clear). I have bought numerous guns over the years, the longest it took was about 10 minutes, the most recent was about a month ago, again with no problem. I find a great deal on a bolt action rifle at a pawn shop and began the paperwork to make the purchase, well about 30 min later, I was notified my purchase was denied. TBI would not tell the dealer nothing. And gave me a appeal form that he had me complete and immediatly faxed ( I have bought guns there many times before), At this time I was very angry and confused, why? I got the number to TBI and managed to get in contact with the people at the gun check dept. I explained to them that I have never had any legal issues at all, they would not tell me anything but that my name was used as an alias before. That was it, and that i would have to go thru the appeal process. Needless to say I feel violated and stepped on by the laws that are in place to keep guns away from Felons and Criminals. There was little that TBI was willing to do except tell me to go thru the appeal process. Is thier any more avenues or people I can contact who would be willing to help me get my right to buy a gun back ? This has me so angry but I dont know what to do.


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