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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. I was an Eagle Scout and we did this sort of wilderness survival thing several times. I carry enough stuff in my truck to get me by were I to break down somewhere also. What's in my kit depends on the season. I don't carry winter clothes in the summer, etc. "Be prepared".
  2. You guys are going to be eating bark and beetles before it's over.
  3. Depending on what time it happens, perhaps before or after we can adjourn to one of the nearby restaurants for some grub. There's a Moe's burrito place and a new Red Robin burger joint within 2 blocks. Red Robin is brand spanking new and stays really crowded, though.
  4. Happy to have you with us, Rick. Make yourself at home!
  5. That young'n has some long legs and arms. Is she half spider-monkey?
  6. Anyone with a handgun carry permit who arrives unarmed has to buy breakfast for the group.
  7. Sounds like we've got more than enough people to do this. I'm going to sit down with a calendar and pick out a date not too far from now. Would 2-3 weeks advance notice be enough for most folks? Also... anyone completely opposed to eating breakfast at a Cracker Barrel restaurant? They're all right off the Interstate usually which would make it easy for folks to find the meeting place.
  8. TGO David

    FN Five-Seven

    My brother keeps flirting with the idea of buying one. I wouldn't want to pay a grand for that handgun (there are plenty that I would) and I wouldn't want to pay the ammo prices for it either.
  9. 2007 American Cancer Society Celebrity Shoot Honorary Chairs Pat and Ronnie Barrett When Saturday, August 25 Where Stones River Hunter Education Center Antioch, Tennessee Celebrities Rep. Glen Casada, Sen. Jack Johnson, Cong. Marsha Blackburn, Rep. Philip Johnson Entry Fee $125 per person, $500 per four person team Includes lunch, targets, referees, banquet ticket and prizes Event Detail Teams of four shooters will join in a .22 target shoot with local celebrities to compete for prizes donated from local sponsors. A banquet will follow, complete with a silent auction, entertainment, hors d’oeuvres and awards ceremony. Income Enhancers All levels of sponsorships will be available for local vendors. Tickets will be available for spectators, and individual tickets will be available for the awards banquet. The Mission The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and patient services. Contact 615.341.7323 (Please note that an Adobe PDF version of this flyer is attached to this post) 2007 ACS Celebrity Shoot.pdf
  10. Received this via email. Good reading. http://www.nraila.org/issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?ID=193 Parking Lot Gun Laws and the Right to Transport Firearms Should people who lawfully possess firearms be able to leave them locked in their motor vehicles, on business property? Common sense would say, "yes." All 50 states allow the transportation of firearms in motor vehicles for all lawful purposes and 48 states allow the carrying of firearms in vehicles for personal protection, in some manner.1 More than one of every four of America`s 65-80 million gun owners carries a firearm in his or her vehicle for protection. The U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of 46 states protect the right to arms and/or self-defense.3 And since 1986, federal law has protected the right to transport firearms in vehicles interstate. However, over the last few years disagreements over the right of people to leave firearms locked in their vehicles on business property have arisen. As a result, five state legislatures have passed, and during their current legislative sessions additional states are considering passing, laws to protect that right. The issue began in 2002 in Oklahoma, when the Weyerhaeuser corporation fired employees for having guns in personal vehicles on company property. The Oklahoma Legislature responded, unanimously in the House and by a vote of 92-4 in the Senate, by prohibiting "any policy or rule" prohibiting law-abiding people "from transporting and storing firearms in a locked vehicle." Arguments raised against the right of people, particularly employees, to leave firearms in locked vehicles on business property are unconvincing: A business owner`s private property rights are not affected by a law preventing the micro-management of the lawful contents of a person`s privately-owned automobile. Moreover, an employer`s private property interests do not trump a person`s right to have a firearm available for self-defense, if needed, during the daily commute to and from work. As with all civil rights, employers and owners of commercial property may not act with disregard to the rights of citizens. Reasonable accommodation is the foundation of the protection of all civil rights. A commercial landowner is subject to numerous limits, imposed by the federal, state and local governments, on what may and may not occur on its property. Employees have a legitimate private property interest where their automobiles and their contents are concerned. In our legal system, property rights extend to property other than land. Most gun-related violent crimes in workplaces are committed by non-employees. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 84% of all workplace murders are committed by strangers; 7% are committed by current or former employees.6 Naturally, strangers and former employees are not bound by any company policy pertaining to employees. Anyone determined to commit a violent crime will not be prevented from doing so by a mere company policy against having guns in cars. This should go without saying, since criminals are already willing to break laws against murder, rape, robbery and assault. Laws protecting the right to leave firearms in locked motor vehicles do not authorize a person to have a firearm outside his or her vehicle. Laws protecting the right to leave firearms in locked motor vehicles on business property specifically protect the property owner from liability for any related injuries or damages. Also, if a business prohibits people from possessing the means to defend themselves in their vehicles, it is potentially liable for injuries and damages incurred for failure to provide adequate security. The problem of workplace crimes has been exaggerated. The nation`s violent crime rate has declined every year since 1991 and is now at a 30-year low, the murder rate is at a 39-year low, and workplace violent crime has decreased more than violent crime generally. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health says, "the circumstances of workplace homicides differ substantially from those portrayed by the media and from homicides in the general population."
  11. TGO David

    I'm an idiot

    Did you drop the mag afterward and visually inspect from within the mag well?
  12. Put me down for what he said.
  13. I took a few of the verboten words out of the chat filter today. The "F-Bomb" and some racial slurs are still in there, but otherwise we'll leave it up to everyone to conduct themselves maturely. Here's why I choose to censor some things, however, and why I feel that it's ok to remove some of the censorship in the chat system: Many of us view the forum from home (where there might be kids watching) or from work where our employer might use web-filtering software to keep "objectionable material" off of their computers. The reason we don't want a lot of profanity in the forums is easy to see in the former reason. We don't want kids being given any more exposure to certain language than they already get. The latter reason is a little more complex. If your employer uses web-filtering software, TNGunOwners might skate through the filter just fine until a lot of dirty words start showing up in posts. When that happens, some web filters would start building a case against TNGunOwners and might eventually block us due to profanity depending on how stringent the filter's rules are. So we'd more or less end up shooting ourselves in the foot. Likewise, there are some Internet Service Providers that advertise web filtering as one of their assets. One or two that are operated as ISPs for Christian households come to mind. Profanity would likewise possibly end up blocking us for customers of those ISPs. Now why do I think it's OK to lighten up the chat system? Being that it is Flash-based, text is being transmitted a little differently from our server to you. That means some web filters might not even spot it. Also, chat sessions are not kept indefinitely the same way that posts to the forum are. What you say in chat doesn't linger around forever. Finally, chat gives you a place to let your hair down a bit - within reason. If you feel like what's being said in chat is improper, then you should be able to voice that concern to the other participants and they should be considerate of you. Like Marswolf said, it's self policing. Hope that makes sense.
  14. I can fix that too.
  15. I have to agree with this statement. I'm expecting the CTAC for my new M&P 40c to arrive tomorrow, but in the meantime I have been forced to wear my Kimber 1911 in it's own CTAC. It's the only handgun that I have right now that has an accompanying holster for CCW. Yesterday I wore a loose fitting black T-shirt over top of a tucked in white t-shirt and jeans. CTAC with Kimber at about 2:00 set with the clips so that it had a definite forward body incline cant. The Kimber is a Tactical Pro II commander size 1911. 4" bbl and shortened grip. I went and did some shopping at the local Walmart and no one "made" me. I started out feeling like everyone was going to spot it printing against the shirt, but not really caring too much if they did since I've got a permit and could have just as legally carried openly if I'd wanted to. To my knowledge, I was the only person who knew I was carrying. If anyone else noticed they never said anything. Seems that the only other people who ever really notice things like that are carrying too. Sheepdogs tend to spot fellow sheepdogs while the sheep just amble through life unaware. Very true. I've got to get some square-bottom "camp shirts" to wear this summer I think. It'll be the first summer that I have carried daily. A little embarrassed to admit that, but it's true. I just refuse to wear a Hawaiian print shirt! And with a dark colored shirt, the silhouette of the gun's grip beneath your shirt will disappear against your arm.
  16. *sigh* Hornet Handler and I were thinking about going to the range yesterday but we ended up hitting a few snags while working on his wife's car. This weather is almost too nice to be shooting indoors... may have to give the Hobson Pike outdoor range a try soon!
  17. I'll modify the chat thing so that the music is turned off.
  18. Welcome, Tracy. Glad to see you joining us.
  19. Welcome, Dave! I had a friend growing up who's family owned a farm over in Clinton. I went down there once or twice to help out on the place. Fun stuff, but hard work! Congrats on your recent CCW application. My wife's expecting hers any day now.
  20. That's the truth! It was fun getting to chat with everyone. Towerclimber just ain't right.
  21. Congrats on the P229. That is an excellent firearm!
  22. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/misc.php?do=flashchat Come join us.
  23. Absolutely.
  24. You might be able to find a SOG Flash II tanto like the one I carry for $50-60 on eBay. It's exactly what you described, except I think I paid about $80 for mine. ...edit... http://cgi.ebay.com/SOG00408-SOG-Flash-II-Tanto-Knife-Combo_W0QQitemZ150103367405QQcategoryZ88920QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


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