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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Not a photoshop. Sadly real. Immensely retarded.
  2. A splash of water or a little ice melting opens up certain spirits a bit and lets you taste aspects of them that you otherwise would miss. The value of adding a splash depends greatly on the bourbon / whisky and of course personal preference. There are some that I like a little water in, there are others I wouldn't dream of it. On another note... Picked up another bottle of Maker's 46 tonight to have on hand after our current fifth is done. We're in no hurry on either; it's just nice to have more.
  3. But no one conducts a test to make sure you are responsible enough to exercise your other Constitutional freedoms. Careless words issued under the auspices of "freedom of speech" have destroyed many a person's life too. And frequently at a much slower, much more painful, completely cruel pace. Unlike the relatively swift destruction rendered by a well placed bullet.
  4. I chose the Lorcin.
  5. Yes, they trolled TGO under a fake account and acted all secret squirrel about it. /thread
  6. Can't imagine they wouldn't have it. Just ask them at the counter.
  7. Apparently I missed the memo on these. Woodford Reserve is ok, but Jefferson's Reserve Very Old Small Batch is infinitely better.
  8. I've been thinking about fireworks as well.
  9. My condolences to you and yours.
  10. I think I may go shooting during the day as long as the weather cooperates. That night, I'm not sure what we're going to do. I'm sure it will involve friends and family as always. What about you?
  11. If I was going to carry an 8-rd .45ACP it would be a 1911. I really don't have any issues with the length of the grip affecting concealment, and the grip is really no longer than that of say a Glock 19. Ten rounds of .45ACP in a thin double-stack modern fighting pistol? Win.
  12. Thanks man. I'm upright and mobile but that pinched nerve is still there and makes itself known every chance it gets. I think the only cure for it is going to be plenty of exercise and losing about 25 lbs to take some of the strain off.
  13. Kahr Arms Pocket/Wallet Holster
  14. Gotta watch out for those gun toting grandmothers!
  15. Welcome to the zoo.
  16. I think I've seen Timmy hanging out at some of the local shooting ranges too.
  17. Guess it's a good thing that my in-laws went home last evening instead of staying another night. They'd have had to run Hwy 70S through Soddy instead of taking 24. Some of those roads over there are undoubtedly much more slick. It's snowing pretty heavily again here at my house. Just melts pretty fast as soon as it hits the road.
  18. Guns - Online Gun Auction - Guns for Sale at GunBroker.com
  19. Bud's Gun Shop has them right now. Transfer them in to someone like Austin's perhaps?
  20. TGO David

    div legal Q's

    I appreciate the sentiment but in my case it was worth every penny to get rid of her.
  21. I will have a solid count of how many extra decals I have after I've given ample time for folks to receive theirs from this first order. I was able to obtain a few extras when I ordered by throwing a little more money at them. Once I know that everyone is good to go, I'll let you all know what remains.
  22. TGO David

    div legal Q's

    I'm pretty sure I asked my attorney about this and she advised that it wouldn't stand up in court, so if there was a chance it might be contested, you should just leave it at the marital residence until the official division of property. Same disclaimer applies to this advice, however. Not a lawyer, not legal advice, etc.
  23. TGO David

    div legal Q's

    Well, yes and no. Legally you can roast her if she removes property that shouldn't be removed until after the official division of property takes place (once the divorce is final). However, she can still very much walk out with your crap if you aren't there to stop her, and then it becomes a civil matter that has to be worked out in court. I've been down this road before, so I'll add that most of the time folks do allow each other to take things that they agree upon before the divorce settlement. In other words, you don't want the coffee maker so you let her take that. She doesn't have room for the king size bed, so you keep that. You in turn let her take the futon because she's going to need a place to sleep at her new apartment/house/box under a bridge. You two don't contest these things, therefore the court really doesn't care, and you each get some of the necessities for setting up house at your respective places of residence. Is that legal advice? Not at all. It's just the practical way things work out more often than not. Where trouble arises is when she wants to take the 52-inch plasma TV you just bought with your Christmas bonus and you tell her to piss up a rope. That's contested joint property and it has to be worked out in the divorce papers before it leaves the marital residence.
  24. Hell, I'm always wrong to a lot of people on TGO. Doesn't mean I don't share my opinion though.
  25. Oorah, Marine. Welcome to TGO. You should definitely come out and join us at some of the shoots.


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