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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Wow... there's got to be something in the water lately because people seem hell bent on arguing the silliest of s@#t.
  2.   I was personally afforded a few extra minutes with someone I cared about deeply as the result of a cell phone.  Had I not received that call, they would have passed away and I wouldn't have had that chance to tell them I loved them one last time.   So, uh... no.
  3.   What did we do before we had penicillin?
  4. Ugh... I hate breaking out the rules, but dammit we've got so few of them.  :ugh:   14 day vacation issued.  If he's lucky the rebellion won't happen while he's away, otherwise he might miss the whole thing.     TNGunOwners.com Forum Rules Revised December 7, 2011 1.) You are a guest here. All members are reminded that they are guests of the forum Owner and should conduct themselves accordingly. No one has a God-given right to be here and all members are expected to follow the rules of the house. This site is not run as a democracy and majority rule does not prevail. If you have a question about or disagree with an action taken by a moderator, discuss it with them in private. Do not debate them in public. If you do not like the answer that you receive, feel free to contact the Owner or an Administrator. Anyone who engages in insubordinate behavior will be removed from the site without question.
  5. There are no problems; I was patching it earlier and DaveTN happened to notice it and then offered to pitch in and help.   :D
  6. http://www.tn.gov/revenue/taxguides/salesanduse.pdf   Taxable Tangible Personal Property [Tenn. Code Ann. Sections 67-6-102, 212] Most sales, leases, or rentals of tangible personal property are taxable under Tennessee sales and use tax law. “Tangible personal property” means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, or that is in any other manner perceptible to the senses, and includes electricity, steam, water, gas, and prewritten computer software.     and       Taxable Services [Tenn. Code Ann. Sections 67- 6 - 205, 67-6-212, 67-6-226, 67-6-227] Charges for the use of rooms or accommodations furnished for periods of less than 90 days by hotels, motels, inns, or other tourist lodgings. The tax does not apply to accommodations or rooms furnished to the same person for 90 or more continuous days.   ...   Also taxable under Tenn. Code Ann. Section 67-6-212 are charges for a variety of amusement, recreation, and entertainment activities such as:   Membership dues to sports and recreation clubs or health spas Admissions to sporting events, musical and theatrical performances, and other amusements except as exempted by law. Charges for entering or engaging in any kind of recreational activity. Charges for using tangible personal property for amusements, sports, entertainment, or recreational activities such as golf carts, tennis courts, or bowling shoes. Complimentary dues and fees, with a value equal to the normal cost, except when provided to students at a public school or university       #####     Bottom line, the OP's complaint lies with the State of Tennessee, not with the Vendor in question.  Complaints can be directed here:   Tax Information 24-hour Message Center: Statewide toll-free: (800) 342-1003 Nashville-area and out-of-state: (615) 253-0600      
  7. This thread reminds me of why I never want to work retail again as long as I live.  Consumers can be insufferable sometimes.
  8. Nothing good can come of a bunch of people "marching on" the state capitol with rifles on their shoulders.  If you guys are looking to persuade the fence sitters to support the Second Amendment, you're totally fucking it up.
  9. I suspect these White House petitions carry about as much weight as a SurveyMonkey.com petition would.
  10. Guys, you all really need to be careful about what you post on the Internet.   I don't mind you posting links and articles and expressing your concerns, but TGO is not an anti-government website and I'd appreciate it if you would keep the secessionist / anarchist stuff off of our forum.  If the time comes for the citizens to take up arms against our government, God help us.  But until then, we'll work within the law and through the ballot box.   Further, there's no need to belittle or "call out" your fellow members with talk of them being boot-lickers and the like.  There are a lot of people on TGO who have served this country in the armed forces, some of whom who have been injured in the line of duty and who have watched friends, brothers in arms, die for the same.  The person you call to question here may have the same strong feelings you do but isn't willing to put his name on any sort of watch list just to beat his chest for all to see on a forum.   Just something to keep in mind.   Thanks.
  11. Welcome to TGO!
  12. Take a good look, folks...  This guy and the last one were both very low post-count members who have been here for a few years, had contributed very little of anything, and were bitching about the Trading Post policy that's been in place for well over a year now.  Does that sound like anything other than people who are just here to milk the classifieds?   It doesn't to me.   The reason they're "coming out of the woodwork" is because our Trading Post just flat works, folks largely are not price gouging here, and they're scrounging for crap they should have bought months ago but didn't.  I have zero patience for that.
  13. Not really the right use of the Women and Firearms forum.  Moving thread.
  14. Refund issued.  Account terminated.  Wish granted.   Have a nice life.
  15. I've added this to my "It would be nice to have" list but that's all I can promise at this point.
  16. As my Scottish relatives were prone to say... Jesus Murphy.  :wall:   I already posted about this elsewhere so I don't think we really need another thread about this.  Here's what I said then, and what I'm saying now as the "Official Word" on this topic, after which point I am closing the thread:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/56695-when-is-it-going-to-be-ok-to-sale-magsammoand-ars-for-the-going-rate/#entry865843         Folks, tensions are high enough as is among the pro-2A community right now.  The last thing we need to do is start fighting among ourselves over pricing of things here or elsewhere.  Supply of previously plentiful items has dried up.  Retail prices have climbed.  Private sale prices have climbed.  Some pricing has climbed into the stratosphere.   If you were well stocked to begin with, you probably don't care.  If you weren't, then you probably do and you probably regret the lack of preparation and regret the high prices.  Hindsight is the mother of all bitches sometimes and this would definitely be one of them.  Were I short on ammo, short on mags or short on black rifles, I'd be a bit upset as well, but my anger would be directed at myself.  Trust me; there are a few rifles I'd still like to own and assumed I'd have plenty of time to pick them up in the future.  I'm kicking myself, but I'm not pissed at the world or pissed at the people who had more foresight than I did.   I don't even believe it is morally or ethically wrong for people to make a profit on these things now.  Why should it be?  It's no more wrong for them to do that than it is for me to turn a profit on shares of Apple, Inc. stock when the market is strong.  These things are all commodities at the end of the day, and right now it's a seller's market.   The truth hurts sometimes.  Sorry.   My advice for folks is to just band together the best we can and stop taking pot shots at people for "buying low and selling high".  It's their prerogative to do it, and frankly a lot of these people are going to feel like world class morons when the market tanks and they barely brake even... or worse yet Swinestein gets her way and bans the hell out of everything this side of a slingshot, and these fools suddenly realize that the $5,000 they pocketed selling that AR-15 isn't worth the now-irreplaceable AR-15 that they sold.   Hopefully some of these items will start reappearing in stores before Congress gets a chance to fuck us in 2013.  If you see a rifle or other item that you can afford in the stores between now and then, you'd be a complete fool not to jump on it.  You may not get that chance again if the assclowns our country has elected get their way.       /thread
  17. Obviously you're not restricted so just ignore it for now.  Apparently it is taking into consideration that your secondary member group on the administrative side is "Member" and showing it to you anyway.   I'll have to see if I can change that behavior.
  18. Send me the transaction #.  If you paid as an e-Check instead of money that came out of your PayPal account or as a debit card transaction, it's going to take some time to process and clear.  When it does it will update automatically.   This was covered in a FAQ entry too I think.
  19. It sounds to me like you should take out the necessary loan to open your own shooting range and then price the memberships however you see fit.
  20. Gotta say... this is the first time I've had someone say it was our web site's fault that they didn't read the multitude of announcements, FAQs and even the notice posted at the top of every single Trading Post page stating that only Benefactors can respond publicly to threads.   This is an Internet forum.  The requirement that you engage in reading things is sort of a given, considering the nature of the medium.   Just saying.
  21. I used to wonder at what point the American people would topple these little tyrants at the voting booth and then it occurred to me that with 50% of the public sucking at the government tit, that's just not going to happen.  Now I'm starting to wonder at what point the minority of Americans who still believe in the value of the Constitution are going to reach their limit and start imparting "change" by more dramatic means.
  22. Best recommendation I can give is to not skimp.  People often skimp on the safe and then fill it with things of value worth many times what the safe itself cost, let alone what a good safe would cost.
  23. People who go on and on and on about how honest they are, never are.
  24. Merry Christmas, folks!


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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. The TGO state flag logo and the TGO tri-hole "icon" logo are trademarks of Tennessee Gun Owners. The TGO logos and all content presented on this site may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. The opinions expressed on TGO are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site's owners or staff.

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