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Everything posted by ttocswob
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Goes beyond Mexico: Source claims ATF's Tampa SAC walked guns to Honduras More analysis at Sipsey Street On the heels of Melson's July 4th testimony. this further implicates DEA, FBI, DHS, NSA, and ultimately the White House. redfsr: Of course the feds provided the funds - why on earth would the cartels pay American retail prices when they can buy on the black market for a fraction of that? -
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Kinda hard, kick, to build a case against the cartels when they did not follow the weapons, did not use electronic tracers, and did not notify the Mexican authorities to be on the lookout for these guns. And why would drug cartels pay $400-500 a pop for semi auto AKM's when they can buy the real full auto deal on the black market for a fraction of that amount? and that 1700+ are the confirmed guns, numbers of 2500 to 3000 are widely reported for Fast and Furious alone. Yes they could have got guns somewhere else - the fact remains that multiple murders were committed with guns provided courtesy of the ATF. This is a clear violation of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, for starters. Knowingly providing murder weapons to murderers makes one an accessory to those murders, does it not? Next time they let a drug pusher go because, well, they could have bought dope somewhere else...maybe I'll buy that argument. Multiple felonies were committed by the ATF and other agencies involved. And that doesn't bother you... NVM, I'm violating one of my rules. If you truly believe the ATF's stated purpose of this operation, then I have a nice stretch of plateau beach frontage I'd sell you...cheap! -
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Special Agent Vince Cefalu was served with with termination paperwork today by the ATF. Breaking: ATF heeds Issa's 'no retaliation' warning by...retaliating Cefalu Firing Can you say "reprisal" or "retaliation"? -
Downer "The Ruger Model 77/357TM is chambered only for the centerfire .357 Magnum cartridge and should not be used with any other .357 caliber ammunition." So much for plinkin' with .38's.
I'm a big fan of Dan Wesson revolvers. They were designed as target guns, and .357 seems to be the most common chambering. Since CZ bought DW, they still provide service and parts, but no new wheelguns for now. They occasionally show up for sale in the $300's ( I missed out on one for $250 recently.)
I may think about this one - I recently bought a Handi Rifle in .357, to tide me over until I find a lever gun. Either way, I gotta wait...
Pre-determined Mindset of how to handle a situation?
ttocswob replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Wyatt, I second Caster's comment: "it is premeditated, but it ain't murder." No more than an armed citizen is an armed robber. I am against any type or degree of murder, but all for premeditated self-defense. -
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Thanx, Daniel....you've done more mergers than Donald Trump! And thanx also for not locking it down. So far it hasn't turned into an LEO bash, and that's clearly NOT what this is about. Although, I was somewhat of the opinion that the original question - "Is 'Project Gunwalker' about to bust wide open?" - has been answered in the affirmative; and that maybe new thread(s) were appropriate. That's why you're the mod. In any case, IMO this scandal is a long way from being over. -
Carry or not to carry???....IWB or OWB???
ttocswob replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Contrary to popular belief, racism is on its way out. While there will always be a few bigots here and there, the vast majority of Tennesseans do not care. So get your HCP if you haven't already, then carry however you want. I'm from the lily white and bigoted Upper Cumberland Plateau...hence the banjo! And welcome to TN, BTW! -
Another thread going on this: Primary Carry and Backup Carry Merge left...
Put down the keyboard and step away s l o w l y...
1 dead, 1 injured in Ashland City shooting
ttocswob replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Who pulled over to get in a fight? And it's hard to argue disparity of force when the unarmed guy prevailed. There is not enough information in the linked story to determine which is the good guy, or the bad guy. -
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
An operation that moved thousands of guns to the drug cartels, resulting in the deaths of two federal agents, and untold numbers of civilians - all in a misguided effort to pin the blame for Mexico's violence on American gun shops and gun owners...and you do not disagree with it?! I'm beginning to think this country is a lost cause. -
I shot with a snubnose - was glad to hit paper, especially at 25yd.During the great 2009 shortage, nonly had one box, so no practice beforehand. And Willie's plan for 5-shot revolvers was no reloads, then make up with an extra 5 rounds at uggh, 25 yards. Passed, though.
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The Definitive Scandal: Gunwalker Much Worse Than Iran-Contra Obama's the Target of Mexican Gunrunning Probe On Gunwalker - The Ultimate False Flag Operation Ann Barnhardt's conclusion: or maybe two -
Is it just me or is poison ivy out of control this year?
ttocswob replied to Motasyco's topic in General Chat
Why did I click on this thread? I itch at the mention of the stuff! Had a friend told me that Roundup mixed with kerosene or diesel instead of water worked to kill it. IANAL DTTAH YMMV and all that... -
Aim Surplus lists it, but out of stock right now. They can notify you by e-mail when available.
Is ‘Project Gunwalker’ about to bust wide open?
ttocswob replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Thanx, Olds...still following this. Rep. Issa ripped Asst. Atty Gen Robert Weich a new one yesterday - see Felony Stupid. Gunwalker is indeed busting wide open. -
The Zebra has about 1-1/8" of knurling, and is somewhat thicker and substantially heavier that the typical ballpoint. My point is not that it is "better than tactical", but that it will do in a pinch; and is less likely to be confiscated as a "weapon" in a restricted school zone.
On the 597: it doesn't help that Remington owner's manual lists the torque for the rails in "inch-pounds" - some folks automatically read "foot-pounds" and over-torque by a factor of 12. Other than a little spring noise on recoil, mine runs fairly well, a poor man's 10/22 if you will.
An "un-tactical" pen - the Zebra F-701 - ordinary click type ballpoint pen with stainless steel barrel. Quite substantial, and $5-something at Walmart, too. A discussion at Death Valley Magazine, in the comments.
On my attempted order, the clerk handed me a ring binder catalog to look through. After I found the gun, he called - someone, presumably in some warehouse, somewhere - and learned the .357 Rossi was unavailable. The gun would have shipped to the local store, where I would have to do TICS, etc.
Walmart out of stock on the Rossi .357 carbines, I tried to order one - Davidson's also out - guess we'll have to wait for the next boat from Brazil. I did see one at Walmart Crossville, but with a 24" barrel. Probably gone by now. Settled for a Handi Rifle TALO Trapper. Not bad
WSJ repeating the same tired old ATF lies - multiple traces of the same gun(s) and omitting thousands of Mexican guns from untraceable sources. All just in time for the "Gunwalker" hearings which start next week. Stay tuned.