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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. I'll have to ping the Tapatalk developers tomorrow and see what they can tell me about that. Could be a result of something having been cached from the old setup.
  2. Yeah, that's something I want to add back. I know it's an option, I just need to find. it.
  3. Try now. Really should work this time.
  4. You should be able to edit your profile now. As for the tablet... the new software is GREAT on mobile devices. Enjoy!
  5. Oh that's a good one. What browser / device are you using?
  6. Yes, because everyone sees that on their own profile. No one else can see yours. Basically when a moderator issues a warning for something, you start seeing a little bar appear there. As the bar increases, you edge closer to being banned. Think of it as a speedometer for stupid behavior.
  7. Dark theme is coming down the road. I've stated that several times now in numerous places. As for the preview, no, that's just the way this software works. Sorry. And I'm not sure why the last comment was made. Have I ever really given that impression???
  8. These two issues should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting them.
  9. Spuds, give it some time.
  10. If you're running into something you can't edit but should be able to, be sure to report it in the Feedback and Support forum so that I can fix it. Man... you need to read up on the forum announcements more often!
  11. Heh... from Tapatalk it should look pretty darn near the same. You and me both. Change has been kicking my butt for the past 23hours. I'm gonna sleep really good tonight.
  12. How about it... did you survive? And if so, what did you do with all of that free time?
  13. Have looked at both Dick's Sporting Goods and also REI; no luck. Have not tried Academy or Bass Pro yet. Thanks!
  14. I'd like to pick up a Lansky system and may just have to order one, but I was kind of hoping some local retailer would have them in stock. Do you guys know of any place in the mid-state (greater Nashville) area to buy them? Thanks.
  15. I've met Kirk. He's a clean cut individual who probably strikes people as being "someone who should be carrying a gun". Like it or not, everyone profiles. Everyone makes on-the-fly judgments about others based on the way they look, the things they do and the things they say. A person dressed smartly, business casual, with a tucked in shirt and a firearm in a nice belt holster is likely to be brushed off as someone who they perceive as being required to carry a firearm and not a threat to them. Unfortunately that could also backfire, but I'm not going to debate that again. A person covered in tattoos, wearing urban-style clothing, baggy pants, untucked t-shirt, etc. and a gun on their hip is probably going to receive a lot of scrutiny from their fellow citizen as well as the police. They won't strike most folks as being "someone who should be carrying a gun" because there are certain assumptions made about them based on appearances alone. Is this fair? Not especially. Is it a fact of life? You bet.
  16. No, the people who have a problem with it are the bed wetting activist types who have nothing better to do than wage massive letter-writing campaigns, pester their equally liberal elected representatives, and generally make life miserable for the minority of gun owners who care about the right to carry. You do realize that the majority of people who own firearms don't have a handgun carry permit or even care an iota about carry, right? TGO's membership is an anomaly just like most Internet forums because here members care about it. I believe it's well within your right to carry openly and I think it's great that you have the choice to do so. I'm opposed to anyone taking choices and therefore freedoms away from the American people. But I also believe that it is pretty obvious that a person should use a little discernment when making a choice and that open carry has so many disadvantages that it's really not worth it. If you're trying to make a "We shall not go silently into the night!" sort of political statement with your sidearm, refusing to conceal it just because you don't have to, more power to you. That's your right. Just don't expect me to be excited about it. That's my prerogative and my choice.
  17. I can't think of anything bad that could happen from having your firearm right out in plain sight like that.
  18. The moderators here carry a big stick. Problem resolved.
  19. I firmly believe that the demise of the Hickory Hollow area came with the proliferation of apartment complexes. I lived briefly in the Cameron Overlook apartments off of Bell Road during the mid 1990's right before it got really bad in Antioch. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. But back to my original point, apartments are full of two types of people: 1st - People who haven't bought a house yet but are working toward it. 2nd - People who have no intention of ever buying a house and just want a roof over their heads. Sadly the second group brings with it a large contingent of people who have no "pride of ownership" are are willing to **** the nest, so to speak. Crime and declining property values come along with them. As the property values decline, rent becomes cheaper, and when rent becomes cheaper the bar for admission becomes lower and you get more of the 2nd group than you do of the 1st group. The lowest common denominator becomes the majority. That's when you fence the place off, rescue those worth rescuing, and nerve gas the remaining vermin. This is why I will never be elected to public office, of course.
  20. Yep... if you're trying to make sure the Pro-Carry support shown totally backfires.
  21. I think the OC part of this is an idiotic idea and will just play into the hands of those who are trying to get Starbucks to change their stance on the matter. Discretion is the better part of valor. I don't expect you to completely understand that at 24 years of age, but I would hope that you'd at least consider the advice of people who have been on this earth almost twice as long as you and understand that sometimes our "opinions" on things like OC and the negative impact it actually has on people come from experience.
  22. The only problem I would personally have with wearing that shirt is the last line. I don't want to hear any questions from anyone who reads my shirt. If I could get a version of that which replaced the last line with the phrase "Go pound sand" or "STFU and color" I would buy it. I mean, really... it just invites questions from the sort of arrogant mentaly-elite douchebag that I honestly don't want to be within breathing distance of.
  23. Way cool... I had no idea that interest would be this high. I'll start getting my ducks in a row to do a repeat batch with the sticker dudes.
  24. Plus you can use it as a framing hammer if you ever find yourself in a predicament where a house has to be built... like, right now... and you're without.


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