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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Last week we blew through 100 TGO decals in about 3 hours. Those are in envelopes and going to the post office today! We've just added 100 more to the TGO store so feel free to hop on over and pick it clean again. We'll keep adding them in batches of 100 as needed, as this gives us a chance to stay caught up mailing them out. Thanks!
  2. Last week we blew through 100 TGO decals in about 3 hours. Those are in envelopes and going to the post office today! We've just added 100 more to the TGO store so feel free to hop on over and pick it clean again. We'll keep adding them in batches of 100 as needed, as this gives us a chance to stay caught up mailing them out. Thanks!
  3. We live in interesting times as gun owners.  As glock55 said times are not normal.  Normally you could just walk into a local gun shop and find ammo, rifles, magazines, etc. and browse at a leisurely pace and buy something if the price seemed reasonable.  Presently you are lucky if you can even get into a store without standing in line, lucky if you can find a rifle that isn't brown and bolt operated, lucky if you aren't limited to buying just one or two boxes of ammo because the store is trying to combat hoarders who are flipping the ammo for 500% profit at gun shows, and lucky if the price of anything is what it used to be just eight weeks ago.   Times have changed.  The small single-proprietor business consisting of one guy who makes holsters, answers the phone, updates his own web site and ships things out when they're ready to go is completely overloaded right now.  And as consumers, we have decades of "I want it right now" experience that tends to make us petulant assholes who think that one guy ought to be kissing our butts for the chance to serve us.   I've got news for you:  That one guy is probably working more hours per week than the customer is right now.  In fact, if the customer has free time to try to visit his store, or call him on the phone, or email him at all during daylight hours, I can guarantee you that he's working more hours than the customer is.   Collectively as gun owners and consumers, we need to get off our high horses and stop being such complete dicks about this.  We can either suck it up and wait our turn in line and support the folks who are in business providing the things we want to buy, or we can keep acting like a bunch of spoiled four year-olds and push them out of business from sheer burnout.   It's our choice.
  4.   The problem I have with this claim is that you didn't back it up with any sort of link or facts.  Just an "I heard from a guy who knows a guy who read a web site while sitting on the toilet" statement.  Post some facts.
  5. There's a beer thread on here somewhere.  Let's keep this one on topic.
  6. Not my normal cup of tea, but it's damn tasty... http://www.buffalotracedistillery.com/brands/bourbon-cream
  7.   50 hrs a week worked.  20-30 hrs a week worked on top of that for TGO.  I simply do not have time to do mailed in payments.  It's 2013, so we're leveraging the power of e-commerce to make my life easier.   In a word, no.  Sorry.  Did it before and it was a huge pain in the ass.  Especially those weeks that we too a vacation or someone was sick or I worked 60hrs for my regular job and didn't make it to the post office only to have someone bitch me out here for not processing their bad check in a timely manner.   And, yeah... bad checks.  Those were always fun.   Hate to vent, but you asked.  :)
  8.   They?   Do any of you realize that TGO is not a business?  It's not some company-run entity.  There's literally one person behind it.  Me.    Yes, we have volunteer moderators who help keep the forums moving smoothly, but every single piece of technology that runs under this site... every debt that it incurs... every bill that gets paid to keep the lights on for you... it's all me and I do it on top of my normal 50hr a week job and it takes away anywhere from 20-30 more hours of time from my family each week so that I can provide this site to the firearms community.   There is no THEY and the decision to accept PayPal was made out of necessity and desperation to streamline the process because there's only so many hours in the damn week.  Frankly this thread irritates me and comments like yours piss me off because it opens up a whole 'nother mess of things I have to explain.   The bottom line is you guys better hope PayPal doesn't stop letting us collect contributions to keep TGO running because when they do it's going to cause a whole lot of grief for not only this forum but dozens of others like it that depend on those contributions to keep our web servers lit.   But hey, let's sit around and bitch about someone getting their account shut down for violating PayPal's terms of service and cast disapproving glances towards TGO for being in bed with the enemy.  Because THAT makes my life better.  When you talk about PayPal potentially fucking a gun forum like TGO, you're talking about them fucking ME.   So if one of you guys owns a credit card processing company that will let me set up as a sole proprietor and not claim nearly 20% of everything the members contribute in fees and leave me with enough to pay for the bandwidth, server resources, software licenses and all of the other crap that we've become accustomed to having any time we get bored and want to aim our cell-phones and computers at this little corner of the Internet, I'll drop PayPal tomorrow and start running all of our Benefactor memberships through that instead of PayPal.  But until then I personally hope to God they leave us the hell alone.
  9. http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/old-forum-news-feedback-problems-comments/25054-paypal-anti-gun.html   Folks should read that.  I'm not going to waste my time repeating what I've said before and what he said quite clearly there.
  10.   Your friend violated eBay's / Paypal's TOS so he shouldn't be surprised.  They clearly state what items you may not use their services for.   This policy isn't new.
  11. Hmmm.  TGO has almost 17,000 members.  Maybe it's time we start swinging some of our weight instead of trying rely on the NRA or the TFA to do it for us.   I'm not convinced that the TFA is all that effective anyway.  Just my personal opinion and not an official TGO statement.
  12. That thing looks like an otherwise good gas can ruined by marrying it to a Go-Girl.
  13.   It could definitely be that.  I think gun owners in general are so worried about the government overstepping its bounds and stepping on their freedoms that a lot of folks don't even consider for a moment that something truly illegal might have been happening in that house.  Lately folks are kind of jumping to some pretty bad conclusions.
  14.   I took a 1/16" drill bit and punched a hole in my plastic Eco-Nazi gas can on top opposite the nozzle.  Problem solved.  Now when I fill my mower the rushing sound of gasoline leaving the can sounds like the applause of a million bald eagles instead of the slow glug of Shave the Whales hippies.
  15.   How did Management drop the ball here?  He clearly stated he didn't even talk to the management about it.   Look, this is one of our top tier Vendors here.  I am not going to stop people from voicing legitimate complaints but I will at least insist that folks take this things up with the managers or owners at our Vendors stores and give them a chance to address the complaint before coming onto TGO to facelessly bash them from the safety and anonymity of the Internet.   Closing this thread.  What's been said has been said.  I'm not deleting it, but this isn't going to turn into a dog pile either.  Address your concerns with the Vendor directly.
  16.   Beards save lives and aren't part of the kit reduction that Kyle is advocating.
  17. You're missing the point of why you need a safe.  It's not about keeping you safe from your guns, it's about keeping your guns and other valuables safe from home robberies, fires, etc.
  18.   Noted, name won't be included on list.   I explained why I was doing it this way.  If you want a meet and greet, start a thread and get one going.  That's not what this is.
  19. I think I'm going to block these White House Petitions links.  They're completely pointless.
  20. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=too+many+server+redirects+android   Lots of hits for this; all around Android, almost all suggest a reboot of the device is necessary or that the device is running short on RAM.
  21. https://community.verizonwireless.com/thread/644399   Looks like it's Android specific and might have something to do with available memory on your device.
  22. Haven't seen that problem before.  I'll check around but based on the fact that I pretty much wear it out from four or five different devices, I'm going to say it might be on your side of things.
  23. I have several.  Glock, M&P, SIG, HK and a 1911 version.  If they sucked, I wouldn't have this many of them.  :)
  24.   Ah, yeah I saw that yesterday and just didn't put 2+2 together.  It's been a rough week.  :surrender:


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