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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Ah... the 1911. Most reliable weapons platform ever. Perfectly suitable for use by the MEUSOC in Asscrackistan or other remote sectors of the world where there is ample time and resources for field gunsmithing.
  2. Love my M&P 45. You could always do the M&P 45c if you're wanting something a little shorter in the grip.
  3. Hate to tell you but... you bought an LCP and not an LCR. The R is the Revolver.
  4. I thought with the hoopla about these horrible white markings, it had to be something other than the mag safety warning. You guys don't remember the old days of Smith and Wesson using the sides of the slides as billboards?
  5. This is actually a misconception. Chuck Norris wept once while cradling a newborn child in the burned out ruins of a ghetto church. That is the only recorded instance of this ever happening. I'm partial to the Magpul backup sights but am more interested in the Gen 2 Rear BUIS since it will be windage adjustable.
  6. Que? I don't remember ever seeing any M&Ps with white lettering on the slides and I've had some since they started pushing them.
  7. But... LaRue's alloys are infused with Chuck Norris' tears. True story.
  8. I'll concur with Mike on the iron sights, but I'd disagree with his notion of not using a quick-detach riser of some sort on your EOTech. I greatly prefer Lower 1/3 co-witness of my iron sights with my red dot on both of my AR's. I'd look at the American Defense Mfg (ADM) mounts and see what they have that strikes your fancy.
  9. I've abused the crap out of my M&P 40 for the past three going on four years and have never had any rust on it. Great gun.
  10. Taken care of. Closing thread.
  11. I had zero problems out of my Titan in the snow and ice the past two storms. I throw between four to six 50lb bags of sand in the bed near the tailgate and put it in 4-HI as needed. Weight on the drive wheels is your friend, no matter which wheel-drive you have. FWD cars do as well as they do because the full weight of the engine is right over them.
  12. Bill, you need to contact us about advertising your commercial ventures before you post any more of these. Thanks.
  13. It's a great gun. Just wasn't for me.
  14. It's all good, guys. I'll take 1,000 active members over 10,000 inactive users any day. And we've definitely got that.
  15. They're still in business?
  16. I don't understand your complaint. Actually, I think it makes you sound rather whiny. It's their business and they run it as a wholesale operation without a storefront. Do you think you should be able to email Coca-Cola and demand that you be able to pick up a 6-pack of Sprite at the nearest distribution center??? They have a business model that works for them. It's clearly your prerogative to not do business with them because they didn't stroke your fur the right way, but you need to understand that the problem is you and your expectations of them, and not them for failing to work outside of their normal operation to cater to you. This whole thing seems pretty baseless to me. YMMV.
  17. How about you go talk to JWP and either become a Vendor or stop using TGO to promote your shop.
  18. Sucks that you're out money on this deal, but C-Products mags b-l-o-w.
  19. Holy cow... I hadn't been watching the member count lately but I've noticed some spikes in server lag time again. Between this and what I keep seeing in the Google Analytics charts, it makes sense.
  20. Stelcevina's account seems to have been put on a train to Siberia. Eat it, Comrade.
  21. It's time... for... an intervention. I'll get the van! You'll get your boys!
  22. This. I use the Vickers on my G19 and have had zero problems out of it.
  23. Some other time then. We're heading that way tonight with Hornet Handler (also a TGO'er) and his family. If you find your stones, come and join us.
  24. Ditch the mag safety. Useless piece of feel-good garbage.
  25. I have one of these on my mid-length build but couldn't really see using it on a short barrel. I think in order to really get the most out of the design you need to have it way out near the end of the hand guard where your supporting arm is at full extension.


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