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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Welcome! I'm digging the Umbrella Corp 1911 grip panels in your avatar.
  2. Yep, great holsters. I have one each for my M&P 40 and my M&P 45. I need to pick up one for my Glock 19 at some point.
  3. Tennesseans once again get the middle finger from our elected representatives and yet those same reps will continue to occupy office because the people will re-elect them. Frankly I'm so tired of this repetition that I don't even get worked up about these issues anymore. Nothing changes because the people aren't willing to take action at the polls. Just a lot of empty talk and alligator tears.
  4. Hmmm. It's supposed to let you renew ahead of time if you want. I'll have to dig into it.
  5. However, our legal system also provides for a jury of our human peers, and too frequently their decisions are clouded by other factors besides the facts. Factors like personal feelings.
  6. Nice! It always feels good to introduce someone new to the concepts of safe firearms handling and shooting. Sounds like you did great.
  7. Wow... ok so that was pretty jacked up. A result of the conversion from vBulletin to IPB it would seem. I've corrected that issue and also grouped the profile fields a little more logically. I really thought I had already addressed that part of the software but apparently I either only did part of it or skipped it entirely. Sorry about that.
  8. I'll have to check into this. It sounds like some permissions aren't set quite right.
  9. Welcome to TGO.
  10. There was a South Park episode about this a while back.
  11. Be sure to check out www.tnjeeps.com.
  12. TGO David

    Stolen Glock 22

    Classifieds are not where this belongs. Moving it.
  13. Major dick statement of the day, but I'm OK with making it... so here goes: If we could get rid of the vast majority of government subsidized anything, an entire generation of dead-weight would either die off or start working and paying taxes. I'm a firm believer that the government's job is not to be a charitable organization. Stop that and we have a chance of fixing this country. Fail to do so and the country will continue to go to hell in a handbasket.
  14. To be fair, most of the "blasting" I have noticed has come from one of their competitors.
  15. Always good to hear about positive experiences with our vendors! Thanks for sharing.
  16. Africa is one of those continents that, as a whole, I can't say I'd miss if it were to suddenly and spontaneously cease to exist.
  17. TGO David


    That brief scene was an insanely disturbing glimpse into just how far over the edge Quarles is. You don't watch this show unless you're ready for a few bricks in the face like that one delivered.
  18. Not yet. A new version of IPB has been released and I'm letting the bugs shake out of it before I upgrade and add anything else to the forum. There is a really slick RSS utility that I can buy that I'm looking at very seriously for once we get past the 3.3 upgrade.
  19. I have not yet but it's funny... I've been keeping an eye out for it as well.
  20. This vendor account has expired and this thread was not posted in the right place to begin with. Closing thread.
  21. File the complaint.
  22. Welcome to the forum and thank you for your service to our country!
  23. Oh, I think it's crap too... I just know that when you're in Rome, you have to do as the Romans.
  24. How is this a shake-down by NYC? She broke their law, plain and simple. There is no reason why a 39 year old professional woman with a carry permit since 2008 should be excused from knowing where she can or cannot take her firearm. She's very lucky that she didn't end up serving a jail sentence in New York as a result of this. Sometimes it still really surprises me that people treat their carry weapon like a forgotten pack of gum, stuffed down inside their purse or briefcase. If you carry the thing in the manner that common sense dictates is the most prudent way of doing so -- on your person -- then you generally don't forget that you had it stuffed down into some dark recess out of sight and out of mind. It's like some people get their carry permit, get a gun, shove it into their daily travel kit an then forget about it entirely. Like just having it is some sort of magical talisman that will ward off evil or "make them prepared". I'll donate $20 to get her some real defensive handgun training, not another gun that she'll forget she's carrying.


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