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Bob T

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Bob T last won the day on February 8 2018

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About Bob T

  • Birthday 04/04/1956

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  • Location
    Knoxville, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Yes, yes it is...
  2. My current "out of the cabinet" choices...
  3. I just put Russell's on my "to try" list. Thanks. Tried some WhistlePig at our anniversary dinner a couple weeks ago. Never had rye before, but I picked up a bottle right after, plus a couple other rye selections.
  4. I bought mine used, so it could be older. The other side of the blade is etched "Cumberland Mountain Knife & Tool" It is hard to read in the picture
  5. Sorry, I should have included his quote... And I really don't think you believe this... Da Coach, has pulled back on this statement since Monday...
  6. So you agree with Mike Ditka?
  7. Thank you. I did re-read REDs post twice, and it really doesn't change my position. I will always support PEACEFUL protests... But I thank all of you for allowing my to state my position, without getting curb stomped... Understand, I do respect your right to protest the protests...
  8. I bought one 10-12 years ago, and it works great. The button only opens it, you need to use the lock back to close it. Of course these things are way more fun and useful, since I moved from IL to TN.
  9. Well you do have the option to not watch the anthem...Just turn the TV on at the kickoff...problem solved.
  10. That is too bad for ya'll... Last night's Bears/Vikings game was outstanding. The Bears started their new rookie quarterback, it it appears they have someone with some serious potential. And during the game, I saw the greatest two point conversion I've ever seen. Good stuff. As veteran, I support peaceful protest of something that really is an issue. And I have a hard time understanding why everyone has their panties in bunch over this. (Although I am sure someone will tell me...again)
  11. Exactly. A lot of money, and access to YouTube. It's not rocket science.
  12. Had a good friend visit last night, and he brought me a bottle of Booker's, so we sampled most of the library last night.
  13. Knoxville....Shannondale area...
  14. I sincerely hope your ARE the only who thinks that...
  15. Damn if some of the shooting rate sounded like an M60. Fired plenty rounds though M60 in the service, and it was the first thing I thought when I heard the audio.


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