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Everything posted by JAB

  1. Don't some states have systems where 'basic' carry without a permit is legal and a carry permit can be obtained for 'enhanced' carry so that a permit holder can pretty well carry anywhere an on-duty police officer could legally carry, including schools, etc.?  I know the OP said 'choose' but I am thinking that the answer might not be an either/or thing.
  2. If GT were to mass produce some of those (with sheaths like ETP made) they could be marketed with the tagline: "Survive and Look Good Doing It."
  3. Well, if they were to move on, as Caster suggested, maybe they could scavenge a lot of ammo.  Then, again, maybe a lot of that ammo is already in the hands of other groups who would be more than willing to use a portion of said ammo to maintain control of the rest of it.  Also, which would you rather do - sit in a nice, fairly secure facility and crank out rounds at your leisure or risk going in to possibly walker infested stores, etc. in the hopes that there might be some ammo left there that someone else hasn't already scavenged?   The big thing, though, is that the whole point is not having to move on.  The core group has been 'out there', some of them for maybe two or three years (or more) at this point.  They want a place where they can settle down and have more stable lives - maybe even start to rebuild civilization, especially now that they know there are other groups in other settlements.  I'm not saying their decision is right or wrong but Alexandria and the ability to live there long term, maybe even for generations to come, is their main motivation right now.  The whole point, then, in having more ammo is so that they can defend Alexandria and maybe even use some of that ammo as a trade good for trade relations with other settlements.  Not only are the characters not interested in moving on but that actually runs completely counter to what they do want right now.  That kind of makes sense, too, with Maggie pregnant and Judith getting to an age where it would be difficult to carry her and fight walkers but where she is not yet old/strong/big enough to keep up with the rest of the group.   Another thing - let's say that if they went on the move they could gather up a warehouse full of ammo.  How are they going to carry it all?  Realistically, without a base of operations like Alexandria where they can have something of an armory, each member of the group could probably manage to carry a long gun, a handgun for backup and a few hundred rounds for each, if that.   I don't think that the idea was that they would be scavenging reloading supplies, etc.  I think that the idea is that Eugene either knows or can figure out how to make gunpowder.  I also guess that - in a comic book/television show world, at least - with a full machine shop at his disposal he would be able to figure out how to either make primers or 're-charge' spent ones.  He did say that he planned to use spent brass casings but that they would need to find a lot of lead.  I doubt the idea would be to manufacture jacketed bullets.  I would think more along the lines of hard cast lead.  Would that work in all the guns they have?  Well, again, in a television show it probably would - and even if it wouldn't I'd rather have an almost endless supply of ammo for some guns rather than worry about not being able to make ammo for all of them.  That would also allow them to use the ammo they can manufacture for more general purpose/practice applications and save the 'better' stuff for when there is a real need for it.   As far as scavenging primers, etc. I am not so sure that the places they could scavenge those would necessarily also have ammo that could be easily scavenged.  Think about it this way - even if there aren't many people left now there was probably a lot of looting in the early days.  Those looters were probably a lot more interested in factory ammo than in reloading components.  For that matter, I have done a little reloading but to be completely honest - considering there would be limits on how much I could grab/carry at a time as well as limits on how much stuff I could pack in my vehicle to take back home or bug out, in those early days I'd also be much more interested in using that weight and space allotment on loaded, ready to use ammo than on reloading components.  With that in mind, the idea that there wouldn't have been many folks left by the time reloading became a concern actually works in favor of being able to scavenge reloading components in stores whose shelves were probably stripped bare of ammo in the first few hours after people realized what was happening.  At least, that would be my expectation.
  4. If he did then he is an even bigger idiot for risking that kind of cabbage by pulling such a stupid stunt.
  5. [Sigh]. These guys were doing more than just holding up traffic. They were doing more than just driving a little fast. They were driving recklessly which endangers other's lives just like pointing a loaded gun at them - and unlike braiding hair without a license.
  6. [quotename="LagerHead" post="1367997" timestamp="1458313328"]You know what? You've convinced me. Some people may have had to move their foot to the left a few inches and apply the brakes and use their steering wheels for its intended purpose rather than as a stand for their newspaper or their bowl of soup. I say we nuke them all from low earth orbit. Hell, this is practically a gang of Hitlers on two wheels. In fact, #### it. I say we just legalize running these bastards off the road if you so much as have to use your mirror for something other than applying your lipstick.[/quote] Or maybe we should just let people drive recklessly and figure, "Hey, until they actually kill someone then what the heck?". So drunk you can't see straight? No problem. Go ahead and get behind the wheel. After all, what is a little reckless, hazardous behavior while driving? As long as you make it home without actually killing anybody then no harm, no foul, right? Shouldn't be against the law and the cops - and everyone else - should just mind their own business. No one is suggesting making it legal to run bikers off the road. I am just saying they have no right to take over the road and drive recklessly.
  7.   If you are walking down the street and someone is walking toward you, pointing a loaded gun in your direction with their finger on the trigger then as long as they walk on past you without shooting you - meaning no one was harmed - then would you say there was no crime?  Would you say that there was no, real threat?  Would you be okay with that?   Creating traffic hazards and driving extremely recklessly as complaints against these bikers stated they were doing is no less a threat to life/limb/property than someone walking down the street pointing a gun at you.  Heck, it could be more of a threat to a larger number of people.  More people are killed in traffic accidents than in shootings each year.  Many times more.
  8.   Endangering the lives of other drivers by creating traffic hazards and driving recklessly is hardly the same as braiding hair without the 'proper' training.  Those things are hardly 'victimless' crimes as every, single person whose life, health and/or property was endangered by that behavior is a 'victim' of the behavior/crime.
  9.   Well, as there are laws against such things as reckless driving, etc.and as breaking the law constitutes committing a crime I have to disagree with your definition of 'crime'.  Further, the cop pulled the pickup truck over because it was blocking traffic, etc. so, yes, they were engaged in at least some of those activities at the time and were, therefore, obviously the group of bikers on whom had complaints had been called in.   Again, the jerk cop was not justified in the actions he took and I am not defending those actions.  Some people are jerks and some of those jerks happen to have a badge and uniform.  Heck, I am one of the members of this forum who is often most critical of rogue cop behavior and I do not buy the, "It's a hard job and you wouldn't want to do it," stuff as a justification for being a jerk.  All I am saying is that the group of bikers were engaging in jerkish (as well as illegal) activity, as well.  As I said, some people are jerks and some jerks happen to have a badge and uniform - just as some jerks happen to ride motorcycles, alone or in groups.
  10.   Well, unless you consider reckless driving, impeding traffic, creating a traffic hazard, driving in excess of the speed limit plus (specific to the group in the pickup) driving without a license and standing in the open back of a moving pickup truck to be crimes - which, well, they are.  Like I said, plenty of jackholery to go around in this incident.
  11. Anyone know anything about this stuff? Academy in Knoxville had some when I was there yesterday. When I walked in the door there was a stack of it in 400 round boxes and a stack in 100 round boxes behind the customer service desk. Seeing that there were so many I figured I would pick up one of the 400 round boxes on the way out. Roughly twenty minutes later, when I got ready to check out, all of the 400 round boxes were already gone. I guess I should have grabbed while the grabbing was good but honestly, with a 1 box per customer limit and what looked to be twenty five or thirty boxes I never imagined it would all be gone that quickly. Lesson learned, I guess. Anyhow, I went ahead and picked up one of the 100 round boxes. It was $9.99 which isn't exactly a great price but is honestly about in line with what Walmart used to get for 100 round boxes of Mini-Mags and so on, especially when normal price increases are considered. The 400 round boxes were something like $24, iirc. Again, not as good as bulk box prices in the 'good old days' but probably about normal, now - especially if the ammo is any good. This appears to be fairly new ammo and, if it performs as claimed - a 40 grain bullet at 1,435 fps and 183 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle - could probably be considered 'premium' or at least 'very good'.22LR ammo. Also, it looks like while the 100 round box like I got is hollow points the 400 round box is round nose. According to a Guns and Ammo article from back in January of this year - which I found online at http://www.gunsandammo.com/shot-show-2016/new-browning-ammo-for-2016/#ixzz43AoN9o9F
  12. Honestly, when a family comes out after something like this and spouts things that basically say that it is okay for a person to go 'shopping' at someone else's house because that person was raised in the 'hood I do not feel a bit sorry for their loss.  "Where will he get money for clothes." etc.  Who cares?  Where the hell do these people think the homeowner got the money for the stuff he was there to steal - from a friggin' pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?  How is it that homeowner's responsibility to see that Trevon has clothes and so on?  Screw the lot of them.  Further, I don't feel a bit sorry for the dead guy, either, nor do I think his death is in any way a 'tragedy' or even a real loss.  Bottom line: thug broke into middle-aged lady's house, middle-aged lady decided not to be a victim, thug got dead and won't be breaking into any more homes.  The only sympathy I feel is for the homeowner who was dragged into this situation by the aforementioned thug.
  13. There were multiple complaints called in on this group of bikes.  Apparently, at various times they were driving at speeds far below the limit, holding up traffic, so a group of people standing in the back of a pickup truck at the head of their line could film them.  There were complaints of some members of this group of bikers driving recklessly at excessive speeds and weaving in, out and around traffic, 'popping wheelies' and so on.  At one point, the pickup truck with the folks in the back who were filming the bikers turned crossways in the road and blocked traffic so that this group of bikers could pass and the group could be filmed.  This is a public roadway, not a friggin' movie set or a closed course.  Based on those complaints, the bikers and their associates in the truck were creating hazardous traffic situations as well as being a nuisance.  In fact, it appears that the vehicle the officer had pulled over was that very pickup truck - one of the biker group's 'safety vehicles' - that was blocking traffic to film and so on..  In light of that, I think it is entirely possible that some of the bikers were intentionally 'buzzing' him.  Further, the driver of the truck was charged with driving with no license.  Now, I am not saying that what the cop did is excusable - it is not - but these bikers were no innocent bunch of lambs, either.  In fact, if the complaints called in have any truth to them then their actions sound a lot like that bunch of douche bags that dragged a father out of his SUV and beat him up a few years ago.  Anyone who has ever driven across 'the Tail of the Dragon' knows that - while many folks on two wheels are courteous and safe - some of them act like they own the public roads and that no one else has a right to be on them.  Apparently, many of the motorcyclists in this incident fall into the latter group.  As I said, that does not excuse what the cop did because if he had caused an accident by pepper spraying the bikers then that could have resulted in serious injury to the bikers as well as bystanders.   Honestly, speaking of movie sets, if this incident were to be made into a movie it sounds like a good title would be "Jerk Cop vs. Jerk Bikers: Clash of the Mega-Douches".
  14.   I was too busy enjoying her with my eyes to notice her accent with my ears.  Even with dingy clothes and so on to try and make her look like a scuzzy, scavenging marauder living in the zombie apocalypse Alicia Witt was almost too pretty and too 'bright eyed' for the role.
  15.   Heck, if I were an Alexandrian and I found out he had been keeping a Wolf among us, endangering the lives of others so he could play therapist then give me an extra can of Spam from the supply room and I'd take him out, myself. :death:   And I'd do it in such a way that he'd never even have a chance to use that stupid stick. :stick:
  16.   Also, don't forget that she was dealing with a group consisting mostly of women.  She was playing the odds that women would, in general, be at least somewhat prone to be 'protective' of a pregnant woman or at least sympathetic to her - especially if any of them had or had ever had children.  And it worked, too - 'Chelle (the dark haired one who ended up 'interrogating' Maggie) became a bit of an ally there for a while.  Remember, she got Molls to put out the cigarette and not smoke near Maggie and then she didn't lay a hand on Maggie when she was interrogating her as to where her home was, etc.  It was also probably a ploy by Carol to make them - at least subconsciously - think of Maggie as weak or less of a threat because of her 'condition', just like Carol, herself, plaid the 'nervous birdie' to get them to underestimate her.   As for the Savior's thinking they are the good guys, I am not so sure about that.  They have to know that they have been extorting supplies from non-combative people and that their side has outright murdered members of those groups just to force them to give up supplies.  Those ladies were at the outpost so they have to know that their people kidnapped a non-threatening guy from Hilltop, beat him and were threatening to kill him unless the Hilltop folks brought them Gregory's head just because they suspected that Gregory shorted them a little on the supplies that they (the Saviors) were stealing from Hilltop.  "Send us regular shipments consisting of half of everything you have, even if it leaves you without enough to survive, or we will kill you all," is the 'deal' the Saviors make with any group they come across.  That is not the kind of deal that 'good guys' make.  They weren't a bit surprised to hear that the group on the bikes had been planning to kill Daryl, Abraham and Sascha and then take all of their stuff the very first time any of them had officially met.  Those ladies were too smart not to realize that 'good guys' don't do things like that and there is no way they are part of the Saviors and don't know how they operate.  No, I think what they meant when they told Carol "You are not the good guys," was that there are no good guys, anymore.  I think they believe that the idea of 'good guys' is now nonsense and a thing of the past - if such a thing were ever real in the first place - and that now there are only those who survive and those who don't - and that, as (at least in their minds) you don't survive by being 'good guys'.  At the very least I think they tell themselves that in order to justify to themselves the kinds of things that the Saviors do.  So, in their minds, anyone who has survived this long - including Maggie, Carol and Rick's entire group - has to have done some things that would keep them from being 'good guys'.  Besides, if they accept that maybe Rick's group are 'the good guys' then they have to accept that good guys do still exist - in which case that makes them - the Saviors - very definitely 'bad guys'.   I am actually not all that impressed with the decision to make Carol act so torn up about what she had to do in this episode.  I know she has been upset about the little kid getting killed by the Walkers and other, recent events but remember this is the same Carol who raided Terminus, shot the leader of Terminus and then purposefully left her to be eaten alive by the Walkers.  This is the same Carol who, when she thought the Alexandrians were going to kick Rick out said, "We still have our knives.  That's all we need against these people."  Sure, she might have to do some things that she regrets but I just don't seen her getting all weepy and such over taking out some people who were planning to kill her and all of her friends.  I don't know - maybe Morgan and his load of B.S. has gotten to her more than we realized.
  17. There was an episode of 'Inside the Actors Studio' that my friends saved for me.  It had members of The Walking Dead cast on it, including Norman Reedus.  Apparently, before he started having success as a model and actor, Reedus had a job repairing motorcycles so it sounds like he is legit to be on a show about them.
  18. I do think that Rick's group was right to hit the Savors first.  I don't think they were really being 'mercenaries' for Hilltop so much as they were doing something that needed doing, anyhow, and were doing it in such a was as to get something from Hilltop as a bonus.  This wasn't an unknown group they were hitting.  Daryl saw them when he was hiding out in the woods and got a sense of what they were like.  Then he, Abraham and Sasha encountered a group of them and that group planned on killing at least one of the three, taking all of the stuff they had with them and forcing whoever they didn't kill to take them back to Alexandria.  If it were me I would already have been trying to find out more about them.  Then, suddenly, they have a chance to use the intel that the Hilltop folks give them for free and then get some supplies from Hilltop in exchange for doing something that they needed to do, anyhow.  The strategy was solid.  The tactics, however, sucked.   First of all, they went into the whole thing without doing any scouting of the perimeter to see if just maybe this highly organized group of badass marauders might have the sense to have patrols outside the fence.  Secondly, they hit the place without taking any time to observe, see how many were coming and going, try to figure out how many were in there or anything else based only on what one guy who had been inside on one occasion could remember about the place.  Not exactly the brightest moves.   Personally, I don't think Negan was ever there.  Further, for those who are thinking, "The Saviors didn't seem like that big a deal," I think what we saw last Sunday night was just a small fraction of their forces stationed at a small outpost.  I do not in any way believe that Rick et al. hit the main compound nor do I believe there was a significant number of the Savior's main force at that outpost.  I also have a feeling that the guys who were at the outpost were probably, at least partially, the scrubs and not their most hardened or capable fighters - and still, even hitting them in their sleep, it took most of Rick's best fighters to deal with them and even that ended up being a big clusterf...well, you get it.  The alarm was sounded, Rick's group had to fight their way out and - had it not been for automatic weapons and copious amounts of ammo - would probably have taken losses against a bunch of guys who had just been awakened and were running around in their underwear.  Even then one of the Saviors almost got away on a motorcycle and Maggie and Carol got captured.
  19. There is absolutely no scientific reason whatsoever to believe that the 'last' great ice age - the Wurm - ever ended.  The only reason we think of it as having ended is because we are taking a human centered view of things.  In other words, as far as known human history is concerned there has been no great ice age occurring so, therefore, it must be over.  That is about like believing that because I have never seen a platypus in real life they must not exist.  There is geological evidence that there were breaks within the great ice ages where temps were comparable to what they have been for the majority of time that modern humans have been around and those breaks could last for an extended period of time.  Based on that evidence, ice age conditions could begin returning pretty much at any time.  In fact, even some scientists who are proponents of the man-made global warming theory seem to believe that global warming is the only thing staving off ice age conditions now and that the ice age will, eventually, win out..   Further, there is geological evidence that at one time - before the great ice ages - there were no polar ice caps.  The east coast of what is now the United States was probably somewhere along the current Tennessee/North Carolina border.  What is now California was probably mostly if not entirely under water.  Alaska had a climate comparable to modern day Florida.  So, 'global warming' may not be a sign that the Earth is in trouble.  Instead, it could be a sign that - after several millennia - the Earth's climate is trying to reset to normal.  Of course, those conditions were likely due to a circum-global current in the Earth's oceans - meaning that warm water from the equator flowed to the poles, keeping temps there much warmer than today and cooler water from the poles flowed to the equator, keeping global conditions much less varied than they are, today.  As that current likely stopped when what is now Australia separated from what is now Africa we probably won't see those, exact conditions again (unless Australia migrates back toward Africa.)
  20. Actually I think it is awesome.  No, I am not joking.  I'd own one (not sure I'd pay $200 for it, though.)  I'd never carry it nor put it in my HD plan, etc. (I'd have no problem with a well tested, standard finished Hi Point as a 'stash' gun somewhere in the house - they shoot better than some might think) but as a fun gun I think it would be great.  Of course, I like sarcastic and ironic humor and there is definitely something ironically and sarcastically funny about a $100 bill finish pattern on a Hi-Point - and that is why I like it.  Imagine being at the range, pulling that out and saying to the stranger next to you (who would definitely be eyeballing it), "This here's my baby.  Total safe queen but I have to get her out and give her some lovin' every once in a while," and doing it with a totally straight face (before cracking up and letting them in on the joke.)
  21.   That was good.  I also like when Rick stabbed the guy in the neck, stood up covered in his blood and all the Hilltop folks are staring at him, shocked, he just gets this incredulous look on his face and says, "What?"  Then he does the same thing when the Hilltop guy is freaked out by him using the severed head as a punching bag.
  22. I hope you are wrong but have this bad feeling you might be right.  In fact,  just last night I told the people with whom I watch the show that I think it is very possible that Daryl will be killed off soon.  My reasoning has to do with how his character has been treated on the show, lately.  It is almost like they are trying to remove the very things that make him Daryl, thereby curbing some of the fan outcry if they kill him off.   What is the main thing that people identify with Daryl?  The crossbow - which he no longer has and has seemingly made no effort to replace.  Whether or not it is a 'practical' weapon in reality it has long been his chosen weapon and has served him well to this point.  Surely he could find another somewhere along the course of his and Rick's trips to scavenge, if he really wanted to.  Not that the revolver is a bad idea - I'd say carry the crossbow for stealth and keep the revolver on his hip for when a single-loading crossbow just won't cut it.  What is the second thing that people probably identify most with Daryl?  A motorcycle - which he no longer has and has seemingly made no effort to replace.  There are abandoned vehicles everywhere so there are probably motorcycles among them.  Daryl knows how to repair anything that might be wrong with them and could probably scavenge needed parts from other abandoned motorcycles.  So, it isn't just that the crossbow and motorcycle are gone - it is almost like the part of his 'Darylness' that caused him to carry the crossbow and ride the motorcycle are gone, too.  Further, his demeanor is largely different.  In becoming less belligerent (not exactly the right word but its the best I can thing of right now) he has also become less charismatic.  He has become less Daryl.  In fact, in some ways he has just plain become 'less' and now is becoming just another guy on the show.  I know that characters must change or stagnate but these sudden, wholesale changes to what makes the character who he has always been cause me to think that the goal is to lessen the blow (i.e. the loss of viewers and ratings) if they kill Daryl off.  Or maybe these changes are just for contrast for when Daryl goes back to really being Daryl after one of the other, major characters buys it.
  23.   Not really.  There are major characters who are still alive in the comics who are dead on the show and vice versa, not to mention major characters on the show who don't even exist in the comics.   Examples (COMIC BOOK SPOILER):   1.  In the comics, Carol died while the group was living at the prison.  She had a mental breakdown and fed herself to a captive walker that they had chained up inside the walls for study.  So, as she is already dead in the comics and has been for a long time, the television version of her is kind of a wild card.  Carol's daughter, Sophia, is still alive at this point in the comics.   2.  In the comics, Dale didn't die on the farm.  It was Dale who got bitten and then captured by the cannibals (there was no Terminus, just a roving group of cannibals called 'The Hunters".)  It was Dale who had his leg eaten by the cannibals and who died shortly thereafter - just like what happened to Bob on the show.   3.  Andrea is still alive in the comics.  She never 'hooked up' with the governor.  In fact, she and Dale had a May-December thing going until he died and then she and Rick ended up together (rather than Rick and Michonne.)   4.  Lori did not die in childbirth in the comics.  Instead, the governor's people shot her when they invaded the prison.   5.  Judith (Carl's baby sister) is not still alive in the comics.  Lori was carrying her when the prison was invaded and the bullet that killed Lori passed through Lori's body and killed Judith.   6.  The Governor died at the prison.  The lady who shot Lori saw that she was carrying a baby and realized that the Governor was lying to them about Rick's group being the bad guys.  As a result - and because he lies resulted in her killing a baby - she shot the governor and then she and the other Woodbury folks fled into the prison to escape the walkers.  They left the Governor and the walkers got him (a time when the comic had a much better storyline than in the show, IMO.)   7.  In the comics, Herschel died at the prison but in a completely different way than in the show.   8.  In the comics, Tyreese died at the prison.  It was Tyreese and not Herschel who the Governor decapitated with Michonne's sword.   And so on.  What I am getting at is that not only are some characters live on the show well past the point where they die in the comics and vice versa but some characters from the show die in exactly the same way as completely different characters die in the comics.  Plus neither Daryl nor Merle even exist in the comics,
  24.   I agree.  in fact, I would rather see that change before carry without a permit.  If carry without a permit passes I believe that there is at least a chance that more places will post.  I also think it would be much more difficult to get the weight of law removed from the signs once carry without a permit was in place.
  25. I have said, before, in another thread that the folks who live in cities and who have the plan to simply 'head for the country' will receive a rude awakening when they realize that there are already people living in said 'country'.  I have joked that when these folks reach the rural area I will be sitting on my front porch with a shotgun telling them to get the hell out of my yard.   That said, one problem I have with the response to the query in the article was that the guy responding laid out a scenario where these good, country 'God-fearing' people are just going to start killing strangers on sight.  Keep in mind that the country folk in the article have not had a chance to observe the city folk, determine their motives, figure out what kind of people they are or even be sure as to the age ranges in their group.  Sure the group that went to check out the source of the sound of diesel engines and gunfire went armed - wouldn't anyone with a lick of sense?  In his scenario, all those city folk had to do was show up at an (apparently) abandoned house and the response of the locals was to block their escape and start shooting them.  No warning, no chance to leave, nothing.  Now, if I know someone is threatening me and mine or if I think there is a good chance they will do so in a situation like that I'd be willing to shoot as many as necessary to defend myself and my home.  That said, for all the 'country' folk in that scenario knew these 'city' people weren't there with the intention of being a threat.  Maybe one of them thought Great Uncle Jeb lived around there somewhere and the group got lost trying to find ol' Jeb's place.  Maybe they saw the abandoned house and decided it was a good place to hole up for the night.  I have a hard time imagining the normal, good country folk described in the response suddenly turning into cold-blooded killers and massacring a group of strangers (for all they know there are children in those cars) without even talking to them, first.  Heck, for that matter maybe one of the group really is a nephew who moved to the city for work years ago, who really is part of their family and who - possibly with his wife and two kids - really is coming to rejoin his extended family and offer the assistance of himself and the others in his group, good people all, in tending the crops and defending the place.  It isn't like he could call ahead and let them know he is coming if there is a TEOTWAWKI type event and most long-range communication methods no longer work.  So the country folks just murdered their own kin in cold blood - which they won't realize until it is all over but the bleeding.   Of course, one problem is that if the group of city folks are planning to be a threat then the only way to safely deal with them in the described situation is to do something very similar to what was described in the response - box them in and kill them all before they have a chance to pose a real threat.  That makes the whole scenario kind of a Catch 22 situation - either good, honest, hard-working country folk take a chance on slaughtering a group of basically innocent refugees from the city or they take a chance on letting a group of marauders get into a position to pose a real threat.  Forethought and planning aside, when it came time to actually start putting bullets in heads that would be a much harder call to make than the author of the article makes it seem.


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