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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1.   Well at least with the new Raptor you'll get stock HID headlights.  :)   Go for the new Terrain color... that's bad ass!  :D
  2.   Honestly that's kind of a rude question, you know?  I never ask people about their finances.  :shrug:   Steve works pretty darn hard, I can tell you that much.
  3. I came down with a massive headache and only caught bits and pieces of it last night.  Recorded the whole thing on DVR and hope to watch it tonight all the way through.
  4.     Saying the M&P is a copy of the Glock shows very little technical understanding of the M&P's design.  The Sigma, yes.  The M&P, no.  And say what you want, but none of my M&Ps have ever failed me either and none of them throw brass in my face.  :)
  5. Dude... think about all of the money in mods you lost on the last Raptor.  I'm done with trading vehicles on a whim.
  6. We got it taken care of!  Turns out a fellow Jeep owner is also a plumber and he drove about 45 miles to come help me get it installed.  I'd still be out there debating whether I'd done it right and afraid to turn on the gas and strike a spark without his help.  :lol:   Hot showers are really underrated!!!
  7. I'm working this weekend which makes it even more difficult. I'm not in the mood to cuss and throw things today and that's likely what will happen. Sent from the toilet using Tapatalk 2
  8. I don't have the necessary tools to solder the copper lines or deal with the black iron gas line, but our water heater bit the dust today. It's easy to access in our garage and I'm picking up a replacement whirlpool today at lowes. I just need someone who knows their crap and has the tools to install it. Anyone? Sent from the toilet using Tapatalk 2
  9. I could seriously see myself buying one of these in the next few years.  The new Stingray is just all kinds of badass.
  10. I'm looking forward to it.  Good series.
  11. Wow... those are expensive.
  12. I had really good luck using Duracoat on plastics and using Norrel's Moly Resin on metals.  I never got around to trying Cerakote but all of the manufacturers who use it say it's good to go.
  13.   Glad to see you here, Steve!  :wave:
  14.   Have you checked on mp-pistol.com to see what the forum members there are using?   Honestly, the Shield is sort of a "get the f--- off me" gun designed more for conversation distances than medium range distances.  The way it's mean to be employed would make point-shooting viable.  The factory sights are more than adequate for that.
  15. I think the people who do stupid stuff like this are more often than not people who don't carry very often or carry off their person (in a bag, briefcase, etc.) where it's useless in an altercation anyway.  Stupid should hurt.
  16. Superb craftsmanship.  I really like the milled precision fit and finish.
  17. That is really nice!
  18. If you're getting your best man a pistol, I am available as a backup should he come down with the flu.  :stare:
  19.   That didn't go as expected did it.  :lol:
  20.   This.
  21.   Yep - no worries.  We're all here to learn and unfortunately your experience is par for the course in a lot of HCP classes.  There's so much inaccurate information being proliferated by HCP instructors, it's not even funny.  :(
  22.   So my company pays very well.  We're likely one of if not the highest paying company in the area for technical positions, but we demand a lot from our engineers.  Just getting an interview with us is extremely difficult and more often than not we hire candidates that our existing employees already have experience working with outside.  We want people who can not only hit the ground running but also excel in their area of expertise.  If we have to train you up on what you're supposed to be an expert in, we not only failed at hiring but we failed at interviewing.   We interviewed for nearly six months straight last year to staff three positions.  One guy's resume read like a dream engineer and it ended up that was pretty accurate.  It was all a dream.  Much as you had related, if he touched a technology at any point in his career he listed himself as being proficient in it.  In some instances he had a fairly good understanding, but there were so many that the interview process bore out as being "user-level" that we just ended up stopping the interview at a short yet polite point in the process and thanked him for his time.   The problem for that guy is he's now someone we'll never talk to again.  He misrepresented himself and that's a huge no-no.  I'd much rather a person be up-front and honest and list a few things they are legitimately rock stars with.   If you've only had limited exposure to something, say so.  At least you're being honest and it helps to indicate things you've seen before because that makes it easier to train you in those areas if we see an opportunity.  Don't waste our time by including a lot of lucrative buzzwords only to leave us to find out that the only thing you're really good at engineering is your resume.   I guess that's the moral of this story.  If you're job hunting, don't pad your resume.  Even if they don't catch you on the front-end, most employers will eventually ferret you out when you get put on the spot to deliver something your resume said you could do.  And that becomes incredibly uncomfortable for everyone involved.


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