NO, collection purposes isn't a smart assed answer. It is a legitimate answer since the BATFE recognizes that some of us as freedom loving Americans do collect rifles.
If you feel like wasting several months of your time, go ahead and put something like "Because I can" on a Form 1 or Form 4 and send it on in to them. They'll read it as the sort of silly, penny ante bull**** that it is and send your form back to you and tell you to try it again.
Frankly I don't understand why some people feel like they should try and make a political statement every time they interact with the government. Do you think the BATFE agent assigned as the Examiner for a Form 1 or Form 4 is somehow responsible for the screwed up laws? Here's a hint: NO.
If you want to make a political statement, do it at the voting booth. Deal with the jackasses who pass these inane laws to begin with. But don't take it out on the guy or gal sitting in West Virginia at the BATFE office, just doing their damn job.