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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. For the first time ever, I'm excited by a Vice Presidential candidate.
  2. If he does the job right the first time, he won't have to worry about protecting her from prison now will he? Answer to the impending question: Would I go to prison to protect my daughter? You bet your happy ass I would. To quote a movie... [ame=http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=sMGMZsKXz94]Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell![/ame]
  3. It's very hard to stalk someone when you're in the hospital with two broken legs and a cranial fracture. I think the guy seriously needs to lose his footing in front of a Greyhound bus.
  4. Split it 50/50 between you and your wife, keeping in mind that if momma ain't happy then nobody's going to be happy. Then take your 50% and buy one nice firearm for yourself. One nice $650 firearm is going to be better than two or three crappy sub $300 firearms.
  5. Alright... I've had it with the religious-centric threads and commentary on TGO. I'll be updating the Code of Conduct later to reflect my annoyance with this stuff, but when commentary becomes "preachy" it needs to stop. I don't go to church to talk about guns, and I don't come to TGO to talk about religion.
  6. This gentleman needs some good old fashioned wall-to-wall counseling. Google it.
  7. Not a bad choice for a laptop.
  8. The bulging generally occurs around the case web. Since .40SW cartridges are loaded for a fairly high case pressure already, the potential for case failure is exacerbated by the unsupported chamber design. Especially if the case was already weakened by being run through an unsupported chamber previously. The photo below shows the typical failure: Most of your competitive Glock shooters run custom barrels (Storm Lake, Wolff, etc.) in their .40SW models. These barrels have a better supported chamber design, so case bulging isn't as much of an issue and shooting reloads isn't as problematic.
  9. The .40SW Glocks have a partially unsupported chamber. When you fire rounds through them, the unsupported area will bulge slightly. Conventional wisdom is that you don't want to reload a casing after it's been run through a 40-caliber Glock as it will have this problem to one degree or another.
  10. Were you guys using these by any chance?
  11. Your problem is you keep buying copies of The Catcher In The Rye and won't listen to me when I tell you to just order from Amazon and have them delivered to an anonymous PO Box.
  12. Didn't mean to sound bitchy... really wasn't. I actually laughed and thought about projects I've worked on before for my employer where several of us found out that we were all working on the same thing or facets of it, but never knew beforehand. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction for sure. Wordpress will make it a lot easier for you to make updates without waiting on webgeeks to make time for you.
  13. I'm starting to see why we have so many ridiculous and needlessly complex laws on the books. Namely, because people insist on splitting hairs and proposing absurd scenarios asking "Does this qualify? No? Well what about this? No? How about this then?" It seems pretty clear to me what intent to manufacture means. It also seems pretty clear to me who the ATF is sending a warning to in that brief. Hint: It's not the guy sitting at home, putting together his own AR15 out of parts, for his own personal use.
  14. I think Froggy is just voicing his discontent that our random pictures at the top of each page don't feature any long range shooters. I'd like to voice my own discontent that I just don't have enough hours in the day to sit down and customize the pictures so that everyone is completely pleased with the way it looks.
  15. Set up a small section of popular guns and put a sign on it that says "All guns priced as marked... out the door!" and see what happens.
  16. Wow... how many people were working on the new Hero Gear site for the past year anyway? I know I was tasked with it for a while, then found out that EasilyObsessed was asked to do it also. Now Gutterboy? Anyway, I'm glad to see it finally coming together. Wordpress should do the trick but I'd still look at Joomla if you want to work in more customizations.
  17. Fixed. Apparently the forum software glitched when I quoted.
  18. Who do these terrorist cells think they are, moving around constantly like this and making it harder for us to kill them??? You need to go back for that diploma.
  19. Baptists generally have it better. Once forgiven, always forgiven.
  20. It's taken. I tried to register it before settling on TNGunOwners.com
  21. Yeah but they say it's a bitch. I would try using a dental pick to depress the detent pin through the channel it rides in, while removing the take-down pin.
  22. THAT sort of isolationist view of things is one of the reasons why the Libertarian party will never gain any real traction. I agree with quite a bit of their views and would consider myself libertarian by nature but never by political alignment. I'm going to start quoting Imperial Law courtesy of the Star Wars universe if this crap keeps up. After all, it's just as irrelevant!
  23. Well considering that the article in question, that you provided, is about collateral damage in Afghanistan and considering that the GWOT took us to Afghanistan because it was the defacto stronghold of Al Quaeda during and immediately following the 9/11 attacks... you tell me if it was necessary or not.


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