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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Yep, I signed up for it yesterday... I think. Received the email and decided to take a look. All in all it seems like a decent resource that could be grown into an excellent resource by the NRA.
  2. My Smith & Wesson 3913 back in '94 or so. Should have kept it, but have since picked up a 3914 for my wife so it's almost like having the old gun back.
  3. Collin, if you get the sights I can put them in for you. I have an MGW Sig-specific sight tool sitting about 10 feet from me.
  4. " You don't need a gun. The police will protect you. "
  5. Because cops don't have enough to put up with on a daily basis already, and desire to make more of it for themselves right? Seriously? You really believe that? You honestly think that cops go around making crap up so that they can get hammered by Internal Affairs later? Kentucky has been that way for as long as... well.. as long as I can remember. You know how many people I have ever seen open carrying in Kentucky, from birth to my 37'th birthday?TWO. One was a farmer. The other was just a random guy. TWO. In thirty seven years. That's not saying you should draw any sort of statistic from my experience, it's just saying that I, as a gun guy who NOTICES guns ... has seen two people open carry in the hundreds of square miles that I actively lived within for 25 years and roamed within for 37 years. Interesting.
  6. Nope, sorry but you're wrong. It's the same WXW group that puts on the Lebanon show. (http://www.mwxmarketing.com/images/Win09_Lebanon.jpg)
  7. Contrary to other reports, I'm pretty sure that this IS the same show as the one in Lebanon recently. And yes it was horrible out there.
  8. Mark over at the Safe House will be able to find something to fit your exact needs and will save you a lot of running around in the process. Plus you'll have the option of buying something a lot more rugged than what they sell in the Big Box Stores. The Safe House: nashvillesafehouse.com :: Professional Safe Movers, Commercial and Residential Safes, Gun Safes, Safe Rental, Safe Service and Repair, serving Middle Tennessee
  9. I prefer to use the bio-substitute for petroleum, made from whale blubber.
  10. That's a quality looking firearm.
  11. I do hope to see others become involved in this in the years ahead. Of course, the first time you do anything of this nature it's sometimes easier to get one or two sponsors on board than it is to get a bunch of sponsors. Especially if the sponsors are to be gun shops that might see each other as "competition" the other 364 days of the year.
  12. I'm not going to derail it either, but it's always amusing to me when someone cries foul about another person sharing their opinion, but then demands that their own opinion be protected and respected. Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled tarring and feathering of everyone who doesn't agree that Ronald Reagan deserves a place on Mount Rushmore.
  13. Thanks for sharing your lack of a sense of humor!
  14. Nah, I just conceal the heck out of them.
  15. I've walked by countless police while armed and never had an encounter like this. Frequently with not one, but two handguns. I can't figure it out.
  16. My feelings on open carry are pretty well documented here on TGO. I'm not going to resuscitate that horse, but I will say this: When you are dealing with subjects where public opinion can mean the difference between votes FOR or AGAINST something that constantly teeters on the edge of un-popularity, discretion can truly be the better part of valor. There are a lot of Americans who don't own guns. There are a lot of Americans who really don't care about guns or gun laws so long as you don't go waving either in their faces. Those people will neither vote for or against a subject unless you give them a reason to. I'd rather give those swing-voters a reason to see me as not being some sort of self-imagined threat to them by appearing "normal" and keeping my means of self defense discretely tucked away. Like it or not, the voter with delicate sensibilities probably sees you carrying your firearm as an abnormality in their world, and chances are they are right even if only because the vast majority of other armed persons they encounter have theirs concealed. Come to think of it... I've never seen a 6th Dan black belt walk into Kroger with their "belt" hanging off of their hip just to show people how effective they might be at handling any self-defense situation that might arise, either.
  17. Thanks for coming down yesterday. I was up in your neck of the woods today actually.
  18. FYI... it's not state law, it's Federal law.
  19. Do you recall when you ordered? I put mine in sometime in August; really hope it ships soon but their web site says they are still on April 2009 orders.
  20. The Outpost Armory has posted photos from today's event on their own web site: The Outpost Armory
  21. There was also a news agency from Germany present. Yes, Germany. I am going to be very anxious to see what their report ends up being.
  22. I like the idea of a set time to meet up with TGO'ers. Will keep that in mind next time around, and for future TGO-involved events as well.
  23. Yeah, I really wish the weather had been more cooperative.


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