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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. H2 is what I keep seeing recommended.
  2. I just went with straight black cowhide since it tends to stay hidden beneath a shirt anyway. One of these days I'll get a pretty OWB holster for one of the guns.
  3. Welcome! We do our best to get the TGO name out there but sometimes we fail. I'll find out who failed in your area and have them beaten with a hose. Glad you found us.
  4. New suggestion: Lorcin 380, and then take the rest of the cash and buy strippers for the bachelor party.
  5. I hunted down that thread and saw it. Beautiful holster! Makes me even more anxious for mine to arrive. I need to take a pic of some of my holsters and contribute to that thread. Hopefully today.
  6. I'll give you a heavy rock out of my yard when you get back. It has better ergonomics than that SIG and probably better reliability. It'll save you $500 too.
  7. I always thought it would be cool to have a last name that forum software would automatically censor like that. You: Hello, my name is Mr. **** Girl: You:
  8. You'll be gunning for a Brazos Custom before you know it.
  9. Honestly, one of the better reasons against a public protest.
  10. Not to hijack, but what do you think of that Trojan?
  11. Apparently you thought I was joking around with my announcement. You just earned yourself a permanent vacation from TGO.
  12. Actually the Glock is just fine for dry firing and/or dropping the slide on. The 1911 is a little different of an animal. Like I said, it probably won't hurt it immediately but it won't be good for it over the long haul. Hopefully one of you guys telling him to just go ahead and abuse it will be there to help pay for a new extractor, trigger job or other repairs down the road when it starts to act up on him. Look at it this way: You have a lot of very reputable high-end gunsmiths who specialize in the 1911 on the record as saying dropping the slide on a 1911 with an empty chamber is not good for it. These guys get paid big money to work on 1911s, so it benefits them for you to dick up your gun and need to have it repaired. What agenda could they possibly have in telling you how to get maximum life expectancy out of your weapon??? I'm going to go with the recommendations of people like Hilton Yam, Chuck Rogers, Bill Wilson, etc. over someone using a Glock analogy.
  13. Not sure why this was aimed at LEO's in particular but frankly the cop-bashing that has become so popular on TGO lately needs to stop. I can think of scum in every profession. My wife's ex husband is a complete piece of **** and just happens to be a volunteer fireman. Does that mean all firemen are douchebag losers? Let's stop painting professions with such broad strokes.
  14. Give him a gift certificate to the nearest range/gun shop and then take him shooting to see what he really likes.
  15. Having a different dovetail machined into it would definitely open up the field of prospective sights for you. Many use the Novak cut for at least the rear sight, but Kimber is known to use their own cut as is Wilson Combat. Springfield uses the Novak cut for their TRP, Operator and Loaded guns. Smith & Wesson uses the Novak cut for all of theirs I think.
  16. Disagree. This quote says it better than I can: When the slide slams home on an empty chamber it jolts the entire gun, bouncing the sear engagement point on the hammer face. When the gun is picking up a cartridge (loading from the magazine) the slide is slowed considerably and this reduces the impact and thus reduces the jarring effect on the hammer/sear interface. And here's another discussion about it: What's wrong with releasing the slide on an empty chamber? - THR Bottom line is it's kind of like slamming the door on your car excessively hard. It probably isn't immediately bad for the car but it's not good for it in the long run either.
  17. Nice! Hilton Yam over at 10-8 Performance just came out with a sight that drops into the dovetail on those. Our National Match style rear sight (01-140), is designed to fit into the dovetail of GI pattern 1911 pistols. Its extra thick serrated blade is .315" tall for compatibility with new production Colts, and features a .140" wide U notch. User installable (with some hand fitting), no machining required. The newly revised design includes a more rounded profile and additional edge chamfers to improve comfort for handling and carry. 10-8 Performance
  18. I was holding out for a Milt Sparks VM2 to use with my Kimber Warrior but the wait time is a killer. I may still pick one up eventually, but I just placed an order with Eric over at HBE Leatherworks [link] for one of his stunning Com3 inside the waistband creations. As you can see, it's somewhat similar in design to the VM2 but Eric will cut it to whatever degree of cant you want (I went with 20°) and will also optionally mold in a small tab of leather at the trailing edge that helps stabilize the holster when sitting. His lead time right now is about 5-6 weeks and the price was well within my budget at just a hair north of $120. I'm anxious to receive it and will of course post pictures once I do. In the meantime, is anyone here already a customer of HBE? Do you have pictures of your holster that you could share?
  19. I understand and I won't be doing the "Toldyaso" dance in any case. We're all welcome to disagree with each other here. I just tend to be a little more... verbose... when I disagree.
  20. There are mixed schools of thought on this. Some say yes, some say no. I do it but not excessively. If you want to do some dry fire practice maybe invest in some Snap Caps or Safe-T-Trainer dummy rounds. I think it's probably more damaging to drop the slide on an empty chamber than it is to dry fire them. Dropping the slide on an empty chamber can be a bit rough on the 1911 extractor.
  21. My taxes were lowered when I got laid off earlier this year. GO OBAMA!!! WHOOO!!!!
  22. I'm a pretty high mile 36. I wouldn't wish half the crap I've been through on anyone else. All of which begs the question... did Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin ever utter the words, "I'm too old for this ****".
  23. Eh... I don't agree with much of what CK1 said in principle, but I support his right to voice his opinion. That being said, rather than attack him for being a bit on the fringe, how about everyone just debate the talking points instead.
  24. The part of the story that suited their agenda, of course. And I'm sure you are going to point to that and say "AH HAH! Told you so!" but you have to consider that I don't base my decisions on the fear that some kook from the other side might ridicule me for them. The best any of us can do is to put our best foot forward and be sincere in our efforts to do the right thing for the right reasons. Someone, somewhere will always be there to mock whatever it is you're taking a stand for. Or at the very least mock HOW you decided to take that stand. I guess if I always worried that much about what someone else was thinking, I'd feel pretty old at the comparatively young age of 49 also. But back to the subject: It's actually rather inspiring to me that a Leftwing blogger has picked up this story and started criticizing me for thinking about staging a peaceful protest against Boscos. To me, it smells like fear and loathing. Fear that a Conservative might use a traditionally radical Leftist means of opposition against them, and loathing that one of us has finally figured it out.


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