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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. I like the way you think!
  2. I have zero intent to open carry. I never do so this day won't be any different. My firearm is not a political statement, it is a self-defense tool. If I were a carpenter I wouldn't walk into Starbucks carrying a nail-gun to thank them for not banning nail-guns. To each their own, but I'd seriously consider what message you are sending and what the reactions might be if you decide to open carry. If you spook the sheep, there could easily be corporate-wide backlash.
  3. I can't wait to see how they paint preparedness as being the domain of freaks, weirdos and fringe lunatics... Doomsday Preppers - National Geographic Channel Series premiers on Tuesday, February 7th at 8pm CST.
  4. General Class operator here.
  5. Eh, there have been occasions where I needed a specialty tool that would work at least once and didn't want to spend the kind of money that buys longevity. Harbor Freight is good for that.
  6. I'm going to close this thread down for about 24 hours so that everyone has a chance to take a breath and let emotions settle. I'm not giving anyone a free pass here but I'm also not wanting the thread to turn into a complete pile-up where folks let their feelings get the best of them. Rational discuss is always welcomed so we can aim for some more of that once the thread re-opens.
  7. I'll be sure to stop in that day and buy some coffee and thank the manager for their pro-Constitution stance.
  8. I'm continually amazed by the grace and leniency shown by members of this forum. It frequently leads me to wonder if I'm wrong for being such a hard-case and profiling people out in the wild on the basis of behavior patterns. So far the process has worked reasonably well for me and keeps me from being perpetually disappointed when people revert back to their own internal common denominators. It's also kept me alive on one occasion, but I digress.
  9. No need. I am keenly aware of Drew's history and much like the councilman have also been the target of his words on at least one point over the past 10 years. I know him from the same place that I know Voldemort from, ironically. I'd like to think Drew has learned a thing or two about being discrete, especially given our conversation in person at Panera Bread about two years ago when I confronted him about the things he'd said about my deceased daughter. The story as presented in the news article is exactly as I remember it being relayed on various local car forums back when it was all current news. I'm sure Drew is correct in that his record reflects that he was cleared of all charges, however I am aware of numerous unrelated cases where a deal was struck with the Court and crimes were struck from records. It's not exactly rocket surgery. That being said, is Drew someone I want speaking for me as a gun owner? No. I am capable of speaking for myself and there are no ambiguities hanging out with the skeletons in my closet. Hopefully Drew is making better choices these days.
  10. What an interesting turn of events we have here.
  11. We picked up a bottle of that late last year and still have a little bit left. I will make a note to pick up more the next time we're out.
  12. I've got a few of these left and can order more if we need. Let's put together a list of folks who want one (or more) and I'll see about getting an order put together the first or second week of Februrary. I will add a poll to this thread so you can indicate that you want a pair of them. I believe last time we did this it was something like two for $5.00, plus postage. So I figure it will be around the same ballpark again. Remember, vote in the poll to indicate that you want two.
  13. I've stopped going to Harbor Freight since we got the Northern Tool in Murfreesboro.
  14. According to the forum's settings, anyone can edit their thread titles. When you are viewing a thread that you created, scroll to the top of the page and find the link above the thread for "Administrative" and see if you can Edit the thread from there. I'll sign in using a dummy account in a few minutes and try it myself as well.
  15. I have always loved the look of the Kimber Raptor. Nice choice! She's going to need a quality leather holster, though. I don't think I could bear the thought of seeing that shoved into some Kydex.
  16. I'll see if I can't adjust the permissions to let folks do this themselves. I'm sure there's some reason I opted not to do that before but I can't remember what it was.
  17. I think one of the Staff may have tried to fix this for you and inadvertently made it worse, as the setting I found toggled was one that would have to be changed manually. I've corrected the problem.
  18. Incorrect. Payment is automatic and activation is automatic as long as the payment came from funds that were already in the sender's PayPal account. If they had to do it as an eCheck it can take 7-10 days for it to clear and then it is still automatic. Let me see what's going on here.
  19. Yes, that is one of the others I was going to recommend you guys try but I was pacing myself with the recommendations. It's excellent. Worth the purchase.
  20. Unfortunately we cannot provide support for the Tapatalk application itself. For that you need to visit Tapatalk Forum App - Empowering Forum Junkies on-the-go and seek support from the developers. We just provide it as a mechanism for you to access the forum provided it works correctly on your phone. Sorry. But like Fallguy said, once we're on iPB you almost have no reason to use it anymore.
  21. This thread is 3 years old.
  22. I'll up the ante a bit... If a person will step up and take over the task of organizing this, I will make sure that they get full "Benefactor" honors for the duration of their involvement. I know it's not much but it's the least I can do.
  23. I've got a few new ones you guys need to try, but the one I want to recommend tonight is Prichard's Double Chocolate Bourbon using Prichard's bourbon and Olive & Sinclair chocolate. Absolutely amazing. My wife spotted it on the shelf at one of our local stores and suggested we pick it up. Good call.
  24. Callous statement, but here goes: This sounds like a self-correcting problem to me. Tragedy of the loss of human life aside, the SEALs are consummate professionals. This guy clearly did not embody their ethos, therefore the problem has resolved itself before he could get someone else on the Teams hurt by being a reckless dumb-ass. That said, I'm sorry for his family's loss.


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