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Everything posted by Wrangler

  1. I have never had a bad experience with a person with a HCP. Usually a person with one is very polite and usually hand me their HCP every time. I wish everyone I stopped was as polite.
  2. I have my HCP but being a LEO means I have to carry every where. It is in our general policy. The reason is because even though when we are off duty, we might need to go on-duty at a moments notice. I have to carry my badge and commission card everywhere. You never know when the SHTF.
  3. Go with saber red. better than the freeze. and go with the gel if you can. it sticks to the person. I carry it on my duty belt.
  4. Wrangler

    Glock Question

    I carry a 23 for my on duty carry but it is the perfect size to carry off duty as well. depending on how I dress, I carry a g 27 too. But I am very accurate with my 23
  5. The flashlight on the floor is pretty normal. Just checking for drugs, weapons or anything else on the floor. Traffic stops at night make both, cops and civilians pucker up a bit. Good job.
  6. Very nice. I would get rid of that butt plug. Glock's use that to remove dirt that can build up. but over all kick A$$.
  7. Keep the blocks. always better to have more guns than less.
  8. It was pretty good. We will see though.
  9. There was no way I could fight through it. It did incapacitate me. Some people think they can get some licks in but really that is not the case. The taser will only affect you for about 5 seconds. then it stops. The oc keeps going. much more painful.
  10. I got OC sprayed yesterday for some training and Let me just tell you, It sucked. Even this morning I felt the after affects of it in the shower. It reactivates. Boy does it suck. So what would you rather get?
  11. Looks great to me! Great job
  12. I wonder how this would pertain to a company handbook. Mine states that I cannot carry at work.
  13. That's awesome! coolest picture I have seen in a while. Great camera shooting
  14. Wrangler

    New purchase.

    How does the PK380 shoot?
  15. I dont remember seeing one at the Brentwood Pei Wei two weeks ago
  16. Xbox for shooters and then ps3 for most everything else. I do like the Xbox controller better. Just for you all to see Call of Duty: Black Ops: Zombie Mode Preview - Video
  17. Just incase you didnt know, the new Call of Duty Black Ops will have a Zombie mode. Waves and waves of Zombies....
  18. Below is my email thread with the Haslam campaign (I removed my name): Dear Mr. XXXXXXX, Yes. He supports the current system we have now. Mr. XXXXXXX, if there is any confusion on this issue, I would be happy to call you or our phone number is 615.254.4799. Thanks, Bill Haslam for Goveror campaign From: XXXXXXXXXXXX Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 3:59 PM To: Bill Haslam for Governor Subject: Re: New Contact Notification - Contact Bill Thank you but that does not answer my question. I want a governor to that will support the laws that are on the books. What happens if a anti-gun state legislature comes into power while Mr. Haslam is governor? Will he still stand up for my rights to own and carry a firearm? This is very troubling to me as a voting republican. I am having a hard time believing that he will stand up for all my rights under the Bill of rights and the constitution. If he sways on this issue will he sway on Healthcare or income tax? So here is my direct question. Will Mr. Haslam support my right to to obtain a Handgun Carry permit? Thank you, XXXXXXXXX On Oct 21, 2010, at 12:54 PM, Bill Haslam for Governor wrote: Dear Mr. XXXXXX, Mayor Haslam is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and during a recent meeting with gun rights enthusiasts he was asked about Tennessee's concealed carry permit law. Mayor Haslam responded as he has when this issue has come up in the past by expressing support for the current law, which has made it easier for the legislature to expand the rights of gun owners by creating more opportunities for carry permit holders to legally carry their guns. When asked if he would sign legislation passed by the General Assembly that would do away with the permitting requirement for individuals to carry, he acknowledged that he would if through the legislative process it was determined to be the best course. We apologize for any confusion and hope you understand that Mayor Haslam is a staunch supporter of gun rights. Sincerely, Bill Haslam for Governor campaign From: Kintera Inc. [eventemail@kintera.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:00 PM To: Bill Haslam for Governor Subject: New Contact Notification - Contact Bill New Contact Notification Contact Information Event ID: 308912 Event Name: Contact Bill Supporter ID: 310668433 First Name XXXX Last Name XXXXX Email XXXXXX Comment I was reading an article in the tennessean today and I would like to know whether or not Mr. Haslam supports my right to have a Handgun carry permit. Would he remove it or would he support my second amendment rights? I am a long voting republican and would support Haslam but I am not convinced. Please clarify. Thank you, XXXXXX XXXXX I am waiting on a phone call now. My biggest concern is what if the state legislature wants to remove completely our right to carry a firearm. Would he sign that or fight it. I need clarification. Should be interesting.
  19. PF9. Should have just spent a little more and gotten a glock. Which I did later on. the 26 is a much better gun.
  20. I always have one close and always on my night stand. Always within arms reach
  21. Asking if we should put the debate to rest about gun ownership. We are winning ... FOXNews.com - Time to Put the Gun Issue to Rest?
  22. No they are Panasonic ag-hvx200P video cameras. Pretty good to.
  23. Sorry for the delay. I have been working like crazy. No I didnt miss the decimal. The cameras are $3200 each. Here is a link to all the stuff. Film Equipment - a set on Flickr This will help pay for an engagement ring and start the downpayment a house so I want to sell this stuff.
  24. Hey all. I have a bunch of camera equipment I need to get sold. I just dont know where to start posting this stuff. I could do craigs list but the Camera's alone are $3200 each. Does anybody know anyone who needs this kind of stuff or know where I should post it online to sell? I know where to post it here but not sure where else. Thanks in advance.


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