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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. I wouldn't kick a SIG 220 out of bed for eating crackers, that's for sure. The P220 Carry Elite Two-Tone makes me want to whip out a cloth diaper and start polishing a firearm just for Triggertime.
  2. I've been using some new stuff lately that I really like a lot. It's called "Weapon Shield" and is available from Steel Shield Technologies. The proprietor is the guy who invented Shooter's Choice FP-10 when he worked for a previous employer. He was (may still be) giving away free samples if you emailed him at gcfennell@steelshieldtech.com and requested it. I'm really impressed with the product and will be ordering some soon from one of the distributors.
  3. What... you guys don't think that maybe Jodie Foster took the role knowing good and well that not only would she get paid for it, but that it would also stir up anti-gun sentiment among the feminist elite?
  4. Nah... the 1911 works great if a competent smith goes through it and sets it up to be a workhorse rather than a showpiece. Kimber makes a decent enough starting point and most run well out of the box, but there's a reason why most SWAT teams and such have their 1911's fully worked over. Were I in K191145's shoes, I would have had that firearm's chamber reamed to SAAMI specs and probably ditched the stock Kimber extractor for a Wilson Bulletproof extractor. Those two things would probably fixed a lot of the feed problems he experienced. A 1911 set up as a fighting pistol will generally run as well as any Glock on the market and be just as receptive to abuse and neglect. No need to oil them to the point that they drip all over the place.
  5. OK... so it's that time again... What can we do to further improve the site NOW? The databases are up and operational. We've got a quick way to clear out the unread posts per Mars' suggestion, and we've got a better facility for tracking what posts are really read and which are unread between each visit. What about our photo gallery? Do you like the way it works? I for one have always had a love/hate relationship with that gallery software but it's the best one for the vBulletin forums right now. That doesn't mean I can't pressure the software's author to improve upon things though. Any other areas that you guys see needing work? Or maybe it's not a functional improvement but something that we can improve about the atmosphere here? Let 'er rip. I want all suggestions, even the ones that might leave a welt.
  6. Already done.
  7. Well... they saw a gun they thought that they didn't like once, but they realized they were mistaken when it was pointed out that it belonged to an advertiser.
  8. Remember... It's not paranoia if they're really after you.
  9. His spam filter probably blocked the email that the forum sends out to activate an account. Yahoo does that for some reason.
  10. Hah... well, contrary to what Triggertime says, I try not to run it like a fiefdom so I try to steer clear of the "My Ball, My Game" rule of engagement. But yeah, I suppose that card could be played if I am forced into it. Maybe I should have worded my proposal this way: Talking about conspiracy theories can be entertaining as long as it's not taken seriously. Once you start taking it seriously, you start to appear as an unstable extremist to the rest of the world. Since we as gun owners and proponents of the 2nd Amendment rights afforded us by our forefathers prefer to keep our best face forward to the rest of the world, it seems to me that it would be in our best interest if we not engage in those sorts of discussions here. a.) It erodes our credibility with those whom we are working to affect positive change through the lightening of restrictions against our Constitutionally guaranteed, God given rights. b.) It distracts us from real issues and causes us to waste time jousting against windmills. See, Don Quixote. c.) It makes us look like morons. d.) Therefore since there are many other web sites where this sort of thing is fervently discussed and believed in, why not take this thread of conversation to one of those and let us continue focusing on things that we can actually address and do something about. It's funny... someone else (who will remain unnamed) and I were talking about their apprehension for getting deeply involved in a certain quasi-political activist organization the other day. That person expressed that one of their reasons for being reluctant was because sometimes the most ardent 2A supporters are also serious conspiracy theorist wingnuts and that this person wasn't real keen on being seen in that light by association. They might have been onto something.
  11. ... yet.
  12. I was talking to Hornet Handler (Angelo) about this earlier today. We have a game plan for October now and November should be easy enough to accomplish and keep the momentum going as we head toward the home stretch for 2007. If anything, November can be a strategy session / round-table where we generate some ideas for events in 2008. Good time for snacks but we still try to keep it productive even though everyone's going to start having Holidayitis. December is probably going to be a bust as far as getting the max # of members together since so many Christmas oriented events are going on that month. What most clubs tend to do is just replace the regularly scheduled meeting with an informal get-together / dinner / social time at a local restaurant. We could even make it fun and have a Dirty Santa Gift Exchange. I wouldn't expect much "business" to get accomplished in December. Then the chapter could really kick things into get with January & February and push forward into 2008 on full throttle.
  13. Bah, you're jaded because you carry your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-uncle's weapon still.
  14. Well, if it matters... I agree with you. There are only rare occasions where I feel that OC is acceptable. The rest of the time, I like to keep my state of armament concealed. But... I don't know that the TFA has an official opinion on OC. If it does, I suspect it is similar to what you expressed in that OC is allowed so that we don't lose our carry privileges due to accidental flashing. I doubt that the Attorney General really feels comfortable with the idea of OC as a ritualistic mode of going armed. Other states (Kentucky for example) do not even require a permit for OC, therefore a person has nothing to lose politically speaking if they carry in that mode. But, Tennessee doesn't have those sort of roots so I think it's a totally different issue here.
  15. Ok, but let's talk about crop cirlces, alien abductions, anal probes and The DaVinci Code next. In all seriousness, if you wish to engage in discussions that make you look like an extremist... knock yourself out. If others want to dabble in it with you, so be it. But how about doing us a favor and not pooping in our pool in the process. Start a thread on one of the sundry Black Helicopter message boards and end this thread with a link to that discussion over there. Fair enough?
  16. I noticed that this went out as a TFA Alert a little while ago. Thanks John!
  17. TFA Nashville Chapter Meeting Announcement Tuesday, October 16th 2007. 6:30pm - 8:00pm *********************************************************************************** Please join us for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the TFA Nashville Chapter on Tuesday, October 16th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. This meeting will be held at the offices of the Academy of Personal Protection and Safety (APPS) which is located near the intersections of I-24 and I-40. Click here for an interactive map and driving directions. The guest speaker for this meeting will be lawyer and TFA Executive Director, John Harris. Mr. Harris will be delivering a topical discussion of what Tennessee handgun carry permit holders should do in those crucial minutes and hours following a self-defense shooting. This topic gets discussed frequently on the Internet but how much of what you have read has been good advice and how much of it would get you into deep trouble? Come prepared to hear the straight scoop from one of the lawyers who has been most instrumental in shaping recent Tennessee firearms law. FUTURE MEETINGS It was decided at the September 18th meeting that henceforth the Nashville Chapter will meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month. These meetings will commence at 6:30pm and run until 8:30pm and will be held at the APPS offices unless advance notice is given to the contrary. If there is ever a doubt as to whether we will have a chapter meeting for a given month, the answer is YES! 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm. OFFICER ELECTIONS 2008 It was also decided at the September 18th meeting that the Nashville Chapter will elect officers for the 2008 calendar year. Nominations for officer positions will be taken at the January 2008 meeting. The February 2008 meeting will consist of the nominees being given equal time at the podium to express why they feel that they are a good candidate for the job, and immediately following the club members shall vote and elect the officers. The positions that will be voted upon are: Chapter President Chapter Vice President Chapter Secretary / Treasurer Chapter Sargent at Arms If you would like to get involved from any of these aspects, please be sure to attend the meetings leading up to the elections! YOUR PRESENCE IS NEEDED! Folks, this chapter really needs warm bodies in seats on the meeting nights. I realize that it is a long haul for some of you to get there and that we've all got "life" pressing in on us and demanding our time for other things... but the simple fact of the matter is that without participation from the members, the Nashville chapter will eventually wither and die again. We don't want that to happen - right? PLEASE. Mark it on your calendar to be there in October. We are moving toward electing chapter officers in the first of 2008 and we are trying to plot the course of direction for the months ahead. I promise we aren't going to sit around and waste your time at these meetings. We hope to see you there!
  18. Wow. You know... I never took those musket comments seriously until now.
  19. Look... I told you I wasn't going to go around posting on the Internet about what you really do at the AFB on those night shifts [refilling the mind gas canisters for the airlines] so don't call me out on it.
  20. I've always trained to tap and rack... but that's just me.
  21. 09/19/07 9:25am I have sent Mr. Harris an email this morning explaining a little about what transpired last night and seeking access to the TFA list-serv so that Nashville chapter announcements can be sent out to the existing TFA mailing list subscribers. Memphis and Knoxville already do this. Chattanooga does as well? I can't remember. Anyway... it seems that this is the most obvious, direct way to get news about things pertinent to the Nashville chapter to the people who are already signed up to receive TFA alerts. If John can make this happen for us, I'll get an email put together ASAP and get it out to everyone on the list announcing the October meeting date and time.
  22. Seriously... this is all a bit ridiculous isn't it? I am sure there are better venues on the Internet to discuss conspiracy theories rather than erode the credibility of a Pro-2nd Amendment Rights community with that sort of talk. I for one don't care to have TGO associated with it.
  23. By the way... I really want to emphasize that me helping out with the communication area is absolutely an interim thing. January is the time for people to seek an appointed office and I'm not planning on nominating myself for anything. I just hate to see this fledgling effort fail before it gets off the ground and communication is one thing I can facilitate pretty easily via the Internet. Hopefully this is a duty that can be transitioned off to an elected officer (or appointed to someone by the officers) after February.
  24. Recap of the September 18, 2007 Meeting Standard Meeting Date & Time Several key things were accomplished tonight, not the least of which was the decision to establish a set date and time at the Nashville chapter will meet from this point forward. That date and time is to be the 3rd Tuesday of Every Month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the A.P.P.S facility. Unless an announcement is sent out superseding this for a given month, that meeting date, time and place stands. This should alleviate any future confusion over whether there is a meeting and when it is. The answer will be YES there is a meeting, and it's at 6:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday. The only exception would be if this fell on a holiday of some sort. Communication Is Key One of the things we've complained about here is that communication from the TFA regarding the Nashville chapter seems to have been lacking. I'm going to take John Harris up on his challenge to not just cajole from the sidelines and will be getting together with him this week to try and facilitate good communication to the greater Nashville TFA members on things pertinent to the chapter. I don't know if this means that Nashville will be represented in TFA email alerts or what. But it does mean that -- for the interim at least -- I am going to make it my personal responsibility to keep the Nashville members informed electronically. Electing Club Officers It was also decided tonight that the TFA Nashville chapter will kick off 2008 by electing officers. All posts will be up for election, including that of the chapter President ... a declaration made by Perry, the incumbent President himself. The January 2008 meeting will consist partially of taking nominations for the various offices. After nominations are taken and that part of the meeting is closed, there will be a guest speaker. Several ideas for the speaker were tossed around, one of which being a member of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations. Perhaps we could get him to tell us more about the "instant background checks" ... The February 2008 meeting will consist of each candidate for offices being given a set amount of time to tell us all why they feel that they are the person for the position they are applying for. Immediately following, elections will be held and officers will be appointed. The posts up for election will be: Chapter President or Chairman Chapter Vice President or Vice Chairman Secretary / Treasurer Sargent at Arms If you're interested in any of these, you should get involved and definitely be there for the January and February meetings. The Long Term Plan Quite a few ideas for guest speakers and chapter projects were tossed around tonight. More ideas will certainly be generated as more people get involved and obviously more people will get involved as the chapter holds productive, informative meetings. I think the general consensus tonight was that (a.) having a set date and time for meetings and (b.) electing officers to lead the chapter for 2008 were important things that will greatly shape the future of things. October 2007 Meeting Plan So what's up for October... When: Tuesday, October 16th at 6:30pm Where: Academy of Personal Protection and Security We are hoping that John Harris, TFA's Executive Director and lawyer extraordinaire, will join us once again but this time have a topical presentation followed by a Q&A session. I have yet to speak with Mr. Harris about any of this (sorry, John) but at least one idea was to have him speak on the subject of what you should do immediately following a self-defense shooting. I'm sure many of us would like to hear a lawyer's perspective on this... especially if that lawyer happens to be one who has been as instrumental in shaping some of our recent gun laws as Mr. Harris has. So there you have it. The Nashville chapter is alive and moving forward. But like any newly formed (or re-formed) venture, the success of this chapter depends on people getting involved. That part is up to you. ....... If any of you were also present tonight and have anything to add to this or corrections to make to what I've said, please post in this thread. I very easily could have mistakenly reported something inaccurately. It's been a long day.
  25. Recap of the September 18, 2007 Meeting Standard Meeting Date & Time Several key things were accomplished tonight, not the least of which was the decision to establish a set date and time at the Nashville chapter will meet from this point forward. That date and time is to be the 3rd Tuesday of Every Month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the A.P.P.S facility. Unless an announcement is sent out superseding this for a given month, that meeting date, time and place stands. This should alleviate any future confusion over whether there is a meeting and when it is. The answer will be YES there is a meeting, and it's at 6:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday. The only exception would be if this fell on a holiday of some sort. Communication Is Key One of the things we've complained about here is that communication from the TFA regarding the Nashville chapter seems to have been lacking. I'm going to take John Harris up on his challenge to not just cajole from the sidelines and will be getting together with him this week to try and facilitate good communication to the greater Nashville TFA members on things pertinent to the chapter. I don't know if this means that Nashville will be represented in TFA email alerts or what. But it does mean that -- for the interim at least -- I am going to make it my personal responsibility to keep the Nashville members informed electronically. Electing Club Officers It was also decided tonight that the TFA Nashville chapter will kick off 2008 by electing officers. All posts will be up for election, including that of the chapter President ... a declaration made by Perry, the incumbent President himself. The January 2008 meeting will consist partially of taking nominations for the various offices. After nominations are taken and that part of the meeting is closed, there will be a guest speaker. Several ideas for the speaker were tossed around, one of which being a member of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations. Perhaps we could get him to tell us more about the "instant background checks" ... The February 2008 meeting will consist of each candidate for offices being given a set amount of time to tell us all why they feel that they are the person for the position they are applying for. Immediately following, elections will be held and officers will be appointed. The posts up for election will be: Chapter President or Chairman Chapter Vice President or Vice Chairman Secretary / Treasurer Sargent at Arms If you're interested in any of these, you should get involved and definitely be there for the January and February meetings. The Long Term Plan Quite a few ideas for guest speakers and chapter projects were tossed around tonight. More ideas will certainly be generated as more people get involved and obviously more people will get involved as the chapter holds productive, informative meetings. I think the general consensus tonight was that (a.) having a set date and time for meetings and (b.) electing officers to lead the chapter for 2008 were important things that will greatly shape the future of things. October 2007 Meeting Plan So what's up for October... When: Tuesday, October 16th at 6:30pm Where: Academy of Personal Protection and Security We are hoping that John Harris, TFA's Executive Director and lawyer extraordinaire, will join us once again but this time have a topical presentation followed by a Q&A session. I have yet to speak with Mr. Harris about any of this (sorry, John) but at least one idea was to have him speak on the subject of what you should do immediately following a self-defense shooting. I'm sure many of us would like to hear a lawyer's perspective on this... especially if that lawyer happens to be one who has been as instrumental in shaping some of our recent gun laws as Mr. Harris has. So there you have it. The Nashville chapter is alive and moving forward. But like any newly formed (or re-formed) venture, the success of this chapter depends on people getting involved. That part is up to you.


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