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res308 last won the day on January 28

res308 had the most liked content!

About res308

  • Birthday 03/02/1968

Profile Information

  • Location
    Over Yonder (Erin, TN)
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, hiking, home gunsmithing, camping
  • Occupation
    Police Officer


  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Shoot'n iron

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  1. Well here we are a little over three weeks later. You can see that they've got it pretty rough
  2. Updated. Added optic option.
  3. One and only price reduction
  4. Nah. Where it came from has flames anyway.
  5. Pictures added Ad edited
  6. Not really sure, but this could be the source of our sleep deprivation. My wife has nicknamed them the terrorist twins.
  7. MaryAnn was real! I have to believe!
  8. General Kitten?
  9. So's bobcat
  10. He's only 5 years old now so he's all spun up all the time anyway. I love it!
  11. Checking out his babies
  12. Wife got back from church today and told me about these puppy's. It appears that some idjit dumped them at her church. They were freezing, very hungry, and in bad need of a bath. They probably wouldn't have made it another night. Poor little fellers are both crashed out now. My shepherd is all spun up over them and is already protective of them. And here's after milk, food and bath.


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