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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. I'm sorry to hear this. I've walked through the valley of the shadow of death so many times in the past 40 years that I can say with certainty that the one common thread among all of those things for Christians is the assurance that death is not a period, but merely a comma. I hope that you find peace and dare I say even happiness thinking about all of the things John is writing about life on the other side of that comma, right now.
  2. I'm still amazed that this far post-9/11 we still have idiots forgetting about firearms in their bags, be it carry on or checked. Jesus, people... this isn't rocket science.
  3. You can never have enough rifles when the Zombies hit the fan.
  4. Saw this elsewhere and thought it was simply awesome: Zombies Hit The Fan, End Of The World As We Know It Prepare for that and you've covered your bases!
  5. If the weather there today was anything like it was here, what a perfect day to be out doing some shooting.
  6. That would be an excellent means of facilitating person to person sales!
  7. Just remember, folks, it theoretically could happen here as well. ALWAYS... Check feedback and see if the member has any dealings to his/her credit yet. Gauge and plan your actions accordingly. Meet in a very public place, in daylight if possible, at a police station parking lot if possible. Let someone know where you're going, who you are supposed to be meeting, and when you'll be back. Go armed and be ready for anything. Take backup with you if possible.
  8. Well, there you go. You have to keep them now.
  9. I don't think Armyvet is crazy. I do think he is passionate. The problem with passion is that from the outside it looks a lot like "crazy" when the passionate person doesn't articulate their perspective very well or at all. In this case in order for the thread to have any value, Armyvet needs to spend some time composing his thoughts and offering some thought-provoking material of his own rather than simply pasting a bunch of propaganda videos. I would hope that he has some opinions of his own with which these videos and the Johnson campaign platform resonate, otherwise it's no different than the same quasi-religious fervor that causes the Obamazombies to mindlessly regurgitate what they hear or read. His posting suspension should be up soon. Hopefully he'll come back and offer something with meat to it.
  10. Michelangelo and Leonardo!
  11. You'd have to eat me to get my M&P 40 away.
  12. Suspended his ability to post for the next two hours so that he can take a moment and READ before posting himself into a permanent vacation.
  13. ArmyVet: Ok... I'm giving you about two more videos before I punt you for good. READ about two posts up.
  14. Just to be clear, I believe one of the conditions for this thread existing and the continued "spamming" of posts which border on being nothing more than political proselytizing was that I am grudgingly "OK" with this so long as your posts are not 100% videos and nothing else. We aren't a repository of Youtube links and any idiot with an inclination can go search Youtube and find all of the Gary Johnson stuff he wants to watch. What I want to see here are meaningful posts from you, with a video included if it's necessary. If this thread turns into nothing more than a list of your favorite bookmarks of Youtube videos, it's not going to last very long and I'm not going to continue to be "OK" with this. It's annoying and pointless other than to give you satisfaction that you're doing drive-by activism. Engage the public. Post your own content. Substantiate with videos if you must.
  15. I've had it with this nonsense. Deerslayer's account is now suspended for the next 30 days. Anyone else who wants to jump on his bandwagon is welcome to join him. If we need to start making these vacations permanent for folks to get the idea that we're not putting up with it, we can do that too.
  16. Do a search. This has been discussed here several times before, with facts backing it up.
  17. Warning issued to member for this post. As stated in our code of conduct, advocating illegal activities will not be tolerated here. While I cannot force every gun owner to hold themselves to a higher standard 24/7, I can certainly ensure that what is posted on this forum represents a higher standard than this.
  18. An indictment against everyone? Seriously? That's some pretty filthy lawyering on the part of the State.
  19. http://hcahealthcare.com/careers/ http://parallon.net/careers.html (I'd start with Parallon... Brentwood based, part of the HCA family and arguably the faster growing business unit)
  20. I had two 2010 models at the same time. Don't ask. They were neat vehicles but poorly executed. The 4.0 VVT really doesn't have the power needed for the vehicle's weight or aerodynamics.
  21. All of those are pretty easy fixes. Just Empty Every Pocket comes into play when you start modifying the hell out of them, a la the Wrangler.
  22. Head west and hit the Alpine Loop. Visit Ouray. You won't be disappointed.
  23. Excellent post and glad to see another PT member here as well.
  24. Awesome stuff that he'll remember for his lifetime!
  25. Information was sent to them again as recently as yesterday. Please have them check and confirm.


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