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Everything posted by JAB

  1. Just as devil's advocate think about it this way: In a few years someone might be saying, "If we agree with it or not owning a semiautomatic firearm is currently illegal in the United States. Possession of such a firearm (even if it was originally legally purchased) is illegal. He should have turned that gun in when the law was passed but instead he chose to keep it. Whether he was actively hurting anyone or not he was still breaking the law. Would it be any different if the gun was fully automatic?" I am not saying this guy was a good guy or a bad guy but I do agree with 56FordGuy that we shouldn't always jump to defend the death/abuse/persecution of someone just because, "whether we agree with it or not what he was doing was illegal," because all it takes is a few lines of BS on a piece of paper with enough politicians voting for it for anything to become 'illegal'.
  2. When I first watched the video, before reading the comments, I kinda thought it was injured, too. To me it looked like the area on the right side of its skull was wet. I wasn't thinking an injury that had just happened as it looked to me more like it was oozing infection rather than bleeding. More like a bad scrape (maybe hit/sideswiped by a car) than a deep cut but potentially serious and possibly causing strange behavior all the same if it is infected. Otherwise it reminded me a lot of my dog when she is just kind of standing there looking at me and waiting for me to tell her what I want her to do. I mean the body language and 'facial' expressions.
  3. I am no lawyer but I don't think there would be any legal ground in TN to charge the homeowner nor would there be enough public support to do so. Interestingly, the news report I saw quoted the local sheriff as saying no charges would be filed because the lady, "has the right to protect her home and property." Not 'her life' but 'her home and property'. If that was, indeed, a direct quote it is good to hear. As far as I know Texas is the only state where the law specifically says you can use deadly force to protect property and if Georgia law says the same I did not know it. It is good, though, to hear common sense from the sheriff. In fact, as I have said, before, I wish that TN law would change to allow deadly force in defense of property. That would eliminate any question of whether or not it is legal to shoot some low-life that is robbing one's home. To me, invading a person's home, armed or not, is a violent violation similar to (although not quite to the level of) rape. As such, invading and/or robbing someone's home is very different from shoplifiting or even grabbing the cash from the register at a convenience store, etc. Therefore, to my mind, simply invading someone's home should justify the use of deadly force whether the person is home at the time or comes home and blasts the SOB as he runs out the back door with the home owner's property. I know that people will say, "Property can be replaced," but that is not always the case. There are things I own that belonged to deceased family members and friends. Those things can never be replaced. Oh, and the report I heard also stated something about the home invaders had placed a pistol to the head of a male (resident?) inside the home. These wannabe thugs NEEDED desperately to die.
  4. Well, as long as you are digressing... I think I have shared this, before but shortly after 9/11 I was standing in line at a book store and an Arabic gentleman was in line behind me. A 'white' guy who obviously knew him came over and started talking to him, asking him if he had experienced 'profiling' as the Arabic gentleman apparently traveled a lot. The Arabic gentleman's reply was priceless (paraphrasing but this is pretty close to his actual words), "Well, honestly yes, to some degree. But people have to realize that those maniacs who flew those planes into buildings looked like me. People also have to realize that it is most likely that anyone else who is going to try it will look like me. It doesn't make any sense to concentrate the search on white guys or women or whatever when the most likely attacker will look like me. So if the little extra hassle of being pulled aside more often because the most likely attacker will look like me means not getting my ass blown up in midair then I am all for it!"
  5. What I read was that at least six people were injured, some with wounds to the 'extremities' and a few with more serious wounds.
  6. Pretty funny. When I read the thread title, though, I thought, "What?? Blasphemy!!"
  7. I don't own one of the Ruger .22 pistols, either. I kinda want one, though, as the shape reminds me of a Luger (although I realize they were actually based on a Japanese pistol.) I couldn't find a Ruger at a decent price way back when I was looking for a full-sized .22 pistol so I ended up with a S&W 22A, instead. Good pistol and I actually shoot it better than I shoot the Rugers (have shot it side by side with a friend's Ruger.) I have to say, though, that the Ruger can't possibly be any more of a PITA than a 22A to disassemble/reassemble. I field stripped mine. Once. A search for a launched spring and a big gash on my hand (from the sharp edged rear sights) later and I vowed that I'd never do that, again, unless it started malfunctioning. Now it gets patched/cleaned wherever I can reach without taking it apart. The LGS where I took my permit class has an old Ruger .22 that they use as one of their loaner guns for the shooting portion of the class. I think it is probably a Mark I or II judging by how old it looks. I was asking the owner of the store about the Rugers and field stripping once and he just laughed. He said, "We have that loaner one. It has been used for I don't know how many permit classes, now. Some of the guys decided to field strip it and clean it oh, five or six years ago. Not because it was jamming or anything - it has never had any problems. They just felt like they should.." He said he just pretty much does what I do with my 22A - cleans it and lubes it without stripping it.
  8. Looks good! I tried smoking some venison once and it did turn out kind of dry. I'm thinking next time I'll probably kind of basket-weave wrap it with bacon. The dutch oven sounds great. The last venison I cooked I cubed some into 'stew meat ' type cubes and then cooked it in a cast iron pot (more or less a dutch oven type pot without the feet and dished-in lid) hanging over a fire. I did it sort of 'country boy beef bourguignon' style. Sauteed some onion in the pot first then added the venison. Browned the meat then added tomato paste, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, a little garlic powder and a beer. Let that braise/stew over the fire and the meat got pretty much falling-apart tender. I made a (canned) peach cobbler dutch-oven style at the same time. Yep, about time to do that, again. It would be really nice to have venison from a deer I shot, myself. Oh, well, at least someone or another gives me a deer from time to time and I do process them, myself.
  9. Even though I am more of a revolver guy the Ruger P95 is the only firearm I own of which I have two. Partly this is because the first was a gift from a now deceased friend so I don't want to risk losing it if I ever needed to use it but partly it is also because they are so ridiculously good. My first (the gift one) has no rail and is decocker only. My second has a small light rail and is a decocker/safety model. I prefer the DC only but when you are buying used you can't be that picky and I can just use the safety to decock then disengage it. I also prefer hammer fired and will likely never have a striker fired handgun that I would actually use for carry or HD. You have to love that the owner's manual basically says that as long as it is the right caliber shoot pretty much any ammo you want, they don't care. +P? Good to go. 9mm NATO? Shoot it, good to go. Those two P95 pistols are also the only handguns I own that are chambered in 9mm Luger. When I read the OP my thought was, "It would be cool if they would do an updated version of the old Security 6 and Speed 6 revolvers." By that I mean strong, reliable, metal (not polymer) double action revolvers that aren't quite as heavy/bulky/overbuilt as the GP100 and the SP101. As someone else said, if the current avatar of Nyarthalotep (aka The Crawling Chaos aka Hillary Clinton) manages to limit and restrict semiauto firearms then a company with a solid and growing line of reliable revolvers would be in a pretty good position.
  10. Is that why Debbie...aw, never mind.
  11. I just came across this guy's channel a couple of weeks ago. His name is Paul Harrel and he does gun/shooting/self defense related videos. The things he demonstrates don't always follow the 'standard' ideas. I also do not always agree with him but I think he gives some good, practical advice. I have no affiliation with him, whatsoever. I just think that his channel should be much larger and more well known than it is and have decided to post about his channel on a couple of forums to which I belong. I think many here would enjoy at least some of his videos. Here are a few of my favorites that I have seen so far - a couple of these might hack some folks off at first because he does go against some of the conventional advice but give him a chance and, through his demonstrations, he might just change your mind or at least give a different perspective:
  12. I am sorry for your loss. I know that doesn't help but it is all I know to say.
  13. Oh, I don't like it, either and don't blame you for complaining. I'm just saying I wouldn't expect changes any time soon.
  14. That was the reason I was wondering if MO allowed open carry without a permit before the new law allowing concealed without a permit. If Tennessee ever gets to the point of concealed carry without a permit I believe it would only be after open carry without a permit had been legal for some time. Honestly, I don't think either of those will happen - not so much because of safety concerns but because of revenue concerns. The state legislature isn't going to vote away all those application fees, renewal fees, etc. In other words I don't expect either - and especially not concealed without a permit - any time soon. Probably not until at least after the next time I renew my permit at which time I plan to do the $200 fee and obtain a lifetime carry permit, anyhow - assuming that is still an option by then.
  15. I think a big part of that push came out of Roane County when there was an apparently problem Constable there. Supposedly, among other things, he had beef with local police and decided that he should be policing the police (and their families.) There were claims that he was pulling over the wives/families of officers and basically harassing them. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/local/judge-ousts-walking-tall-constable-in-roane-county-ep-409849024-359323261.html
  16. I suddenly thought of the Hong Kong flick by John Woo starring Chow Yun Fat (before they came to America) called 'Hard Boiled'. There is a scene where the bad guys take over a hospital and cause all the staff to flee. The doctors, nurses and orderlies are pushing patients in wheelchairs and even gurneys across the parking lot and then the bad guys open up from the hospital windows. I can't find the details now but at the time it came out in the early '90s I think it held a record for the most on-screen deaths in one scene ever. I seem to recall reading that there were more people 'killed' on screen in that, one scene than in all the Die Hard, Terminator and Rambo movies (up to that time) combined. Not a good scenario to consider.
  17. Makes sense. Kind of a 'pay your money and take your chances' thing, I guess. Just another reason to be glad that the exit I am talking about using is a back exit with a door that can't even be opened from the outside and which is on the opposite side of the building from the main exit.
  18. Eff the New York Times. In fact, eff the entirety of New York City while I am at it. I have only spent a short time in that place and honestly would just as soon never set foot in New York City - or, hell, even New York State for that matter - ever again. Double that for New Jersey.
  19. Didn't you hear? Cthulhu bowed out of this one. It heard that Hillary was running and realized that its slogan, "Why vote for the lesser evil?" wouldn't work in its favor this time because it would appear that its campaign was encouraging people to vote for her.
  20. The news articles I read were unclear but from my reading it appeared to me that it was already legal to carry openly with no permit in MO and that this bill/law simply expands that to concealed carry, as well. Is that the case? Either way it is a good thing I am just wondering if there was a step between not being able to carry without a permit and being able to carry concealed without a permit or if MO legislators went all-in all at once.
  21. I have to say I would like to see some out takes from that showing the reactions of people (surely there were at least a few) who didn't fall for it.
  22. Have you been anywhere lately where there was a decent cross-section of the general public represented? Almost every day, via my real life experiences, I see multiple things which reaffirm my faith in people... ...'s stupidity.
  23. Not a bad choice, I think. As for me, I'll probably vote Trump because, well, he isn't Hillary and Johnson does nothing for me. Why, oh why couldn't a really GOOD third party candidate be running? This could have been the year a third party candidate won! Anyhow, if I do a write-in, instead, it will probably be for Kate Upton. I figure that as long as our choices for president are a couple of boobs I had might as well pick some I'd actually want to...um...support!
  24. I understand the 'things I'll do differently' part. I almost always discover those things in most of my 'self guided' projects, not just leather work. Still, that thing looks great. You should carry it proudly and with a big smile on your face. I love the little detail of how the stitching on the end of the retention strap almost perfectly lines up with the double row stitching on the sheath, itself, when the strap is snapped closed. It is so well done that at first I thought, "why did he put a snap on that end of the strap and then sew the strap down," before I realized that the strap isn't sewn down.
  25. Thanks for the info. Yeah, I have seen some of Ian Adkinson's videos, too. Some amazing work, for sure. Also, you might want to check out a channel by a guy who goes by 'grierwolfe'. His real name is Justin (I think) Wolfe and his business is 'Wolfe Customs'. He makes some really nice looking things, as well (at least based just on seeing them on the computer screen), and has several leatherwork tutorials on his channel. He is also pretty 'big' into bushcrafting, camping and so on so he will also do tutorials and the like on things such as, for instance, using flint, steel and char to start a fire - he has one interesting video where he argues that, although it isn't necessarily his favorite tool, a good tomahawk would make a better 'one tool option' than a knife - but mostly his channel relates to leather work. I am not much of a bushcrafter and don't get to camp nearly enough but am very interested in those things so I like his videos on those things, too.


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