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Everything posted by DeepSouth

  1. Shelby farms would be better for me. Don't care for indoor ranges.
  2. DeepSouth


    I bought a Mec Jr in 12 gauge from a coworker in the 70's and it's been in the box ever since. Came with 2 buckets of hulls, small amount of shot, powder and primers. A 410 kit on ebay is close to $200. I bought a Lee Load All in 20 gauge at a yard sale about the same time. I should have bought a few different gauges back then since 410 isn't listed anymore. 12, 16 and 20 gauge hulls are cheap and easy to find, not 410. Plastic hulls will reload average 5 to 10 times, depending on the crimp. Can trim back and make shorter ones. Straight wall brass without a crimp are showing 20 and more reloads. 209 primers at the local store are $15 per pack, large pistol are $8 to 10. Hulls will need a press for most every stage. Brass needs a universal decapping die, a 444 Marlin sizing and decapping die ever so often. Can be loaded with a wood dowel. I guess the crimp could be trimmed off hulls and use an over card. I'll be using fiber wads instead of plastic wads. Paid monthly installments on doctor bills last night. Looks like the shotgun gets to wait a bit longer. A battery for my truck will cut into grocery money this month. Oh well, will have a bunch of brass loaded for fire forming when gun is bought. The shipment of brass is suppose to be delivered Saturday. Still sitting at Indy, IN USPS hub at 7:35 this morning. A package takes 2 days to get through the Memphis, TN hub. There's an estate auction at Hernando, MS today noon till 6 pm. In one photo I see part of an IMR powder jug, black label with gold print. I think it could be 700X. Reloading supplies are on the list. Same photo, looks like a good size stack of Wolf ammo in boxes, maybe 2 or 3 cases. Sell it higher per box than by the case. I'd love to go but no money.
  3. I found my bag of 50 303 Britt casings. Got them decapped and polished. Bought 140 303 Britt brass today from another state's gun forum 140 for $65 shipped. One person said he uses 300 Win Mag casings for 410 reloads. Soldiers a 12 gauge copper wire in the grove then shapes it the head. To much work for me in my small shop Almost bought 500 7.62X39 casings for $85. All of mine are brass, I have empties, dies and 100 bullets if I want to reload. Got a list of casings other people use for 410 reloads. 410 brass, 303 Britt, 444 Marlin, 9.3X74R, 300 win mag, 30-40 Krag, 7.63X74R, 7X57R Might be 7X74R. All will use a large pistol primer. Seems all the loads for fire forming the casings is the same. Replace spent large rifle with large pistol primer. 2.6 gr Bullseye, packed. Fill casing to below neck with grits, packed. Fill the neck with toilet tissue, packed. May use Elmer glue to hold tissue in place. Shoot gun straight up into the air. May need a second loading. Shooting it level can cause the neck to form one sided and a few more shots will be needed to form it right.
  4. It was in 90 to 92 when I went to the penal farm range, We hardly ever travel east on Walnut Grove past Humphry anymore. I lose my driving restriction April 1st and ready to get back on the road. I just can't go far now without a nap.
  5. Good price, 0.056 each.
  6. Bullets too. With my light 38spl 2.5 loads I can see a difference if needed.
  7. DeepSouth


    First thing at West clinic is a blood test. Usually the IV in my shoulder port feels like one in the arm. A different nurse today and felt nothing, She's that good. They draw 5 tubes of blood every 2 weeks plus up to that much from any other doctor or clinic Next was a visit with the doctor. My chart looks great except enemic (sp). It's at 9 where the lowest should be 11. They will address that later. Infusion went a lot faster today. Next infusion visit is in 2 weeks. They will do a CT, after reading it they will know what needs done next. Rain started about noon and will end about 6 pm. Average wind is 25 mph., gust to 40 until morning. Sounds like T nasty weather for some. We didn't shop on the way home. Sitting in bed with laptop I'm looking everywhere for 410 load data. Sending a lot of links to an email folder and filling a notebook. Using brass casings I should be able to load #9 through #4 shot for $3 to 6 per box. TSS loads about $18 per 25, local store has them for $49 for 5. Thought I was limited to 410 hulls, 410, 303, 444 and 9.3X74 R brass. Looking at Cast B I can search for 7X57R, 300 Win mag, and 30-40 Krag too. Some need the head stamped sanded a bit so the breach will open/close, about 0.005.
  8. Dad bought a gallon bag of 38spl ammo without primers. Another gallon without powder. I smacked the hammer on a piece of firewood while watching tv. Did about 3/4 of them in 2 days.
  9. DeepSouth


    My son and I went to the one pawn shop in Horn Lake, the one in Southaven, the one on Hwy 61 headed to the Tunica casinos, one at the Tunica outlet mall, one in Whitehaven and one on 3rd street. All had breach load single shot 410's. Starting price for a used gun $250. Will search other Memphis pawn shops a bit more. The Charles Daily 101 walnut for $120 is looking better at this time Saturday I got 50 spent 303 Britt casings in the mail, 10 cents each plus $3 shipping. Got them decapped and polished, will prime them today. Got powder, grits and toilet paper ready to load for fireforming. Just need a gun. On a facebook fishing group I posted I was looking for a 410, hulls and casings. Got a reply from a member from Columbus, MS. Hasn't reloaded in years, moving and wants stuff out of the way. He's shipping me all his 410 hulls, primers, shot, 303 Britt, 444 Marlin, 44spl/mag, 45 Colt, 45 ACP casings, primers and bullets. On my facebook feed I got a link to Palmetto State Armory Daily Deals. Free shipping on $60 purchase. I ordered $65 worth and the site wouldn't take my card. Checked the bank account, been paying doctor bills and down to $55. Redid the order for $45. Got an email comp. Will see soon if the site is real or not. Wolf 7.62X39 $1.99, Remington 20 ga 7 1/2 $1.99, Wolf 223 $2.49. Infusion tomorrow from 10 am till finished. Rain in the forecast starting about 11 am till 7 pm. No shopping on the way home.
  10. DeepSouth


    I hadn't used the feeding tube since about the middle of January, crush pills so no swallowing. Been doing good with them since. I'm getting out a bit more the last few days. Raked and blew the sideway and driveway off. Got a mountain of leaves in the narrow side of the driveway. That's where they mostly end up anyways. Been doing a few short shopping runs to easy what my granddaughter has to do. Not having a shotgun press I built a stand to decap hulls with a punch and hammer. Got 2 large coffee cans of decapped 410 hulls now. Got outdoors Wednesday and changed it up some, added a 4X4 block, grain end up for a punch bench. Looked online for over cards and fiber wads. I've got a cart full of out of stock items on a few websites. Might get 1 or 2 items in but waiting for all. Watched a few Utube videos of reloading 303 britt, 444 Marlin and 9.3X74R brass as 410's. Fire forming the bottle necks using grits. Some were making their own over cards and wads with a punch. I have a Harbor Freight hand held punch that goes up to 7/16", it's been a non-stock item for a few years. I have snack size baggies filled with different thickness cardstock and cardboard 7/16" disc now. My son is making a jig to glue and hold the disc in place to make 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2" thick wads. Bought a hollow punch set and started punching 1/2" disc. Striking the grain end of the block isn't very noisy and it sets just right at the side of the bed. I won the bid for a Lee 45 Colt die set, $15 plus $8 shipping. Size and load some shorty 45 Colt/410 loads My wife's electric recliner has 3 remotes on wires. She keeps losing the tv remote. It's tiny compared to the other 3. See if I can figure out a leach for it soon. Digging into the chair has the back of my hands red, black and blue. My son is suppose to be here at 10:30 so we can visit a few gun & pawn shops looking for a cheap 410 shotgun. May have to go into Memphis.
  11. Won the bid on a Lee 45 Colt die set, $15 plus $8 shipping. Will me making 410 shorty loads.
  12. Been looking for a 410 single breach load shotgun since I've got all these reloading supplies built up. Trying to find an older used one cheap. The pawn shop near me had 2 yesterday, $250 and 275. Might have to check some places in Memphis. Sportsman's Warehouse has the Charles Daily 101, black plastic $110, walnut $120. Might be the cheapest I can find.
  13. Welcome from Horn Lake, MS
  14. Ballistic Products has $9.99 hazmat using code HAZ11, Cheap shipping using code FEB11. Wish what I want was in stock.
  15. Anyone near go to the Penal Farm gun range? It's been ages since I went there. Wondering if we could set up canopies, tables, grill for a few hours. I hate to drive that far to check on things. Figure someone close by could do that. Maybe mid April would work.
  16. DeepSouth


    Yes, infusion Is a chemo treatment. Granddaughter helped change the bandage then I had a slice of pizza for dinner with a pint of Jumex pineapple/coconut drink. This morning the bandage is damp and some of the tape doesn't want to stick to my hairy belly. Change it out soon and see what I find on it. It's clear on the outside. Glad we/I got everything caught up before the snow started yesterday, 3 inches on the ground this morning. Haven't heard any traffic on my street since 5:50.
  17. DeepSouth


    Yesterday I looked over the stuff that will be at the zoom estate auction last night. Not much I care about, about 100 lbs of lead is about it. I pull a container of chili from the freezer, into a pan on the stove at low heat. I've got an infusion session for today and take a shower while waiting. Stepping out of the shower and drying off I feel the feeding tube has fell out of my belly. We know very little about it so Jason is called to take me to ER at 7:30. The doctor said it had pulled out of my stomach and can be put back in. I had plans to talk with doctor today about removing it. The ER doctor removed it. Need a CT to see how things are going inside. All good and released at 12:40 am. West clinic infusion visit started at 9:30 am today with lab work. Visit with doctor was next. I asked how long it will it be before I can eat without leakage. That's hard to say. Eat lightly for a week or more and things should be fine. Hold off on large meals for a while. Watch for leakage and call for help if needed.
  18. The spillways of the big 3 lakes in MS are lined up with people snagging and catching. MDFWP reduced the daily limit to 10 per person on the big 4 lakes. Butla is closed due to outlet tunnel damage and the lake level is super low.
  19. Any plans for a Meet & Greet this year?
  20. Wish I had a reason to drive your way.
  21. Welcome from Horn Lake, MS
  22. Canada geese are everywhere here in DeSoto County, MS. Can't enjoy a day at a park without poop in the shoes.
  23. DeepSouth


    I'm able to get out and shop for myself more. SuperLo has Boston Butts for $1.49 per lb. They are cut at or near halves which fits in an oval crock pot better. I cooked one Saturday on high for 4 hours, wife said on low over night. Nope I had to dig it out of the pot since it was falling apart. Removed the bone and fat, meat into another crock pot bag. Juice and fat into a container into the fridge. Sunday morning the bag was put back in the crock pot. The fat was spooned off the top of the juice and trashed. 3/4 cup of juice mixed with BBQ sauce was stirred into the meat. Crock pot set on warm for most of the day. At dinner time the meat was super tender. I cooked store bought frozen fried and onion rings, made a pot of baked beans too. The rings were sweat so I had 1 bite. It was the breading, not the onion. The bun was tough so I eat the meat and slaw. Not really a fan of fries unless I have a mustard sauce, out of horse relish sauce. Monday again after the first. Head out to pay utility and doctor bills that I can't pay online. May shop while out too.
  24. Welcome from Horn Lake, MS. In my travels to and from Nashville years ago Dickson was a regular stop along the way. I bought 2 Lee press kits from people that thought they wanted to reload at great prices posted on craigslist.


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