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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Happiness is being provided the opportunity to work late night infrastructure updates for your company, from home, with a glass of lemonade and a firearm sitting on your desk in plain sight. Some of my peers work from home 2-3 days per week and even others work from home entirely unless needed. I'm truly blessed to have a great job with a great company once again. Even if we are putting in some horrendously long, late hours this month to take care of some projects.
  2. No beers necessary; it'd be a nice chance to catch up and shoot the breeze. Let me dig that thing out when I get done doing updates for work tonight and see what the dimensions are.
  3. Guys... Yeager's involvement in the incident on Route Irish have been discussed here ad nauseum and, frankly, I don't know that it is possible given the third-hand information available to extrapolate "the truth" about what happened or who did what. We can definitely draw some conclusions with reasonable accuracy, but there will still be unknowns that leave room for uncertainty. That said, I think it is easier to debate the matter at hand and draw conclusions from that. The older I get, the less patience I have and subsequently I am less willing to accept risks when it comes to investing my money or my time. If I cannot enter into an endeavor with reasonable assurance that I am going to either enriched personally or financially from my involvement, I do not enter into that endeavor. I can apply that mentality to firearms training pretty easily. If I have questions about a training opportunity or organization or personality because of well-known baggage, I am not going to spend my money or my time with them. There are too many good, reputable trainers and training orgs out there -- perhaps even teaching the exact same things -- for me to take risks with, or support, those who have a cloud of bad karma surrounding them. This doesn't apply to Tactical Response in particular, it just applies to all of them in general. Your mileage might vary.
  4. This is true; the new owner can apply for his tax stamp(s) however he is not allowed to possess those items until the stamp(s) arrive. During which time the items must be transferred to a dealer and then transferred BACK to the recipient. They cannot remain in the possession of someone who does not have the requisite papers. It's far less of a headache to have your ducks in a row ahead of time via a trust. Barring a person going through the headache and expense of obtaining their own tax stamp, the items would have to be surrendered or destroyed. Which brings up another valid point: If a person is added as an executor or trustee of the trust, they don't have to keep paying the BATFE for those tax stamps every time the item changes hands.
  5. I think I still have my MGWLTD sight pusher for the HK45. I can check to see if it accommodates the taller sights.
  6. I question the thoroughness of your understanding of the advantages that come with using a Trust for NFA items. Have you read up on it? I am not going waste your time or mine if you've already done your research, but most people change their opinion once they really see what going through a Trust enables them and their friends/family to do. Especially in terms of estate planning. With you being the sole signer of that form, once something happens to you that SBR must be destroyed or forfeited to the BATFE.
  7. I never got around to buying a MOAKS but I really need to pick one up sooner or later.
  8. TGO David

    New Sig

    It's not an extension, it is the bbl itself the end of which is threaded to accept a suppressor or a cap to protect the threads. The cap is what you see there.
  9. Why aren't you doing this as a Trust instead of going the fingerprint / CLEO route?
  10. TGO David

    New Sig

    Do want!!! The desert combat P220 has been on my "lust list" for a while now, I'm just not sure I really truly want another heavy single-stack 45ACP when I like my M&P 45 middy so much.
  11. Note that eapking was having this back a few weeks ago when we were really fighting server issues. I'll check into it again but we're really only about a week away from me moving us to our new server.
  12. Seriously, you can stop with the dramatics. They aren't necessary and it really isn't helpful. I do not have an opinion of you one way or the other, so the idea that I dislike you is silly. I do dislike what you're "doing" in this thread. There is an appropriate way to handle disagreements with the Staff and it is outlined in the Code of Conduct. The very fact that you haven't been given some time out despite the fact that you continue to pursue this publicly is testament to the fact that we DO have patience and don't make a bunch of knee-jerk decisions. If you feel that this needs to be discussed further, PM me. Otherwise, hold until you hear from me or one of the other moderators on the case at hand. Thanks.
  13. I take it that you feel I am incapable of searching or that things are not happening as fast as you would like. Fair enough. Enfield has actually offered to step down from his role as a moderator here, but I am not making any decisions without looking at the entirety of what has transpired. That said, I will of course be reviewing your own recent posts for argumentative / inflammatory remarks since you appear to have a vested interest in this. Fair is fair.
  14. I don't know how I can help you with that. Are you using Tapatalk?
  15. I will look into that and take whatever actions are appropriate.
  16. I'm pretty handy with a camera sometimes. We can try to get some good pics of yours when we get together.
  17. It's really not a big deal at all; I agree with that. But Enfield should be able to share his opinion on a subject the same as anyone else, even if that opinion is 180-degrees out from the rest of the thread. I think the problem here is that the messenger is being criticized rather than the message, perhaps because of other "baggage" from other threads.
  18. Yes, because that's absolutely what I am asking you to do... right? I have a better idea, though, if you're open to hearing it. How about you put on your big-boy pants and stop being such a drama queen. Your post added nothing but fuel to a fire that really needs to die out. Enfield's remarks in this thread do not seem to be out of line. It sounds like you have issues with things he has said elsewhere, so why crap in this thread?
  19. This speaks VOLUMES... Red-letter emphasis, mine. What a way to run a business.
  20. Ask yourself: What did this post contribute to the thread?
  21. Eh, that has been the general notion for several years now and it really shows no sign of hurting special interest forums. General, off-topic communities? Perhaps.
  22. Active retention devices make sense for police officers who must carry outside the waistband and who might daily find themselves scuffling with a suspect where the retention device is a worthwhile inconvenience. They make very little sense for civilian concealed carry. I really wish I could afford to send everyone here to an advanced fighting pistol class of some sort just so they could see for themselves why keeping it simple is king. There are a lot of really complex products out there that make no practical sense but remain popular because of good marketing and some sort of perceived, putative need on the part of a naive but well-meaning buying public.
  23. TGO's events usually are put on by TGO rather than through other parties, but I'm sure we can figure something out moving ahead. In 2012 I would like very much for us to have a large "TGO Summit" complete with food, festivities, etc. Still trying to work out the logistics but I've got a few people looking in to some stuff for me.


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