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TGO David

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Everything posted by TGO David

  1. Re: Bongino... Bongino is the shock-jock of the conservative mediascape. Like others said, he does often seem to receive good intel from his sources, but listening to him fatigues me. I just can't stand being constantly yelled at and someone set Dan's volume knob at 11 and ripped it off. I need him in very small doses.
  2. Oh, man... there's the problem right there. And I say this as being someone who makes the same error all the time! The problem is you're reading what the whackadoodles on livestreams and social media are saying. I've sworn off Facebook so many times now because I find myself reading something incredibly asinine and thinking, "I wonder if this person is as much of a dip#### as what they just wrote leads me to believe." And then I click their profile, read a few more things, see family photos where everyone's eyes are spaced just a little too far apart if you know what I mean. Before I know it, my assumptions are confirmed and everyone's a dumbass, the whole human race is a miserable mistake, and I'm just ready for a giant meteor to crash into earth and end it all. Don't pay attention to the comments on live streams. Those are lonely weirdos whose own families won't even talk to them anymore. I suspect their customer bases are 10% true fanboys and 90% people who just like stirring up liberals. Businesses who sell #### for the sole sake of antagonizing people you don't like always make big money.
  3. Hey, if we're going to start trotting out each other's lunatics, I'm going to need to add more storage capacity to TGO's infrastructure for all of the posts and pictures.
  4. I'm struggling to think of anything I've read from the most ardent Trump supporters that suggests they think he can turn water into wine. What I can think of are many cases of people simply pinning their hopes on Trump as the candidate who most closely seems to represent their personal values, or as being the candidate most likely to bring some stability or restoration to the economy, secure the borders, bring important manufacturing capacity back to the United States, and project enough power globally so that America, Americans, and American interests are safer than they have been in a long while. Are those the things that you think makes him some sort of god-like deity to his supporters? Because, man, if so... most Democrats think the exact same things about their candidates of choice. Well, except for the stuff about a stronger America. Democrats don't seem to care much about that as far as I've seen.
  5. I would only wear it at home because wearing it out in public would invite interactions with people, and people are generally just the worst.
  6. Donald Trump - Missed Me - T-Shirt – Nine Line Apparel
  7. I stopped trying to explain matters of personal faith to people who aren't genuinely interested in understanding them a long time ago. Your objective here isn't to understand, it is to argue. I don't have the time to spare for that, nor the interest.
  8. That's a weird way of saying he survived an assassination attempt.
  9. If divine providence is absent from the discussion of why a bullet meant to blow Trump's head off missed by a scant few millimeters and only because he turned his head at just the right moment... then the only thing we have left is that he survived purely by coincidence. I'm not a fan of the idea of coincidence, so I attribute his survival to the idea that it wasn't his time to die yet because God isn't done with him on this earth. Now, whether that means God is long suffering in his grace and allowed Trump to live another day because there is something keeping him from being "right with God" that still needs to be resolved [read: salvation] or if it means that Trump plays a role in some plan that God has... I don't know and it's not my place to say. I do not and dare not speak for God on such matters. But with all of that being said, I think we can agree on the simple fact that our nation will be electing its next president a few months from now and the options that we currently have are to either continue down the extremely disastrous road that we've been on for the last four years, governed by people who outwardly seem to hate our country and everything that it stands for, or we pivot back to Trump - a man who still seems to be the antithesis of that. A bullet nearly irrevocably changed our options. The fact that it didn't -- by sheer fluke or coincidence or whatever you want to call it -- feels to me like divine providence.
  10. From that article: I just want to point out that this is the mindset of the Southern Poverty Law Center. SPLC has been held up by people on this forum before as being the kind of organization that you should care about what they think. Well. I guess in this case you certainly should.
  11. Yeah... uploading from a phone can result in trying to send a MASSIVE file to the server. Since yesterday I made some more changes to our software config that will allow most photos to be uploaded, but the forum software is still going to shrink them before attaching them to posts. This whole thing is a never-ending game of Chase The Rabbit since every new iteration of phones seems to bring even higher resolution photos with larger file sizes.
  12. Are you uploading straight from your phone?
  13. It's a good one for sure. I've got another Skyline in natural felt (tan) that I plan to hang on to.
  14. FOR SALE: Stetson Skyline 6x Cowboy Hat - Black Every gunslinger needs a good hat and I know someone on TGO will love to own this one. I have a brand new, never worn, Stetson Skyline cowboy hat in black felt, size 7-3/8. Coincidentally it seems that 7-3/8 is one of the most popular sizes, so these things can be a little tricky to find in stock depending on rodeo season, wedding season, etc. I bought this in May of this year, but ended up spending way more on a different hat because I'm kind of dumb like that. The hat will include a storage box. Here's what Stetson has to say about it: https://stetson.com/products/skyline-6x-cowboy-hat-black A true Stetson icon, our bestselling Skyline combines legendary quality and classic Western style in one timeless package. The Skyline is crafted from our proprietary 6X fur felt, which is prized for its durability and elegant feel, and, as with all hats that come out of our factory in Texas, each Skyline is touched by more than 100 sets of hands during production, resulting in a hat that is designed and built to stand the test of time. This edition features a 7540 profile, which translates to a 4 5/8” cattleman crown and 4” brim. Like all Skylines, it’s finished with a matching self-felt band and three-piece, silver-tone buckle. A handsewn genuine leather sweatband and full satin liner provide a time-tested fit and premium comfort. 4 5/8” Cattleman Crown 4” Brim Matching Self-Felt Hatband 3-Piece Silver-Tone Buckle Genuine Leather Sweatband Full Satin Liner 6X Quality Fur Felt Handmade in the USA Additional Details Size 7-3/8 New, unworn. High probability that this will increase your raw animal magnetism and sex appeal by a factor of 10x Allegedly will make you twice as fast on the draw Purchase Info Retail price is $299.99. Will sell for $200 even, shipped to you in the lower 48 states. Payment via PayPal. Not interested in trades. Cannot meet in person; my schedule is too complicated. More Photos Here are more photos. As always, click on the picture to view a larger version.
  15. A lot of folks were hoping that the recent "SIGNEXT" exhibition was going to include a hammer-fired single-action P320-ish 2011 kind of like what Oracle Arms has produced. Sadly, no such luck. The whole thing was a giant letdown.
  16. I think the most telling part of this is that I actually did not have a number in mind before I watched JW4 but was so astounded at the number of dudes who John Wick shot in the family jewels that I suddenly realized that a line had been crossed somewhere.
  17. JW4 was hard to watch. I've never seen so many dudes get shot in the dick before.
  18. It's a shame that Beans' Diesel no longer does service. They are just down the road from you in Woodbury. Maybe they have recommendations of who can do the service you need, though.
  19. These are fantastic guns. A buddy let me shoot his G47 and there's no way I'd buy a G17 with that available. Yours is done up right with the Forward Controls Design plate, too. That's the way to go. Good luck with your sale!
  20. Work schedule and volunteering outside of work has just been dominating my time lately.
  21. For Sale: NEW Limited Edition Kizer Mini Sheepdog knife. Blue Denim, Titanium, M390 Steel. KNIFE COLLECTORS, TAKE NOTE! This rare Kizer Mini Sheepdog was a January 2022 Friday Club limited release and is sold out everywhere. I bought it new, on a whim, and it has been sitting in the box in my safe ever since. Never used, never cut with, never carried, never anything. Factory blade, always handled with nitrile rubber gloves to keep skin oils off of it. Details: Kizer Friday Club Limited Demin & Titanium Mini Sheepdog C01c #Ki3488KFC Limited production run. All original. Includes all original package contents. Blade: 2.6" long M390 steel Presentation Scale: Blue denim micarta Rear Scale and Frame: Titanium 10/10 condition. No marks, no blems. $150 shipped to you, insured, in the lower 48 US states. Will not ship outside CONUS. Hawaii and Alaska, you will need to pay actual shipping costs - sorry. Terms of Sale: Payment by PayPal Friends and Family only. Cannot meet in person. Must ship. My schedule is atrocious. Not interested in any trades. Trying to thin down my collection. More Photos:
  22. Updating the price to $475. This is an absolute steal and is good only for TGO. I will be listing this in some knife groups this week and will be back to my original asking price there.


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