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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Firstly, you do not have to use TGO as a means to assist those in need. The American Red Cross has a system whereby you can text "REDCROSS" to 90999 and make a $10.00 donation. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE... If you are a TGO member and either you or your family or friends need assistance, you may post in this thread with a brief summary of what sort of basic human help would be most beneficial. If the need is for clothes, household goods, food, shelter, and so-forth, post that. If you desire privacy, you may PM the request to Mrs. Tungsten (my wife) and she will coordinate. IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE... Post or PM what sort of assistance you are willing to provide. Be sure to indicate what your limit(s) are in respect to the number of items, amount of food, etc. We do not want to overburden anyone. If you want to contribute financially for the purchase of grocery gift cards (i.e. Kroger, Wal-mart) then by all means you may do so. Contact us for information on how this can be arranged. Thanks!
  2. Exactly.
  3. And this is precisely why I don't really want to get back into it. Everyone wants something different. I'm not going down that road again. IF I produce them quarterly, there will be one style of hat and one style of shirt in different sizes. If you don't like the style of hat or shirt, you don't have to buy.
  4. Keep in mind that many of the people who left animals behind didn't have a choice in the matter. One of my wife's co-workers was informed by rescue workers that she could bring her baby, but not their dog, onto a rescue boat. They finally caved when she refused to budge.
  5. Don't be stupid. We had a store available last year before you came along. Unfortunately I just don't have the time necessary to stay on top of order fulfillment. I'm still casually looking around for a company that can take that duty off of my hands and also provide quality gear to you all. The rub is quality. There are plenty of places like CafePress that will put your logo on something, but the quality is horrible. What I *MAY* do soon is take orders for a batch of hats again. Or a batch of shirts. Or both. If it works out, I'll try to do it quarterly.
  6. Agreed. If I am put in the situation where I have to use deadly force to survive the encounter, I am going to shoot to eliminate the threat. If they die as a result of their aggression and my duty for self-preservation, then that's an unfortunate result of their actions.
  7. I'll tell you what I have noticed lately.... it's that on certain other forums comprised of a significant number of active military and other "industry professionals" who live and die by the gun daily, it's better to listen more than you post. You should ask them what they think of Olbermann.
  8. On one hand you will have companies closing their doors as the result of lost profit and lost production. On the other hand you will have people who were already out of work going into full swing again as the result of the reconstruction that will be necessary. There have been countless skilled tradespeople sitting on the sidelines because no one was building or renovating homes or commercial structures. Car sales will likely boom as the result of insurance payouts. All of that office equipment that was lost to flood water will have to be replaced. Debris will need to be cleared away. Etc and so forth. Does it suck? Yes. But it will suck more for people who refuse to adapt and innovate. Your job yesterday may not be your job next week.
  9. Is he the new kid on One Tree Hill ?
  10. What Jason's saying is... he's thinking of ways to own one now.
  11. I'm digging it.
  12. I filled mine up on Sunday because I anticipated this would happen.
  13. Mmmmm... pasta
  14. Let's just use this thread. I have moved it to the special Events forum and made it a sticky.
  15. Everyone here's pretty cool except for the gun who runs the site. I hear he eats paste.
  16. Unloaded mags are poor paperweights.
  17. Cheers. Yeah, I remember that place vaguely. Early 90's. Real classy joint.
  18. Whereas amateur radio is still a licensed service and the FCC can and will get involved in shutting down someone engaging in illegal activities, of which profanity on the air is one, I'd say the odds of being subjected to that sort of material on shortwave are pretty slim.
  19. What was the name of that bar over there... Checkers or something like that?
  20. I'm digging the G10 panels on the bottom one!
  21. Thanks for the helpful info, guys. I'm starting to lean toward the FT-7900R instead simply because it is dual-band, less expensive, and capable of handling the bands I'd use initially.
  22. I'm glad I have an electrical engineering degree.
  23. Thankfully the FCC allows you to break the rules and communicate on any available frequency in any available mode if you are in an emergency situation, regardless of your license status or class.


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