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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. So far I'm impressed with the speed however I've been seeing the Internet connection drop sporadically which kind of hurts my ability to stay connected via VPN to work. Adding insult to injury, I'm also getting calls for someone else on the phone number that they had provisioned for me. That started about 5 minutes after they installed it. Ugh. Time to change the number again. I had to schedule the tech to come back out tomorrow to address the connectivity issue.
  2. Business class... Nice!
  3. Seems pretty consistent at least. This was my result from the XFinity test site. Thanks for posting that link!
  4. Just upgraded my home connection due to new demands at work. Not bad?
  5. No, we did that yesterday.
  6. I don't get this. Why would you compromise your own first line of security by even answering the door in the first place? At that point, they have the upper hand.
  7. Welcome! Glad you found us.
  8. I noticed one period last night where it seemed to take a little longer than normal to do a "What's New" search but there was nothing showing in the performance logs at the time. It did not seem to be related to the Tactical Republic ads, or at least I did not see that in the browser. I'm going to dig a little today as I have time.
  9. I'll inquire; we might be getting throttled bandwidth-wise if we are dishing out too much traffic. If that's the case, I'm sure they can upgrade us for a cost and I'd be surprised if the cost is prohibitive.
  10. I agree with that, which is why I don't recommend it for "everyone" either. There are cases where the return on the investment may not be there. But once you go past one NFA item or want to allow your spouse or adult-children to take an NFA item and shoot with it without you present, it becomes worth it.
  11. No, the person out of state can ship the firearm to a FFL holder in the state of the recipient without going through an FFL in his/her own state. It's just sometimes easier to have an FFL do both sides of the shipping process because UPS and FedEx equally seem inept and inexperienced when it comes to handling personal shipping of firearms and do not care to be versed in the law, which can cause a hassle at the counter.
  12. Because I'm right? Edited to add... I see that it always comes down to price with you, to borrow a phrase. You don't have to do this through a lawyer. It's probably better if you do, but I was able to do mine without a lawyer and then have a lawyer-friend look it over after the fact. He found no problems with what I did. So my trust cost me all of nothing to craft, nothing to have notarized through my bank, and the same $200 for the tax stamp that it cost you to submit to the BATFE, minus the finger printing charge, minus the hassle of having the CLEO look it over and drag their feet on, minus the intrusion into my privacy of having the CLEO know about it in the first place, WITH the added benefit that those who are on the trust can possess the items on the trust without me being present. So, like I said, it's better.
  13. I doubt that's it.
  14. I'm looking at our performance stats for the evening last night and never see a load average above 1.2 for the server. And that spike occurred during nightly backups, which is forgivable.
  15. There is no one-size fits all course of action for anything that I can think of. However the benefits of using a Trust far outweigh the negative of the up-front cost. The only way I can think of it not being of any benefit is if you refuse to ever share your life or your love of shooting with someone else who might conceivably want the ability to possess one of your NFA items legally, or have those items passed on to them at a later point. If you're a hermit living on a mountaintop with just your dog, you might be right about the Trust being of no use to you.
  16. If you would, shoot me a link or two to the other sites so that I can see if they are running TR ads as well. It would definitely help our case with TR if there is a commonality between TGO and these other sites. TR knows that they have had performance issues in the past and they are generally very quick to respond if there is a legitimate problem.
  17. You know, reading back through this thread it strikes me that as a society -- even an armed society -- we base too many of our decisions on generalizations and assumptions. We generalize and assume that a female is not going to be a threat, or as much of a threat, as a male. Therefore we are more willing to lower our guard a notch or two (or even completely) which in turn leaves us vulnerable. The practice at my home is simple, and everyone knows the rules: If we are not expecting you, we are not opening the door to you. That doesn't mean that we will open the heavy door but not the glass / storm door. That means any door. You will not see us. We will not expose ourselves to be seen by you or harmed by you. And rest assured that if you are ringing my doorbell or skulking around my house, we know you are there, we are watching you from within, and we are armed. This isn't paranoia, it is an adaptation of our lives to the fact that the world has changed for the worse and that there are predatory people out there who will scope out you and your home in the effort to harm you and to take from you the things you hold dear. There are predatory people in this world who will use your kindness, your ill-placed trust, your naivety, your desire to help your fellow man, against you to kill you. The day of the door to door Bible salesman is gone. There is no reason for anyone to be pounding on your door anymore. Frankly I am surprised that no one has resorted to sending school-aged children to a door first under the auspices of selling something for their school, only to have the adults come in behind them with overpowering force and push their way into a home. The only thing less threatening than a teenage girl ringing your doorbell is a gradeschool kid, right? Some folks think talk like this is ridiculous and over the top. Those folks are the ones who end up robbed, hurt or worse.
  18. If you try to invade my home, I will defend myself and my family with every means at my disposal - up to and including the use of deadly force. And I can assure you that neither I nor the ammunition in my gun care about your race, creed or gender. A threat is a threat.
  19. This is EXACTLY why I keep telling people to do the Trust before they start buying NFA items. The transfer fee is simply too high (for most folks) to go and buy them as an individual initially and then become savvy to the benefits of a Trust and want to transfer them into the trust. Do it right the first time and think long term instead of immediate term.
  20. Whether you display the ads in your browser or not, the page loads still depend on the ads being served. You're putting 2+2 together and coming up with 5 somehow. Adblock, the speed of the ads servers and the speed of our server have nothing to do with each other. It's not a TGO server issue. I've been watching it very closely since we moved to the new hosting company and have had zero ... repeat, ZERO ... signs that our server is doing anything less than an absolutely stellar job.
  21. I can tell you that I have absolutely not had any such experiences with the site on the new server except for a few instances where Tactical Republic's ads seem to be slow. And when that is the case you will see references to that in the status bar of your browser while it waits on TR's servers to catch up. As for the TGO server itself, we are kicking ass and taking names as of late. It's simply a beast and hasn't broken a sweat with us yet. If you're seeing delays, it is likely TR or even your ISP. I will email TR and ask them what the situation is.
  22. I've been trying to get used to the AFG that I put on my BCM Mid-Length build and frankly just can't. I'll be going back to a Tango Down "stubby" on it, same as I have on my short-barrel build.
  23. What Mike said. A revocable living trust is your best bet. It's a little more expensive on the front end but is, IMO, the only way to fly.
  24. You're likely not going to get a consensus from the shops as they seem to all use someone different. I know that D&T Arms in Nashville outsources their 1911 smith worth to Chad Kandros. Hero Gear has an on-site smith - Jeff Meister. There are several other reputable smiths in the Nashville area. If you google either of those two names, I'm sure you will find the necessary contact info.
  25. Just pay it forward like I suggested and everything will be right with the world. Not a big deal.


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