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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. You and my wife are in a similar predicament. For the time being she has opted for a Smith & Wesson J-Frame revolver (#642 in .38spl) and a Don Hume slide holster that she can wear on her hip. The holster rides very high on the belt, so it will hide beneath a slightly looser t-shirt or untucked overshirt with ease. That's really the best option we've come up with for her so far and she's pretty much your size.
  2. Yeah, I am going to try to get a speedloader before the class also. I've been meaning to buy an UPLULA for a while now.
  3. Considering that they have been backordered for about a year... maybe two? No, that's pretty quick compared to that.
  4. I think I saw an add-on that allowed you to "subscribe" to posts by a member. I'll check and see if I can find it again.
  5. Suresight has been plagued by inability to deliver product. If the Advantage sights ship fast enough, they will bury Suresight on that premise alone.
  6. Looks like a copy of these... http://www.suresight.com/
  7. I'm going to be taking a Defensive Handgun class this month and thought I would start a thread chronicling my experience. Maybe someone will benefit from this or at least get their appetite whet for a little training themselves. The class is a two day class consisting of 1/2 day lecture and 1-1/2 days of handgun drills on the range. We were told to bring 1,000 rounds of ammunition and a reliable handgun, along with plenty of water and proper attire for being out in the blistering sun or pouring rain. I'd rather shoot in the sun any day, so I'm hoping for the former. Right now I'm not going to mention the exact school. No, it's not Tactical Response. But beyond that I'd rather keep mum so as to make it easy to keep an open mind and not have people try to project any sort of prejudices upon me, either positive or negative. I will be more than happy to talk specifics after the class is over. Until then even if you have guesses about who the school is, please keep quiet about specifics and just talk in generalities. Thanks. So far my equipment for the class looks like this: Open mind Glock Model 19 (9mm) handgun and 6 mags 1,000 rds Winchester 115gr 9mm white box ammo G-Code paddle OWB holster Comp-Tac dual mag carrier Gun cleaning kit with lube Hearing and eye protection Comfortable hot weather clothes, hiking boots, hiking socks, ball cap, sunglasses, sunscreen, knee pads, etc. Cooler with lots of bottled water. May take my Camelback if I can find the bladder insert. Notepad, pen. Really nothing extravagant there. I may pick up a few more common spare Glock parts (springs, striker, etc.) just in case but I'll also toss my XD Tactical 9mm in the range bag so that I have a backup. Since the Glock 19 is my every day carry, I prefer greatly to train with it and run it hard. Really hard. If anyone can think of something else I should consider taking with me, that'd be fine. Right now I am not nervous about it at all but rather pretty excited. This is the first professionally lead training class that I will have attended since I got my Kentucky CWP almost 12 years ago. I've shot with "trained" individuals on countless occasions and learned from them along the way, but have never actually done something like this in a structured environment. I'm sure that as it gets closer to the actual class date, I'll be a little more wired up.
  8. If I weren't saving my pennies for another Evil Black Rifle of some sort, I'd probably consider buying it from TDR. I lack a .40SW in my collection right now, although I can't really say that I miss owning one at the moment. Just another mouth to feed when you have them.
  9. Yes you can and should adjust the retention via the screws on the trigger-guard side of the holster body. Not on the side near the sights. Just the ones that have the little rubber spacers on them.
  10. Welcome, Daniel. Happy to have you with us.
  11. There will be no poll to determine if any user is banned or not. While amusing, it reflects the idea that TGO is somehow directed by a mob mentality. It is not and will not be.
  12. The more I read, there are some of ya'll who I wouldn't mind if they didn't wear helmets at the range.
  13. There is literally nothing wrong with what you're doing, I'm just saying that it might have the appearance of it to someone who doesn't know you or your buying habits.
  14. We have put Voldemort on "mute" until we decide how best to handle the problem. Think of it as time out for grownups.
  15. Be careful about trading it off so fast. It puts you in the dangerous position of looking like you were involved in a "straw purchase". If you do trade, trade it off to a gun shop so that it's on the radar (as everyone here likes to say). Otherwise hang on to it for a period of time. Just a common sense word of warning.
  16. At the risk of seeming like we're just censoring free speech... this thread seems to have outlived it's usefulness and everyone has had their say by now. Leaving it open just would promote more troll bashing, so I'm going to close it down.
  17. Congrats and enjoy your new firearm! I really enjoy my 19.
  18. I think we'll start watching threads a little more closely for stuff like personal attacks and obvious pot-stirring, trolling, instigating, etc.
  19. We have both a 442 and a 642. The 442 is mine and I carry it in my pocket almost all the time. The 642 is my wife's and she will carry it OWB in a slide holster. Both have held up nicely to periodic shooting and neither have any problems with their finish. I opted for black for the same reasons that mtsusean said he did.
  20. Excellent Calvin & Hobbes reference. Welcome.
  21. We bought a Don Hume slide holster for my wife's 642. It rides very high on the belt and would easily conceal under all but the shortest t-shirts.
  22. +1 for a very good post.
  23. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this yet or not... but night sights are generally just all around better than the sights most manufacturers put on their guns from the factory. Even if you use your weapon for 99.9999999% daytime shooting, they are a worthwhile investment. Take factory Glock sights for example. No, really... take them!
  24. #1 - The cops and ATF are going to ask a private citizen where the gun they were in possession of came from also. #2 - The private citizen is also going to be out the money they paid for the gun if it is confiscated. And perhaps have their ass in the sling also. #3 - If you are incorporated, you as an employee or officer of the company are less liable than the corporation itself is. If you are not incorporated, then you are as culpable as Joe Citizen. Really it sounds to me like what you're saying is that what is good for the goose isn't good for the gander. Unless the gander is off the clock and buying/selling privately.


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