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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. 9mm is cheap... get your butt out there and practice then!
  2. Sounds like you need to figure out where your "neutral grip" is and teach yourself to come back to that point after every shot. I'm working on it myself and have gotten progressively better. http://www.handgunsmag.com/tactics_training/combatg_100306/ Good article to read right there.
  3. By the time recoil hits you, the bullet has left the barrel. You need to work on your trigger pull. Trust me, this has been my own personal demon lately while getting adjusted to the M&P. When you press the trigger, it should literally be a surprise to you when the sear breaks.
  4. Low and to the left tells me that you're jerking the trigger as the sear breaks.
  5. Welcome! We'd love to sell you a banner ad on the site to help keep things afloat. Plus you'd get some pretty focused advertising.
  6. Press Announcement From The U.S. Attorney General For years, the United States Government has held the position that pedophilia is an abhorrent crime against children deserving the utmost of punishment against those whom engage in such despicable acts. We have waged this war with mixed results, catching and imprisoning far fewer pedophiles than have slipped through the nets. Countless millions of dollars have been spent in our war against crimes on children, the toll of which is starting to weigh heavily upon the government and taxpayers alike. Regretfully we must admit that our best efforts have not been good enough and that the time has come to admit defeat. Therefore, we are instead embracing those who were previously law breakers and through a sweeping change in legislation, are proud to state that these felons are now upstanding members of society, engaging in sexual congress with minor children under the full blessing of the United States government. Effective today, pedophilia is no longer a crime but a legitimate physical expression of love between an adult and a minor. Parents, we appreciate your cooperation in facilitating this ground breaking change. Just think of the common good and the millions of taxpayer dollars that you are saving!
  7. Ever heard the adage that says "if it's worth doing, it is worth doing right" ? Right hasn't always been synonymous with quick and easy.
  8. Let's legalize marijuana and pedophilia while we're at it then. Because by your logic, making an illegal act "legal" would help me feel better about it. Awesome! I think the anti-illegal crowd has it's head screwed on straight, then. Where's yours? PS: I mean no offense. Mike said you're the guy with the rapier wit so I figured I'd play a little.
  9. I don't see how you can argue that it isn't an enforcement problem when illegal aliens are, by definition, breaking Federal law by being here in the first place. Round them up, send them home! Blaming the conditions that brought them here is like arguing that a psychopathic murderer shouldn't face the death penalty because he was touched inappropriately by a priest as a child. Crossing our borders illegally ought to be a "shoot on sight" offense. But that's just my narrow minded view on things.
  10. These drills are actually really good. Many of them are common practice for shooting sports like USPSA and IDPA.
  11. Awesome... really glad you folks are going to try to be there.
  12. Here is an Adobe PDF document that contains some good handgun training drills that you can do at the range with only your brains, your handgun, targets, stopwatch and plenty of ammunition. Tennessee Gun Owners makes no claims to the accuracy of the information provided in this document. We did not produce it, I am just redistributing it here because I think that it has tangible educational value. Shoot safe!!! HandgunDrills.pdf
  13. Good to hear it's all going well, Chris. Now I'm sure you will have even more confidence when it comes time to go through that other operation you've been planning. I'm sure it has been hard being a woman stuck in a man's body all these years. :stare: Seriously though... congrats on the swift recovery. You'll be out there riding 4-wheelers before you know it.
  14. I'm going to throw this out there for the sake of conversation... Over the past 25 years... America has been lured away from producing petroleum from it's own natural reserves by the temptation of cheaper oil overseas. As more of our money was spent with OPEC, more and more American petroleum companies shut down because they couldn't compete with the cut-rate products coming from the Arab world. Today we have a domestic petroleum industry that is pretty much a lifeless shadow of what it used to be one short generation ago. And now that OPEC has set the hook firmly in our jaw, they have ratcheted prices back up and taken away the cheap fuel that we had come to depend on. We've allowed ourselves as a nation to be sold out for the promise of "cheap energy" and now find ourselves completely dependent upon foreign oil sources. If you think that this wasn't the master design of the Arab emirates to begin with, you're kidding yourself. Compounding the problem, we have domestic sissies (Democrats, Liberals, Environmentalists, etc.) who staunchly refuse to allow domestic oil companies to drill in places where American oil resides. Alaska, the coastal areas, others... completely off limits because a few a--hole organizations, which are probably being subsidized by foreign oil conglomerates if we were privy to the truth of the matter, stand between us and energy independence. We're fighting an enemy within AND without. The same thing has happened to the domestic steel / iron production companies as well, but it's the Japanese and other Pacific Rim countries who lured us away with cheaper metals. And Americans, lazy and eager to pay less, have allowed it to happen. America is being sold to foreign interests, part and parcel. It's been happening for the past 50+ years but anyone who has had the intelligence to spot it along the way has been discredited as an extremist, alarmist wacko or as being anti-global economy. Only now are more mainstream Americans starting to see that the alarm that's been sounding for so long wasn't just a few zealots crying wolf. So, America finds itself at a crossroads. Do we as a nation retake control of our natural resources and tell the rest of the world to go fist itself, or do we allow our children's and grand children's legacies be sold off to the lowest bidder? WAKE UP, AMERICA!!! Just my $0.02 USD worth.
  15. I've dealt with them several times and it's always been a pleasure.
  16. I suppose you could claim that oil companies should have a conscience and do their "patriotic duty" and cut profit margins some, but really... they are in the business to make money and this is a capitalist system. Besides, most of these oil companies are foreign interests anyway, and they could care less about helping America to that degree.
  17. I have never thought my kydex Comp-Tac CTAC holster was uncomfortable and I have worn it for 12+ hours before. A good kydex holster, like the CTAC, will be just as comfortable as a leather holster and has the added advantage that it retains it's shape, is easier to reholster, faster to unholster, doesn't retain sweat or moisture and doesn't retain dirt / grit like leather does. Moister, dirt and grit are all damaging to the finish of a firearm. That said, I do have a premium quality leather IWB holster on order from K&D Holsters for my 5" 1911. I've owned a few low-end leather holsters (like Galco) in the past and found them to be garbage. I've heard nothing but rave reviews for K&D's stuff so I thought I'd splurge a little and put my 1911 in a traditional leather rig just to see how it works out. Whatever you do... if you go leather do NOT skimp on quality. Cheap holsters end up in the trash or in box o' holsters in your closet. They generally sour you to the idea of carrying for extended periods of time due to being uncomfortable or poorly designed. Likewise do NOT skimp on a good stiff belt designed for the purpose of carrying a firearm. Your belt is the foundation for your carry rig and will make or break the comfort and practicality of your setup. An uncomfortable belt / holster combo will get left at home more often than not, and the first rule of surviving any gunfight is to bring a gun. Wilderness Tactical makes some very nice nylon web belts that are perfect for this and fairly economical. Countless holster makers produce stiff leather belts but they tend to be a little pricier and there will be a wait time on delivery. For that matter, there's almost always a wait time on delivery for a premium leather holster as well. 6-12 weeks tends to be the norm on holsters, a little shorter than that on belts. Here are some good places to check: www.comp-tac.com -- Produces quality Kydex carry gear www.kdholsters.com -- Produces quality leather carry gear www.tuckergunleather.com -- Produces quality leather carry gear and belts www.thebeltman.net -- Produces quality leather gun belts www.bulmangunleather.com -- Produces quality leather carry gear and belts www.gunnersalley.com -- Sells some of the above plus Wilderness Tactical gun belts and their own leather gun belts Those are just off the top of my head but I have had personal experience with several and have heard nothing but high praise for the others.
  18. The Glock 26/27 always struck me as being the most oddball sized and worst feeling ergonomically of the Glock family. It's a very fat handgun for CCW and you might as well carry the 19 instead as it's not all that much bigger and has a far more comfortable grip. I am serious when I recommend the Smith and Wesson M&P 9c as an alternative. If you haven't held one, you owe it to yourself to do that before deciding. Kahr gets a huge Meh... from me. I've owned a P9 in the past and sold it within a week of purchase. Just not my idea of a good handgun.
  19. Welcome! Glad to have new folks signing up. Got a larger version of your avatar picture that you could share? I think I know what it says (Now you can have it?) but a bigger version would be awesome.
  20. For a daily carry gun, you probably won't be able to beat a hard chrome refinish. Far more durable even than the Robar NP3 or Roguard products. There are a bunch of places that will redo your XD in hard chrome, and I can provide contact information if that's what you desire. One nice thing about HC is that it can be done in such a way that it has a more matte like appearance, so if shiny isn't your mug o' beer then you can have it a little duller. As for the Robar NP3... I've heard that it holds up extremely well also. I'll be able to give you a better feel for the look and quality of it after I receive my XD9 back from Robar. Which should be just about any day now.
  21. The Tennessee Firearms Association Nashville Chapter meeting is presently scheduled for Tuesday, June 19th at 7:00pm. Location: Academy of Personal Protection and Security 336 Hill Ave. Nashville, TN 37210 (map) Featured Guest / Speaker: To be announced. Folks, if you live in or around Nashville this meeting is worth attending. The TFA is the only locally active lobbying organization that works diligently to both protect and further the rights of gun owners in Tennessee. This organization was instrumental in getting the Handgun Carry Permit laws passed and is constantly working to expand our rights. For the past year or two there has not been an active chapter in middle Tennessee. In my opinion that is a crying shame since Nashville is the home base of the TFA and Nashville is the State capitol... where all of the laws get passed! It seems to me that the majority of people feel that just paying a membership fee and joining the organization is "doing their part" but this just isn't the case. The TFA needs warm bodies occupying seats at these meetings and needs people who care about their God given rights to mobilize themselves and write letters, make phone calls, send emails and sometimes even visit with their elected representatives. We cannot just hope that someone else does the leg work! Please, consider coming to the meeting if you can. If the Nashville chapter gets off the ground and stays afloat, then we can investigate the prospect of forming chapters in other outlying middle Tennessee counties so that attending monthly meetings doesn't require making a long drive into Davidson County. See you there???
  22. From looking at the club's web site, it appears that the Manchester folks are not doing a USPSA shoot the weekend of May 26th (as is the norm for the 3rd weekend of the month) but rather that they are hosting an IPDA sectional match instead. Can anyone here who is affiliated with their club confirm that this is the case?
  23. And in other news.... http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070518/NEWS03/705180421/-1/RSS05 I'm frankly so pissed off about so many things in this article that I can't begin to properly articulate my thoughts. Could the Tennessean possibly paint a more anti-law, pro-illegal activity slant on the issue of illegal aliens being arrested?!?WTF is this country coming to?!?!?
  24. Smith and Wesson M&P 9c.


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