Well, yes and no. Legally you can roast her if she removes property that shouldn't be removed until after the official division of property takes place (once the divorce is final). However, she can still very much walk out with your crap if you aren't there to stop her, and then it becomes a civil matter that has to be worked out in court.
I've been down this road before, so I'll add that most of the time folks do allow each other to take things that they agree upon before the divorce settlement. In other words, you don't want the coffee maker so you let her take that. She doesn't have room for the king size bed, so you keep that. You in turn let her take the futon because she's going to need a place to sleep at her new apartment/house/box under a bridge. You two don't contest these things, therefore the court really doesn't care, and you each get some of the necessities for setting up house at your respective places of residence.
Is that legal advice? Not at all. It's just the practical way things work out more often than not. Where trouble arises is when she wants to take the 52-inch plasma TV you just bought with your Christmas bonus and you tell her to piss up a rope. That's contested joint property and it has to be worked out in the divorce papers before it leaves the marital residence.