All this talk about "rights" and how they pertain to the roadways just makes me shake my head in disbelief. Roadways are city/state/federal property depending on where we're talking about. Citizens are afforded the privilege of being able to use roadways provided they observe certain laws and, in some cases, restrictions on what types of vehicles may be operated upon them and how. Speed limits are proof of this. Bicycles and such being restricted from Interstate highways are proof of this.
Nowhere in the books does it say that a motorist on a secondary road is guaranteed the convenience of a higher rate of speed without impediment by a cyclist also on the road. However that cyclist does have certain legal protection against being crowded by a motor vehicle and legal protection against being assaulted by a motorist who is too impatient to slow down and give them the minimum 3-ft berth when passing.
If you encounter a cyclist while in a no-passing zone, you can either suck it up and drive patiently behind them, or you can wait and pass [illegally perhaps] when it is safe to do so and assume all risks associated with that act, or you can just not drive your car since you're too much of a self-important dick to share the road with everyone else on it.
Seriously, folks... the choices are pretty simple.