It's funny, Mars. I've been saying those exact same things to people all morning here at work and on a couple of other forums.
Rudy did all of the heavy hitting last night that was needed from the podium. He did a fine job of beating down the Obama / Biden ticket. Palin really only needed to spend about 10 minutes of her speach addressing the bull**** claims that the Dems and Liberal media have been lodging against her. After that, it would have been better use of her time (and ours) if she had started addressing the issues and telling us what she and McCain plan to do to turn things around.
I think we all agree that this country needs some CHANGE. But as Rudy pointed out, there is GOOD change and then there is BAD change. Obviously we want GOOD change, so I want to know how this GOP ticket plans to set it into motion. Let's hear about the foreign and domestic policy changes!
After a while her barbs and one liners started to bore me. It was like watching a Dennis Miller segment. Sure, she let loose with some intellectual right hooks but at the end I was left with the impression that I had just witnessed a smart person make a dumb person look... well... dumb.
Lots of spark, not much fire.