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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Correct. Per the Rules and Terms... "Benefactors may post ads for sale or trade of items that they themselves own. Members may not make posts "selling this item for a buddy" or otherwise engage in 3rd party transactions."
  2. 2M for local. 40M for regional / national I'd imagine.
  3. My pleasure guys. I love that you all enjoy the site as much as you do. This place is near and dear to my heart and hopefully soon things will slow down enough for me that I can get active in the posts and not just behind the scenes. I miss that.
  4. Mmmm... industrial size jug of red thread locker. Nice!
  5. Thanks for the kudos. Greatly appreciated. I agree with this 100%. What we do here is pretty easy. What the members do to keep it fun and interesting is WAY more important!
  6. Guess CFA wasn't hiring when he was looking.
  7. Still carrying my Zero Tolerance 0350ST and loving it. I blame Willis for the dent it made in my wallet.
  8. TMF, you and are are completely on the same page. Glad I'm not complete alone out in left field.
  9. You've gotta wonder how sad a person's life has to be to come to a forum like TGO for the sole sake of trolling it. Small penis?
  10. By a nice turn of events, I was able to work from home today and had some time to actually spend on TGO instead of putting out fires for other people. I miss being able to do this.
  11. We smelled a troll.
  12. Allow me to take out the trash...
  13. If you vote the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for an evil.
  14. Hey - can we stop giving that assclown even a dishonorable mention around here or what?
  15. Pretty sure most officers would consider that "brandishing" and you'd be on the wrong end of a conversation with them about it. Sucks, but it is what it is. In the past I've answered the door with a gun in my hand hidden behind the door. Now I don't even bother answering if I'm not expecting someone, and again, a firearm is always within reach - whether on my person or not. I've had a few roaming "salespeople" come up my driveway while I've been outside and I never let them get to the house or the garage. I will halt them as soon as I see them and then approach them but keep my distance, and tell them to hit the bricks. I've only had one moron try to come closer to me and I cut him short and told him to either turn around and go or it was going to get ugly for him. He cussed me the entire way off my property. No skin off my nose; my job is protecting my family - not making friends with random strangers who can't follow simple instructions.
  16. I was just about to post the same comment.
  17. I'm glad to see that the most recent posts in this thread are moving back toward discussing the issues and away from attacking each other. Good job all.
  18. Become a Benefactor and sell it here at a good price.
  19. Sadly I agree. I've yet to see anything productive come of these types of petitions. If you really want your voice to be heard, vote some of these f'ers out of office.
  20. Best statement in this thread so far.
  21. This issue comes up frequently. As I've stated before, I don't answer my door unless I am expecting you - day or night. If you're not expected, you have no business beating on my door, ringing my doorbell or coming up my driveway, and there's always a firearm within reach.
  22. The Spartans would throw the "defective" children from a cliff in order to keep the gene pool strong. What this little thug needs is a cliff, not a role model. It's too late for the Big Brothers approach.


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