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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Yeah yeah... but most people just don't cope well with the transition in pull weight between DA and SA. I'll admit that I am one of them. Striker fired handguns have the advantage of consistent trigger pull every time. The lack of a double-strike capability is a minor handicap but if you train for malfunction drills, it becomes sort of a non issue. I don't want to risk the primer NOT going bang on a second strike either. If it goes click then I'm racking the slide and going for another round. The HK P2000 had a good opportunity to win me over. Had it been 9mm I may still be carrying it. The LEM trigger was a real disappointment and the Variant 2 DA/SA had that whole dual trigger weights thing going on. Sure, they are reliable guns (at twice the cost of a Glock) but HK customer service pretty much doesn't even exist to civilians. My Glock 19 may not be the prettiest, the most ergonomic, the most expensive or the most accurate... but it loves abuse and puts lead down range accurately enough that it still exceeds my abilities.
  2. I've owned them all. Presently own the XD and the Glock and will be adding at least one M&P to the mix soon. I can tell you which one I will carry daily and bet my life on: Glock I was not kind and gentle to my Glock 19 this past weekend. I ran it dry and dirty. I ran it with mags full of dirt. I ran it with ammo caked with mud. I ran it in the rain and I ran it in the hot, sticky humidity. Not one single solitary failure to feed or fire. Not one. It's the AK-47 of the handgun world. My XD never jammed but it had several failures to feed because of dirty magazines. Rinsing them out with water from a spigot got the gun back into the fight, but the XD is clearly more suceptible to failure because of dirty magazines. The Glock just didn't care. I had it throw mud back at me once after ramming in a dirty magazine and going back to firing! I've not had the chance to abuse the M&P yet but I understand from someone who has that it functioned similarly to the Glock. If that's the case then the M&P may be the next evolutionary step beyond the Glock in terms of combat durability and ergonomics. I will have to pick up an M&P 9mm soon and find out. I'm tired of babying my guns. I have one Safe Queen. It's the only one I anticipate having. The rest are going to be put through the wringer.
  3. If anyone sees themselves in a photo and doesn't want it included, just lemme know. I was in a bind for pictures to use and decided to pull some from our photo gallery here. I'm still not sure if I like using this little special effect here or not.
  4. Like them? Hate them? Speak up. It's something I tried over on another forum and it worked out pretty cool there. Just not sure if I really like it here or not.
  5. Hopefully these pictures will make some of you guys want to take a class like this soon, either from CIS or some other professionally instructed program. It really was as fun as it looks. Not only are you learning things that will improve your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones, but you're going to have fun doing things that you won't get away with at most traditional shooting ranges. Things like... Shooting from a draw. Shooting from a draw while moving. Engaging multiple targets. Engaging multiple targets while moving. Engaging targets while on your back. Engaging targets while on your stomach. Reloading with restricted use of your physical faculties (one arm tied behind your back... your STRONG arm) Yeah, you could burn up 1,000 rounds of ammunition at the range just blasting holes in paper. You might even burn up 1,000 rounds of ammunition playing a game at a USPSA or IDPA event if you shot all weekend long in every course of fire offered. But you won't do some of this stuff and you won't learn 1% of what we learned.
  6. Oh and here's Eddie (molonlabetn) kicking ass and taking names on the fun bowling pin challenge...
  7. Here are a few teaser pictures...
  8. Welcome! It's always nice to have another David here. It diffuses the blame when I do something wrong.
  9. LUNCH WILL BE GRILLED ON SITE AT THE GUN CLUB. Please RSVP via the calendar entry (CLICK HERE) if you will be attending.
  10. I wonder how hard it is to extract from frozen... um... meat. Or rather, is this a stab and forget sort of weapon.
  11. I saw this mentioned on another forum and thought I would pass it along here. Apparently a group of "podcasters" have come together under the banner of GunRightsRadio.com to distribute net radio broadcasts ostensibly centered around gun rights issues. The podcasts they have listed right now are: Armed Citizen Gun Rights Advocates Gun Rights News Militant Marksman’s ProArms Podcast The Shot Show Urban Shooter I haven't listened to any of these so I cannot speak to the level of professionalism or TFHR (tin foil hat ratio) so listener beware.
  12. Nah, it was a joke. Eddie decimated some bowling pins last weekend and I like bringing it up.
  13. Here's what mine is showing on Help About:
  14. If my friends show up to our house not carrying and have a permit to do so, I stop them at the door and send them back home to get their weapons.
  15. Seems my copy updated itself a few days ago. I remember reading somewhere that folks were already getting it via the automatic update and I recall it asking me if I wanted to restart to apply updates either Friday or Monday. Good stuff. Edit... Apparently it already updated me to 3 Final since I had been running 3 Release Candidate. Cool.
  16. So far, so good. I managed not to do it under some pretty good "artificial stress" last weekend so maybe my run of good luck will continue.
  17. Understood. Hey... I'll bring bowling pins!
  18. Post #1 in this thread has been updated with info on who is bringing what so far. We still need a few volunteers for a few items. Condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish, etc.) Chips / Doritos Soft drinks
  19. Seriously? What would you consider to be bashing of any profession or individual? It's really not that hard to extrapolate what we mean by "cop bashing" and I cannot help but wonder why a clear cut definition of the term is necessary. Are we trying to establish guidelines? How about: Be respectful of each other. Attack issues instead of individuals. Keep to the facts and don't allow discussions to become emotional, argumentative or inflammatory. Basically, refer to Rule #2.
  20. Nah. I'm thinking about an M&P 9L or 9 Pro. The Glock is just fine as a utility item, but I'm not so enamored with it that I'm going to rush out and buy the long slide version just yet. Maybe one day, just not anytime real soon.
  21. If it were a "gamer" gun I'd be all over the lighter trigger. Since it's my carry weapon, the heavier trigger is fine.
  22. It is according to the big three networks and the FCC.
  23. Maybe Joe will chime in here, but I believe there are places locally that can engrave the necessary information for you. Any lower must be engraved once it is registered as an SBR. Owner information is included in the indicia.


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