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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. You realize the magnitude of the transgression that you have committed here by posting such a thread devoid of pics... right?
  2. Did you go with IWB, OWB or a shoulder rig?
  3. TGO David

    XDM for $585!

    You'll get to fondle more 1911s than you can shake a ... er, um... stick at if you visit Hero Gear, though.
  4. Facts Sale of ammunition is loosely regulated, as per Rabbi's post Rabbi still could have sold the ammo to the guy unaware if the guy had kept his mouth shut Rabbi didn't sell it to him out of good conscience and did the right thing The obvious conclusion here is that the sale of ammunition should be regulated so that you can no longer buy it without a background check ($10 TICS fee per purchase!) so that people like Rabbi won't have to decide if their own sense of ethics will guide them away from earning a buck. Hurry up and get Obama or Hillary elected so that we can remove this tremendous burden from the Rabbi!!!
  5. More information on that forklift?
  6. It's in Spring Hill, TN. http://owlhollowgunclub.org/
  7. TGO David

    XDM for $585!

    My Diesel F250 doesn't even get that bad of gas mileage. Are you driving a Winnebago there in reverse?
  8. And I found this: So what exactly do you suppose this young lady is hunting with her suppressed AR in a wheat field? An ex husband maybe? Pheasants? Agricultural terrorists?
  9. Fair enough. But the Glock 26 and 27 are faaaaaaat fat fat fat handguns. You're going to look like you have crammed an 8-track cassette into your pants pocket when you walk around with that thing in there. No thanks.
  10. TGO David

    XDM for $585!

    Meh. The price on Topgun Supply has been increased to $589.95 ... so call it $590 for practical sakes and purposes. + $590 for the gun. + $18 for shipping per their site. + $30 for an inbound FFL transfer at most places. + $10 for the TBI background check. ==== $648 total Joe's price at Hero Gear, out the door with tax, is only $60 more and you get the added advantages of supporting a TGO vendor and you get to walk out with it in your hands that very day, rather than waiting several days to a week for the one from Top Gun to arrive. I'd pay the extra $60.
  11. Springfield is reportedly going to incorporate their new XD thumb safety into newer generations of their SC (sub compact) lines. Whether this rumor ends up being true is anyone's guess. I would really want some sort of external safety on a striker-fired handgun if I were carrying it next to the twig and berries, if you know what I mean. The old meat and potatoes. The family jewels, as it were. Or get yourself a nice small J-Frame revolver as they are perfect for pocket carry!
  12. Those people are installing the "New York" trigger bar. It still won't be the same as having a heavy double-action trigger. Unless you enjoy arterial bleeding and trips to the ER, I would avoid this course of action.
  13. I wouldn't carry anything outside of a holster that wasn't DA/SA (heavy first trigger pull) or didn't have a manual safety. You're just begging for an accidental discharge if you cram a Glock into your pocket or clothing w/o something covering the trigger!
  14. I bought low-profile aluminum Wilson baseplates for two of my Wilson 47D mags. it makes them sit almost flush with the butt of my bobtail Wilson. Perfect compromise of having a low-profile design with the 47D's 8-round capacity.
  15. And yeah, I know your thread was a funny... but those shirts rock.
  16. www.thoseshirts.com And also http://www.chebama.com/
  17. Wilson 47D and ETMs. No problems. I've used CMCs in the past and hated them.
  18. There seems to be a misconception at work here. The misconception being that anyone else can MAKE you say or do something. They cannot. We each have free will and choice. You can be coerced into doing something against your will, by force, bribery, pain, extortion, etc. but ultimately it is STILL your choice to go against your will and allow yourself to be broken. Obama's breaking point is apparently very easy to reach.
  19. You're not thinking clearly on this. You are right... he SHOULD NOT have to say anything. But he chooses to because he is pandering to get votes. It's entirely his choice, regardless of the pressure that may or may not be getting applied to him to say these things. Which speaks to an entirely bigger problem: Namely, that if he can be so easily swayed just by popular opinion, what good is he going to be in office? Answer: NONE!
  20. That's a 5.11 Tactical Chair and 5.11 Tactical Carpet. Joe sells it down at Hero Gear. You can sort of make out the bottom of the blue Fobus trash can in the background too.
  21. I don't see how it is a freedom of speech issue if Obama chooses to apologize for someone else's words. It's just proof that he panders.
  22. I like it. 9mm AR would be perfect fun for blasting away at the range!
  23. I will check into this but the feature you're talking about on the Forum Index is built into the software. Anything beyond that would require an add-on.
  24. I'm the black lady in the back. Most people don't know that about me.


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