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OLDNEWBIE last won the day on October 14 2020

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  1. Here's the "Golf Course Shooter" SKS, Jeeze! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIHXwZWm-40
  2. It would take a top notch FBI team of investigators to decipher some of those SKS factory markings then import markings lol
  3. Weird choice, It was just announced the Golf Course Sniper used a scoped SKS not an AK as first reported. Wonder what type? I own a nice condition Chinese from the 80s. Good Scope mounting options are limited but anyway it's telling how many old SKS rifles are lurking around. Canada was still importing them I think until recent restrictions, wouldn't be surprised if alot of them found their way to the US
  4. Have you all seen the video of the Dad, Kid and LEO at the house? It seemed.....so normal? We have the "normal" hunting video too now. I know it's reported all the other problems and maybe this guy just sucks and was overly reckless but for argument let's just say....... It's you, just an average shiddy divorce from a women who was in to drugs or went nuts whatever, and now it's you and the kid. You get on pretty well, started hunting with him and he seems "Normal" for a modern Teen. You're trying to be a good Dad even though you're just avereage, a little broke, inflation hitting you hard, you work alot. Law shows up and says no proof but we think, possibly maybe your kid made a threat. Cop seems low key, kid denies it and cop says no proof. You don't know computers, IP address? What's that? Someone stole your FB page twice!, happens all the time. Kid says someone posed as him online, You believe him, he's a pretty good kid. Cop kinda believes kid too! After that you give the kid some hard interrogation, you still believe your kid so you keep hunting/shooting with him and buy him a gun because it makes you both happy. You lock or disable the gun when you know he's home alone but you get lazy, maybe you are a bit naive and the kid is smart and figures out how to get it when you are not home. Found the Key, breaks the lock, found where you hid the bolt etc. He's 14 and gets home and to School alone on the bus while you work. He is home alone briefly every day. He's good at hiding his mental illness from everyone. Then the bad thing happens! Parts of this story could be any one of us, ALL of this story except the end are spot on for some of us. As I said lot's of reports the shooter's Dad was a dud but what if he was just average like my story? Would he still be sitting in prison for murder? I think so and that's not right. Look for every School shooter's parent if living at home and guns used are from home to be charged from now on. Even if guns were locked. And we all know a safe or a lock just slows you down. There's a mental health crisis in America with youth and i have an opinion why but the odds make it a huge improbability you have a child murderer in the house. Without intent or knowledge and with basic safe storage around minors in the home, no charges should ever be brought on a parent for murder. Even if the parent screws up and forgets to lock away the gun that one time. Financial ruin in a Civil lawsuit?, Charges of negligence perhaps depending on circumstances yes. As someone here said if your child breaks a window you pay. Something as horrible as this well.....
  5. All armed teachers proposals I've heard are trained volunteers only with Principal approval, so no burden on anyone. Agreed on all the extra security you mentioned though
  6. Just to calm the "what if" resistance to armed, trained, volunteer teachers in schools....This might be the ONLY time smart gun technology would help. Links2k, would you still be against armed teachers if supplied with smart guns?
  7. Where are these "perfect around Mom & Dad" kids you speak of? My weird kids are/were the opposite lol. Mean Jerks to Mom & Dad and angels to the general public!
  8. I'm really against parents or anyone being charged for the uncoerced actions of another person. These charges against the father seem misplaced. By news reports he was negligent gifting his son a rifle knowing the kid made threats but Manslaughter?, Murder? When a street punk steals a gun and gives it to his buddy KNOWING he is a violent killer does the street punk get charged with murder when his buddy uses the gun to kill again? Second time parents getting harsh punishment for the Kid's crime and I agree this could be a deterrent but this is BS gun control! Charge the Dad with child neglect and endangerment resulting in death or something like that. In the meantime more SRO's, more security, armed Teachers, a bit of YES, PROFILING, vetting and monitoring of kids with problems. This kid had a history as usual
  9. As for this type of thing actually happening, I don't see it sparked by politics. I've heard interviews saying movie is not political but I doubt bias hasn't crept in and this is just another tool to divide us. The division is so intense in the US among so many diverse groups plus a large chunk that are unaware and proud of it. How could anybody get enough people together to form multi-state alliances willing to fight a Civil War? Laughable! When this Country goes under it will be a slow bleed not a Civil War I'm guessing. I'll wait when the movie hits the small screen but I do like my dystopian books and movies.
  10. Previews show what could have been an interesting flick but I ain't seen it yet so maybe I'm wrong lol
  11. Did I understand it's the SELLERS responsibility to determine if buyer is buying with intent to resell for profit? This is worse than expected I believe. What a big win for the anti gun lobby. Basically this law will make everyone skittish about selling privately to anyone except close friends or relatives. I invision a bill of sale form with verbage saying "buyer purchase with intent for personal use and will hold for a minimum of one year before resale"
  12. This is more about scaring parents away from passing on firearms use to their kids. One generation and no one will want to or know how to use a gun they are thinking.
  13. Not so sure of timeline, did he actually ask/beg for mental health or just showed signs of a need? Seems he deteriorated quickly though and the pic in the school warranted a backpack check at a minimum. School had some responsibility there too. Perhaps if I watched entire trial Id agree with you somewhat but it didn't seem so black and white from what I saw. Parents were definitely distracted and ignoring him alot but perhaps more often than not this is the case in the US. Again no lock up laws at the time, it wasn't stored in his room or kept with him. Perhaps they truely believed he was a reasonably good, sane kid with a few little problems who followed rules. The other thing that bothers me is the parents of gangbanger punks. Certainly this more often happens with these cases but just not in schools. Why these two parents now? Believe me, next is a gun owners stolen gun will get the owner jail time. Lastly,I have to go there....your kid has anxiety meds, adhd, depression but begs you to drive. You make it happen, learner permit then he steals the keys one day and purposely runs down a bunch of kids. Kids, people who do these awful crimes dont always broadcast their plans and sometimes hide their problems. The shooter scratched out the bad parts of the picture he drew for instance before the parents saw it at the school.
  14. Sounds like one of the few times those high tech proximity switch guns that only fire when the owner holds it would be way to go "IF" they actually work. Not a fan but if that helps arm Teachers who wish to carry then why not?
  15. If passed Teachers who choose to carry should neither be obligated to protect nor be liable if their choice to protect ends badly. I feel this is a good deterrent but without legal immunity most teachers will opt out.


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