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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Clearly someone with a TFA avatar and TFA plug in their signature wouldn't have an agenda here, but the bottom line regarding what you've stated is that you guys have tried numerous times to recruit for your organization here and I've grown tired of it. TFA has it's own web site, they should stick to recruiting there. TGO is an accurate source of information, regardless of what you or your group like to claim. And again, as I've stated, copying and pasting is preferred because other sites can and do go away as organizations, companies, entities, etc. fade out of existence. I'm not saying TFA is in danger of that, I'm just saying that I can't guarantee it won't ever happen and a bunch of broken links aren't going to do anyone here any good if it ever does.
  2. Yep, that's part of the plan.
  3. I hope that we can have a good percentage of success in that as well, but ultimately we must be respectful of their right to post if they so desire. My own thinking on this has obviously evolved a bit over the past month. Does that mean to accept defeat? No. But it does mean that we can be gentle in the way that we apply peer pressure. If I owned a restaurant, I'd be more willing to listen to a reasonable request than a foaming at the mouth demand or a card left on my counter, threatening that some nameless, faceless coward was going to take his business elsewhere (and good riddance to him or her). Face-time with the managers and wait staff is important, as is the impression that you make on them. Let it be a good impression. Leave a healthy tip. Don't resort to maniacal spit-infused rantings. We all see what sort of impression it left on Nikki and the rest of us when Randy Rayburn lost his cool with her. Why would we want to leave that sort of impression on anyone else?
  4. As Fallguy showed, Bar-B-Cutie changed their mind. For the record, Nikki had conversations with the establishment staff and the manager received emails, calls and letters asking them to reconsider or risk losing paying customers. She didn't crop-dust them with a silly business card threatening to take her money elsewhere, she interacted with them, one on one, and mobilized others to do the same. THAT tactic is effective and TGO members excel at it. It's honest, grass roots activism. I was told pointedly by Senator Jackson immediately following the passing of HB0962 that he appreciated the calls, emails and other support and prodding given by TGO MEMBERS. He mentioned you folks by specifically by name. That's not a pat on my back, folks. It's a direct compliment to each and every one of you who take the time to call, email and write letters when things need to be changed.
  5. Finally got to read it. I wonder if John Harris was as amused by the wording as I was.
  6. I'd read it, but their web server is slooooooow.
  7. But tell me this... If you notice that a restaurant is posted and you decide to leave the card, do you disarm before going inside? I doubt many people would be willing to do that, assuming that they are willing to go inside in the first place. Failure to disarm before you go inside puts you in the position of violating the law. My stance is pretty simple: I think the cards, as TFA and other organizations present them, are stupid. They amount to nothing more than feel-good drive-by activism for people who want to take a stand but want to do it with relative anonymity, choosing instead to redirect the ire of the restaurant owner at an entire organization. The best option here is to have a friendly, non-confrontational, face to face discussion with the owner or management of your favorite restaurant when/if they decide to post. Explain to them that you're a long time patron and that you really love their establishment, but you're going to have to take your money elsewhere if they persist in demanding that you come into their restaurant void of your legal means of self protection. If you're a regular customer and this restaurant values your business, your words will carry weight and might affect some change. This happened just recently with Nikki Goeser and the Bar-B-Cutie restaurant on Donnelson Pike here in Nashville. Cards left on a table or handed to the manager while you're in a huff about their rightful decision to prohibit carry aren't going to do squat for the cause. I don't really think TFA is trying to accomplish anything positive with these cards other than raise awareness that they exist, and honestly think the cards have more potential to do harm to the cause (or at least to the reputation of that organization) than they have the potential for good. If these cards were a good idea, organizations with more firepower beneath their belts (such as the NRA) would have been doing it a long time ago. The NRA spares no expense in marketing their organization and in evangelizing pro-2nd Amendment ideas and ideals. There's probably a very good reason why this isn't one of their tactics. Again, I'm still kicking around some ideas in my head for a way that a hand-out of some sort could be used positively for our side of the issue, but I'm not ready to make any sort of announcement just yet.
  8. No need for thanks here. Daniel did most of the reportin' on his iPhone and Twitter. He also had to resist being recruited by other organizations.
  9. That's a good problem. PITS can accommodate between 50-60 in their meeting room area. If we fill it, then we don't have to share it with any other groups. So the more the merrier. As a side note, when you arrive just ask to be seated with the TGO group.
  10. That is exactly the question that I have struggled with for a while now and the reason why I have opted not to produce these cards for TGO to date. Frankly, the TFA cards strike me as being marketing propaganda with very little meat behind them given the illogical situation in which you would have to find yourself in order to use them in the first place. Consider the facts: It is incumbent upon the HCP holder to notice whether or not an establishment is posted as a prohibited location before he or she enters the restaurant. If you have already dined, you owe the establishment your money. If it is the TFA's position that you leave these cards with your payment... you've accomplished what precisely? You have already given them your money. The waitstaff will likely throw the card away and the manager will never see it. If the manager does see it, so what? They already have your money. So you've proven what? That you may not be back? To most restaurants, that's not exactly a big deal. Alternatively you would notice that the restaurant is posted, and then go inside to deliver a card and then leave without dining and subsequently paying. Riiiiiiight. Who did you give the card to? Waitress? Manager? Just drop it on the counter (crop dusting) and leave? As a non-paying hit and run activist, your opinion likely means nothing to the management. So again, I think this is a pretty useless tactic. Rather than send you all out with silly cards similar to what TFA borrowed from several other state's web sites, I am trying to come up with something a little different that actually has some teeth behind it. Stay tuned.
  11. Married life has been way too good to me.
  12. Fearless leader needs to eat a fearless salad. Jesus, I've let myself boldly go.
  13. In the courtroom proper? At best they had 10-12 people on their side present. There were at least that many on our side present and the room would have only held 24 total, max.
  14. The mood was respectful and reserved. During the brief recess while Chancellor Bonnyman was in her chambers to craft her response, discussion was a bit lighthearted among the parties present but I think everyone's minds were still set squarely on just what the Chancellor might say once session resumed. I did find it... odd, perhaps? ... that there seemed to be a lot of backslapping and yucking it up going on between players on opposite sides of the aisle. For instance, Adam Dread was hamming it up pretty good with Bob Pope of the Pope's Gun Show fame. The seemed to know each other from outside the courtroom, so who knows. I just found that to be odd and not quite adversarial. A while back I had polo shirts made up with the TGO logo embroidered on it and offered them up to the Moderators and Staff. We already offer hats up to the members at large, but shirts will be made available to the members as well very soon. So yeah a few of us had TGO shirts on. Beyond that, I've gotten to know quite a few of the local members (by face, if not by name) thanks to the monthly Meet & Shoot events that we have down at Owl Hollow. Since the courtroom that I was in was so small, it was easy to spot any other TGO'ers that may have been present. I didn't see inside the other room so I have no idea if anyone from here was in there. Hope that answers your questions.
  15. As usual, you are as subtle as a chainsaw hysterectomy, Hex. I don't know if you attended the hearing today, but if you did you will recall that the percentages issue was part of what the plaintiffs argued makes the law unconstitutional. Now, this only becomes an issue when a restaurant (or bar) fails to meet the minimum percentage of non-alcohol sales imposed on them by the State to begin with, which in turn makes those venues in violation, but the fact remains that percentages do play a role in a venue's ability to serve alcohol. No, Tennessee does not license bars and all places that serve alcohol also must serve food AND are required to generate at least 50% of their revenue from non-alcohol related sales in order to retain their liquor license.
  16. Glock slide? What Glock slide? I've got a spiffy Glock paperweight that I'd let you have though. See you tomorrow!
  17. Please see this new thread... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/events-gatherings/24105-tennessee-gun-owners-middle-tennessee-hb0962-victory-dinner-tuesday-july-14th.html
  18. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Middle Tennessee members of TGO are invited to a victory dinner celebrating the successful adoption of House Bill 0962 (Provision for carry by HCP holders in restaurants that serve alcohol) as LAW. Come and join us as we celebrate the triumph of common sense legislation! WHEN: Tuesday, July 14th 2009. 7pm - 9pm. WHERE: Pie In The Sky Pizza. 1770 Galleria Blvd # A, Franklin, TN. (CLICK HERE FOR MAP) TGO's own Nikki Goeser will be attending and will be calling in LIVE to the NRA "Cam & Company" radio show from the restaurant. We will be sending a group picture to Cam, hopefully to be used in the simultaneous web-broadcast and for posting on their web site. IMPORTANT NOTES: I spoke with the PITS management this evening and they were gracious enough to allow us the chance to meet and dine there tomorrow in their "meeting room". At present they do not have any intent to post their property as prohibited for carry. HOWEVER, they do reserve the right to change that later if their willingness to support HCP holders is abused in any way that is detrimental to their business. That said, I am requiring the following: If you carry, you must carry concealed. They do not want us ruffling the feathers of their other paying customers by walking around their establishment openly carrying. I do not care what your personal opinions are on open carry. The desire of the property owner is that we conceal, so we will conceal. Period. There will be no drinking of alcoholic beverages by any member of our party, regardless of their unarmed status. The media will likely be watching our group and any other TGO group that meets for meals tomorrow at predetermined places and times. Therefore it is imperative that NO ONE from our parties drinks alcohol at these gatherings. It doesn't matter if you are unarmed or not. Non-alcoholic beverages only. Please, please, please tip well and be gracious to our hosts and hostesses. Leave the waitstaff with a positive impression and thank the manager, if possible, for affording us the opportunity to dine in their establishment. Finally, if you can make it, please vote accordingly in the poll attached to this thread. See you there!
  19. TGO David


    Freshmen members don't have access to post blogs. Once you clear Freshman status, you will be able to.
  20. Thank you for posting the contents rather than linking. It's always better to just post than link since sites often disappear from the Internet and then the links are useless.
  21. I figured you were delayed getting the parking boot removed from your car.
  22. IMPORTANT... I have added a poll to this thread. Please vote (and do it quick) so that I can get an initial head-count of how many people will likely be attending the Nashville-area dinner. The venue will be announced shortly. I just need to know how many will likely attend so that I can have an intelligent conversation with the management of several restaurants. Venue will be within a 20-30 minute drive of downtown Nashville proper. Maybe even closer than that. We're just keeping our options open! Event will happen at 8:00pm CST since it will be held in conjunction with a LIVE call-in to the NRA Radio "Cam and Company" show from Nikki Goeser who will be in attendance.


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