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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Your problem is you keep buying copies of The Catcher In The Rye and won't listen to me when I tell you to just order from Amazon and have them delivered to an anonymous PO Box.
  2. Didn't mean to sound bitchy... really wasn't. I actually laughed and thought about projects I've worked on before for my employer where several of us found out that we were all working on the same thing or facets of it, but never knew beforehand. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction for sure. Wordpress will make it a lot easier for you to make updates without waiting on webgeeks to make time for you.
  3. I'm starting to see why we have so many ridiculous and needlessly complex laws on the books. Namely, because people insist on splitting hairs and proposing absurd scenarios asking "Does this qualify? No? Well what about this? No? How about this then?" It seems pretty clear to me what intent to manufacture means. It also seems pretty clear to me who the ATF is sending a warning to in that brief. Hint: It's not the guy sitting at home, putting together his own AR15 out of parts, for his own personal use.
  4. I think Froggy is just voicing his discontent that our random pictures at the top of each page don't feature any long range shooters. I'd like to voice my own discontent that I just don't have enough hours in the day to sit down and customize the pictures so that everyone is completely pleased with the way it looks.
  5. Set up a small section of popular guns and put a sign on it that says "All guns priced as marked... out the door!" and see what happens.
  6. Wow... how many people were working on the new Hero Gear site for the past year anyway? I know I was tasked with it for a while, then found out that EasilyObsessed was asked to do it also. Now Gutterboy? Anyway, I'm glad to see it finally coming together. Wordpress should do the trick but I'd still look at Joomla if you want to work in more customizations.
  7. Fixed. Apparently the forum software glitched when I quoted.
  8. Who do these terrorist cells think they are, moving around constantly like this and making it harder for us to kill them??? You need to go back for that diploma.
  9. Baptists generally have it better. Once forgiven, always forgiven.
  10. It's taken. I tried to register it before settling on TNGunOwners.com
  11. Yeah but they say it's a bitch. I would try using a dental pick to depress the detent pin through the channel it rides in, while removing the take-down pin.
  12. THAT sort of isolationist view of things is one of the reasons why the Libertarian party will never gain any real traction. I agree with quite a bit of their views and would consider myself libertarian by nature but never by political alignment. I'm going to start quoting Imperial Law courtesy of the Star Wars universe if this crap keeps up. After all, it's just as irrelevant!
  13. Well considering that the article in question, that you provided, is about collateral damage in Afghanistan and considering that the GWOT took us to Afghanistan because it was the defacto stronghold of Al Quaeda during and immediately following the 9/11 attacks... you tell me if it was necessary or not.
  14. But what if the mailbox is one for your church, but the church is held on school property... and your church uses REAL wine for communion instead of grape juice, thereby becoming federal property, AND a school, AND a place where alcohol is served for on-site consumption?!?!? My head hurts now.
  15. Does it show? It's actually pretty silly that we have a restriction on rifles with barrels shorter than 16-inches. I have held quite a few 10" AR's lately and none of them ever struck me as being any more concealable than a regular 16" carbine. It's just one more way for the government to make some money.
  16. You're GTG to as long as the state recognizes TN permits. Just wait, though. If you ever decide to build or buy a Class III item, you have to fill out and submit a Form 5320.20 (Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act Firearms) before you can take it with you to another state, for each state you plan to visit, each time you plan to visit there.
  17. As long as you do not climb inside your mailbox when you do. " Mailboxes are considered federal property, and federal law (Title 18, United States Code, Section 1705), makes it a crime to vandalize them (or to injure, deface or destroy any mail deposited in them)." http://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/radDocs/tipvandl.htm
  18. I've got news for you... there has been collateral damage since the inception of warfare. I firmly believe that the United States does not actively engage civilian targets and makes every conceivable effort to avoid collateral damage, not just because of the bad press it gets but because it is morally and ethically reprehensible to accept less than that. That being said, **** happens. As the saying goes, "Freedom isn't free. Peace isn't pretty." I'm not being flippant, I'm just stating that the harsh fact of life is that mistakes sometimes get made despite our best efforts. And that isn't even considering the entirely plausible scenario that civilians were put into harms way by the forces we're fighting against purely for the negative media impact it would have. It's been done plenty of times before. I'm also one of those people who thinks that embedded reporters ought to get life preservers instead of flak jackets. The public has no need to know what happens on the battlefield and often lacks the stomach to accept that war IS hell, then makes the mistake of trying to come onto an Internet message board (like this one) and Monday Morning Quarterback the situation.
  19. Two answers... 1. None of your business and completely irrelevant 2. Define innocent
  20. Two dead giveaways it's a bull**** claim... 1. United Nations 2. New York Times
  21. http://www.midwayusa.com/ebrowse.exe/browse?TabID=9&Categoryid=17080&categorystring=10636***10560***8807***11619*** http://www.midwayusa.com/ebrowse.exe/browse?TabID=9&Categoryid=17081&categorystring=10636***10560***8807***11619*** http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=920248
  22. I will inquire of the club to see if anyone has addressed that issue yet. Soaking the berm with kerosene would do the trick.
  23. We're definitely going to try to do this in 2009. I'm about a week away from our big event on Tennesspeed, but once that's past I can start looking into our options for this.


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