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Everything posted by Trekbike

  1.   As you mentioned, fighting back is the key but I think their point is the victim is likely to end up hurt or dead anyway even if they comply.   I think in most cases the criminal doesn't expect the victim to fight back with a gun in their face so you have a good chance at catching them off guard.    Like any criminal, they want an easy victim and if they encounter resistance, they might retreat for an easier target.      Knowing my wife as I do, she will not comply and will fight back with everything she's got.   Given the chance, she'll go "spider monkey" on you in a heartbeat.   
  2. For me, if I'm at work, it's 34 miles so I'm thinking it's probably at least two days if I had to walk the whole distance. I would be praying I could still get across the Cumberland River on my chosen route. Having to detour to a different bridge would add considerably more time.
  3. Hey, that knife looks familiar! Can't wait to see it in person. It will be a Christmas present for my future son-in-law. My daughter has seen the pictures and thinks he's going to love it.
  4. I'm not saying their popularity numbers aren't correct but that sure seemed like a Springfield and Glock ad.
  5. I have the Crimson LG 405's which are the smaller version since I mainly use pocket carry for my 642.
  6. Yea, I've heard Massad Ayoob talk about similar cases where the perp called the cops and said the victim was the one that was threating them with a gun. That then puts the cops in motion looking for you. It might get straightened out in the end but you might be the one arrested in the meantime. They say the one that calls 911 first is considered to be the victim.
  7. 102 year old woman's dentures came out when she blew out her birthday candles.
  8. At least you didn't say, "I resemble that remark"... :)
  9. Sorry, I thought you meant a Taurus model 85 revolver. So you can see my concern of cocking the hammer on a double action revolver while it was in the holster. I should have known you would be carrying a Bersa. :)
  10. Glad things didn't turn out worse for you. I agree with others to have called the police to be on record first as the victim and not the perp. The only thing I would disagree with is precocking the hammer while in the holster. In "single action" mode all it takes is a slight bump on the trigger and you're likely going to be the one needing emergency help.
  11. I get your point but that's kinda like saying you don't need to aim a shotgun. :)
  12. If any cities successfully get parks reclassified into something else I just hope they find they screwed themselves out of some benefits of it being a park. For sure they shouldn't be allowed to use the Parks & Recreation dept anymore to take care of the area. Also got to layoff the Park Rangers, etc. I just hope Karma bites them good...
  13. Some shops will install sights for free if you buy the sights from them.
  14. 38/357 is easier to reload IMO. No special crimp die needed. Most folks just use the bullet seating/crimping die that come in the three die set . Go with carbide dies for sure.
  15. I have the RCBS Uniflow powder measure and found it to be pretty constant IMO. Probably within 0.1 grain or so with ball powder like V V N320. Less accurate on flake powder like W231 for example. One thing I try to do is keep the chamber at least 3/4 full all the time during dispensing.
  16.   Sorry, but I had to post the Monty Python video clip...   [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAW6D21ICdg[/media]
  17. Being that he is a relative, would the same be true if it was a gift? How is it handled if a parent dies and leaves his son, from another state, his firearms in a will?
  18. If you don't mind me asking, how much powder are you using in that load?
  19. Nah, more likely the store pulled the box to make it look like someone purchased it. Kinda like when store workers set out a tip jar and put some of their own money in to "prime the pump".
  20. It's in Bellevue (Nashville) at the old Regal movie theater that flooded back in 2010. It's off exit 196 on I-40.
  21. I almost always double up on my hearing protection when shooting my AR' s.
  22. By chance do you have a single sister in her early 20's? My son could use a good girlfriend... :)
  23.   Have you looked at the Frio coolers?   I've link directly to the "how it works page".   It claims if you can submerge in cool water for 5-15 mins it will keep the insulin at the safe range for at least 45 hours even in 100 F environment.   Looks affordable too.     http://www.frioinsulincoolingcase.com/how-the-frio-insulin-cooling-case-works.html 
  24. That's very easy to do, you just have to keep an eye out on Craigslist. The one I bought had less than 100 miles, not a scratch, never been off the pavement to get dirty. Seriously you could have taken it to a bike shop as sold it as new. He had put around $150 in accessories on it so he had close to $800 in the bike and I paid him $375. I was a happy camper...
  25. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, it may be a safe he doesn't open that often. Kinda like forgetting the password to an online account you don't go to that much.


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