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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. No, but a hammer and a steel punch got it straightened up enough to get me by for the next few days. I'm thinking about ordering a set of XS Big Dot sights for it now as a replacement just to see how I like them.
  2. And I've either got mad skill or I've got the worst damn luck. I installed some Warren Tactical night sights on my M&P 40 a while back. I know for a fact that they were perfectly straight when I installed them, but somewhere along the line the gun took a lick and now the front sight post is canted to the left. I noticed that I was printing my shots today low and to the right even at close distances. When I got home, I started trying the different grip backstraps on it to see if I was gripping the gun weird. Then I noticed the sight. Handed it to my wife and asked her if the front sight seemed odd to her. Immediate reply "It's bent." Yayyyyyy.
  3. Man, you'd really be in trouble if you had to use big words like that in a medical career or something. Oh... wait...
  4. Post pics of your other ink. I've got one on my left upper arm but have occasionally thought about getting something on my right.
  5. Agreed and exactly what I was thinking as I read the initial post as well. One of the first things I absorbed while starting USPSA was to ride the trigger reset rather than fully release the trigger between shots. My split times decreased dramatically and my accuracy improved as well. Now I find it almost impossible not to ride the trigger on follow-through and hate guns that don't have a solid, distinctive, tactile trigger reset. For those of you shooting M&P automatics, a somewhat lesser known fact is that you can get Glock-like trigger reset (firm, definitive snap) by swapping your trigger for the Massachusetts compliant 10# trigger. I have the trigger assembly and am waiting on a S&W Performance Center sear before I tear into my M&P 40 and improve it.
  6. TGO David

    New GLOCK

    I am going to echo the recommendation of others and suggest that you visit the range at Owl Hollow. Being that you mentioned Uselton's shop/range, that tells me you are at least within driving distance of the Franklin area. Owl Hollow is just outside of Spring Hill off of Columbia Pike. Given the choice of shooting indoors or outdoors, I would take the latter any day. Even in the rain. So much less noise and smoke to deal with outside, plus you're ... outside! Enjoy that 21SF. I recently picked up one for myself and love it so far.
  7. Perhaps the most important question to ask before buying and shooting a range's bulk reloads is simply "Who reloaded these?" If the answer is that they came from someone like Atlanta Arms or Georgia Arms, then you can have a reasonable amount of confidence that some quality control was in place and that you aren't likely to have squibs or overcharged rounds. If the answer is "Bubba Joe Jim Bob, our resident reloader" then I would politely decline the purchase and stick to running factory ammo or my own reloads. Granted, even the big factories can crank out some turds every once in a few hundred thousand rounds, but the odds are increasingly in your favor since they do enact quality control standards. And whatever you decide to shoot, pay attention to what your gun and your hands are telling you. If the rounds don't feel right for some reason, stop shooting them.
  8. Actually, the oath also says ... "and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me"
  9. This is why the Staff and I are committed to keeping misinformation, repetitious duplicated posts on the same topics, so-called "tinfoil hat" and secessionist posts off of TGO. None of those things help the credibility of any forum and there have been plenty of good forums ruined when they became the norm. John Harris over at the TFA said in a meeting once that he doesn't want TFA members picketing outside of government buildings wearing camo and other unusual garb, but rather wearing clothes that the rest of the world see as being normal. Jeans, a nice shirt, business casual even. The reason? Perception is reality to some folks. That's why we try our hardest to get rid of the extremist threads and keep our wheels between the yellow lines.
  10. Ok, but is there a statement in there about it being imported into the USA?
  11. I'm giving this thread just a little longer to redeem itself and become something more than the type of crap that I said we weren't going to allow here any more. If it doesn't get there quickly, it's gone.
  12. Here's a thought... the modern day Patriots aren't going to come riding through your village with muskets on horseback. They are probably going to fight the man at the election booths, through blogs, web sites, and letter writing campaigns. But if you wanna put up or shut up, I'll place a call to Fox News and have them cover your armed rebellion against the Government.
  13. Little known fact, but Joe's primary source of income is male prostitution.
  14. You said what I was searching for the words for. I think every husband can relate to having told his wife something and her not believing it or accepting it as complete truth until she heard it from an unbiased third party. It's a law of nature I think. All of which sort of ties back to my suggestion of having her attend a get together with the other wives / girlfriends / "wimmens" that shoot. Chances are one of them will say something super simple that will suddenly click for her and all of us men will be able to do this off to the side somewhere -->
  15. Eh... people want to know that kind of stuff and the White House spinsters know that this type of story just plays him up further as the Everyman's President. If he has an NCAA bracket of his own, chances are he's the kind of guy you'd want to have a beer with after a long day at the office. That sort of nonsense.
  16. I can think of a dozen other reasons to dislike Barack Obama. Him taking time to have a little fun and fill out an NCAA bracket sheet isn't one of them. Everyone deserves some downtime.
  17. Pictures on the Internet are the closest that the previous owner should ever come to this car again.
  18. This has been discussed at length here in the past. I'd search for key words: +glock +reloads +unsupported +chamber The quick and dirty version is that if I were going to shoot reloads through a Glock, I'd either shoot my own reloads or I'd want them to be factory reloads from someone like Georgia Arms where they do strict quality control, and I'd want it to be a 9mm model Glock. I wouldn't run reloads from some random stranger or vendor through a .40SW or a .45ACP Glock since the unsupported section of the chamber is a little more pronounced than it is in the 9mm versions. But seriously, search for it. It's been discussed a lot.
  19. Welcome Chris. We're glad to have you with us.
  20. J-Frame revolver when I do.
  21. During the summer we tend to have get togethers. Sometimes for shooting, sometimes just for a meal somewhere. You should consider bringing her to one of those so that she can meet a few of the other wives and hear why they shoot.
  22. I've seen plenty of 10mm in the local stores lately.
  23. I can't believe I've managed to post in this thread before Musicman. He'll be here anytime now to slobber all over the place.
  24. I love those guys. I became familiar with them about a year or so ago and pointed Hornet Handler toward their Berkley, CA USMC Recruiting Station shirt.


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