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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. I came really close to getting a Russian model today. Just couldn't bring myself to "pull the trigger" if you will pardon the pun. I may end up with one soon but right now I'm still clearly on the fence about it. Can a man really serve two masters? AR15 and an AK47 in the same house??
  2. Sure. That guy was a complete douche. Who cares about him!
  3. I hate to make an announcement about something so silly, but I have decided to depart from using "Tungsten" as my screen name and from this point forward just be known as TGO David. Screen names definitely provide a little bit of anonymity which can be a great thing for folks in certain lines of work. I strongly advocate the use of them when you don't want your online identity being correlated with your real world identity for safety or security reasons. But for me, it's kind of silly. Everyone knows who I am and frankly I have found it a bit awkward in professional settings telling people that I am "Tungsten on TGO". Just thought I should mention why I changed my name here since these types of things usually spawn a bunch of comments from members.
  4. My wife, an RN, just told me that it is a Federal law that defibrillators HAVE to be checked each and every day and logged as such. If someone has been forging the signatures on the logs, then there is an even more massive chance for a lawsuit here. Her family needs to get a good attorney.
  5. Sounds like her family should be able to sue the pants off the hospital for this one. That certainly doesn't bring her back, but the hospital needs to be held accountable for their negligence.
  6. Still one of the most awesome Man-Mugs that I have ever seen.
  7. I knew I was missing the obvious!
  8. I was wondering if anyone would appreciate the humor in that.
  9. Yes, quite a bit of it actually. PMC and Magtech, maybe some Wolf. I don't recall what the pricing was however.
  10. They aren't evil black rifles... they're HDRs. So explain to me why I would want to add one of these to my collection. I've always been an AR fanatic and never really found much about the AK that lit my fire, but lately I'm really getting the urge for one again. I don't know if it's the allure of affordable shooting (which may go away if the Obama Administration outlaws the importation of foreign ammo) or if it's the fact that someone in the government thinks that I shouldn't be able to own one (which has been going on since the 1980's so that's not a new concern) or if it's just the fact that I think that my American Yin needs a little Communist Yang for balance. Whatever it is, I keep finding myself looking at them lustfully in gun shops and online. What are some really GOOD reasons for owning an AK? And do I want the AK-47 so that I can shoot the big nasty 7.62x39 or do I want the AK-74 so that I can be shoot something a little smaller, lighter and faster in the 5.54x39? Help me figure this out. I'm feeling the urge to splurge and this time I think it's going to be a hot little Soviet number.
  11. I told a story here back when I first started TGO, about an incident that I had with a Smyrna PD officer and a silly unfounded "revenge" style complaint a lady made about me in a parking lot. To make a long story short, when I returned to my vehicle I found the officer waiting for me. He told me what was going on, I explained why I thought the complaint had been made, he and I agreed that it was probably just a nonsensical revenge sort of thing but he also wanted to see my driver's license just to make sure there weren't any warrants on me or anything like that. Standard procedure. I gladly complied but informed him at that moment that I was a HCP holder and that I was armed, and that the firearm was back on my rear flank close to where my wallet was. I didn't want him seeing a flash of the gun and the situation get real bad, real fast right? The officer's reply was utter professionalism. He just smiled and said, "That's fine with me. Just don't draw yours and I won't draw mine, ok?"
  12. That's definitely good to know. I'm probably going to end up with another M&P soon in 9mm and will keep the Comblock ammo in mind for future purposes. Especially with the 9mm. I was a little wary of shooting their stuff in .40SW since that cartridge is already loaded to a higher case pressure to begin with.
  13. Well the hunt is over. I bought a 1,000 round case each of Magtech 9mm and .40SW from Chris Barrett down at his new store (The Outpost). The prices were comparable to what I might have paid online plus shipping and handling, plus I didn't have to worry about maybe-maybenot getting a mail order in time for the class. Thanks to all who replied!
  14. Regarding Wolf steel cased ammo... I'm not entirely opposed to buying Wolf to be used at a training class where we'll be funneling anywhere from 800-1000 rds through the weapons, but how hard is this stuff on the extractors in Glocks and M&P automatics? If it's a non issue, then I'll go the cheaper route and support our Soviet Comrades. If it beats them up like Chris Brown giving a strong backhand to Rhianna, then I'll probably skip it and hold out for some brass cased ammo. Thoughts? We'll be running the Glock 19 (9mm) and the M&P 40 (.40SW duh) for this class.
  15. Well, I'd be the guy to lock the thread and if we closed down every single one that covered an issue that had been beaten into the ground, it'd get pretty quiet around here.
  16. Slightly due to the locking lug design.
  17. Yeah, and then the first time you FORGET to mention it to the officer because you're nervous about being pulled over or any number of other reasons, they can arrest you and revoke your carry permit for failure to notify. The law seems to have been written this way much the same as it was to call our carry permits "Handgun CARRY Permits" rather than concealed carry permits. Namely because somewhere, someone was thinking about the what-if scenarios and thought it best to include some latitude in the law to keep us from hanging ourselves out of carelessness. My feelings on this issue are the same as they are on open carry. Yeah, the law allows both but common sense dictates that some personal responsibility on the part of the armed citizen is expected. With freedom comes responsibility, even if that freedom is being issued to you in exchange for a tax. Just my $0.02 worth on it and I'm sure there will be a dozen or two replies about why I'm wrong and how my attitude somehow constitutes being the government's lap dog. Sorry, I'm not interested in having a strawman argument. The subject at hand is whether you should willfully inform the officer who just pulled you over that you are a HCP holder and that you are presently armed versus him finding out by surprise. Suppose you move to get your insurance and registration and he sees the gun? Now you've got a pissed off cop with HIS gun aimed at you, commanding you to get out of the car with your hands visible. Potentially you end up sitting on the ground in handcuffs (for his safety!) while he makes sure you're legit. I'd rather tell the cop up front and have better odds that he's going to continue conducting business in a friendly, albeit professional, manner rather than have me cuffed and stuffed. There's a huge difference between this issue and the matter of your Fourth Amendment rights.
  18. TGO David

    Killin me.

    I'm glad that you enjoyed my video.
  19. If you just got pulled over by a police officer, chances are he or she didn't blue-light you just because they wanted to say Hi. That being the case, now isn't the time to be cute and play games with them about your rights. Every officer I've spoken with has said they greatly appreciate being told that you're armed and that you have a HCP rather than having to find out by surprise when they run your DL. Then it becomes a question for them of "Does this guy have his gun with him?" and it's something they will be even more edgy about when they come back to your car. I say do the right thing and just tell them up front. No sense being cute about it just because the law says you don't have to. The law shouldn't have to legislate common courtesy.
  20. Sounds like you're off to a great start so far. Congrats and welcome to TGO.
  21. I'd let them make it right then.
  22. Do you already have the LP gas block on hand?
  23. Thanks for calling around for me. I'm going to check Wal-Mart and maybe one or two other local spots tomorrow, but barring an amazing find at any of those places I'll be putting in an order with Ammunition To Go tomorrow afternoon.
  24. We're butt-deep in a recession, there are thousands of comedians out of work... and what have we got? We've got people here trying to be funny.
  25. I really would like to do this, but you NRA guys insist on always scheduling your events so that they conflict with other things that I had already committed to!!! (Translation: I'm booked solid on the 21st and I hate you for it.)


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