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About JoeCorrado

  • Birthday 08/23/1984

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  • Interests
    Gun Collecting: Mil-surps, Bullpups, Preban guns, pistols, SCUBA, Dogs, etc
  • Occupation
    Customer Service, Retail sales, SCUBA instructor


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    G19 or G43
  • Carry Weapon #2
    too many to list

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  1. I have an M2 PPQ 9mm and have had multiple 19's. Like everyone else has said, I've yet to feel a better trigger from the factory than the PPQ. Having said that, I carry my 19 more than anything else. PPQ has been a range gun only for a couple years now. I interchanged my PPQ and VP9 for a while but still kept going back to the 19 for carry/all purpose gun.
  2. Hope to have a gun room as complete as yours one day...
  3. Awesome! I'm looking for a Ljungman and Hakim myself. I picked up a Rasheed about 2 years ago. I felt fortunate to find that rare bird. Hopefully in the coming years I'll happen upon them. Need a Maadi AK as well.
  4. Happened again for me. Picked up a NIB Cold War Commemorative CZ 75b to compliment my SP-01 Tactical. Really love the 75s!
  5. I have the MKIII version with a threaded barrel. Sweet shooting pistol. Haven't seen the MKIV version yet. I'll probably sell my MKIII when I do.
  6. The one in question has an asking price of $800. Seems to be the going rate from what I've seen the past couple years. First time I saw one for sale, it sold for $700 and that was about 2 years ago. No bayonet unfortunately. I was going to trade my Desert Eagle for it but I hate to get rid of it. I'm a young collector and I hold onto my Mil-Surp guns. I'll sell or trade newer stuff all day. Just want to make the best decision I can here.
  7. I'm currently looking at a Madsen M47 that's for sale or trade. I know the history on them and everything but can anyone give me some advice on how collectable they are? To my knowledge, they were once shunned by collectors but now are sought after. I'm looking to pick it up as an investment in hopes that it will go up in value. I realize no one has a crystal ball but can anyone give me any insight? What's a good price etc. There are 2 on gun broker for $1200-1400 which I think is wildly optimistic on their part. Thanks everyone!
  8. I had read earlier that one of their rifles was going to be featured on TWD. I used to work at a shop that carried a few of their lowers and I recognized it in the show. They're currently sold out of that foregrip. I figured they would be.
  9. Seekins Precision built that rifle. Not sure on the specs but definitely cool looking. I'm sure they've sold a few in the past 24hrs for all the fanboys that still have money in their gun fund. I laughed because just like his crossbow, the rifle lacked sights/optic.
  10. I bought a VP9 when they were first released and haven't regretted it a bit. 3k+ rounds and no complaints. I've handled the P07 and like it. Have a coworker that owns one and he speaks very highly of it and it's essentially the compact version of the P09. I've had 3 19's and 3 17's and I've found it's hard to leave them alone from the factory. My vote is VP9 or P09. I would vote M2.0 over a Glock but I haven't shot one. That's just an opinion by handling them and what I've read by owners and reviews on Youtube.
  11. I've been after an M1 carbine for several years. It's been an elusive one to add to the safe. Timing hasn't ever been right and I constantly find reasons not to buy, mostly because they're overpriced and have continued down that path. I shouldn't have passed on the Underwood from 3 years ago for $800 but I digress. Congrats on the purchase and enjoy!
  12. It's official: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/03/10/breaking-gander-mountain-close-19-stores/ I would love to explain to them why they have failed and what they could improve upon but I'm afraid it would fall on deaf ears. I've been to a couple GM's and they seem to stock items that would never sell in the state that particular store is in. It was brought up in the comments section in the link above too. They want to be "America's Firearm Superstore" yet they buy from the most expensive distributors and their prices/margins reflect it. Sucks to suck. I'd love to go off on a tangent here but it just isn't worth the effort. Only the strong survive. Maybe they'll figure it out... maybe.
  13. I'd like to have one at some point. Love the options it has. The sights seem a little flimsy that it comes with. I think it was Tim from MAC that tested one and if you watched him shoot it, the sights would fold downward from the recoil. New sights or other optic would solve that issue. Sounds like Beretta actually follows through with aftermarket support. Unlike Bushmaster with the ACR. That's another one that I would like to have but the ARX, even more so.
  14. Nice collection indeed! I have a Rasheed myself and have been looking to add a Ljungman and Hakim to the collection too. Not to mention a Maadi as well. It seems like I've seen more Rasheed's for sale than Ljungmans. Maybe it's just me. Mil-Surps float my boat along with a few others. STG58 was my latest addition to the collection. Keep posting pics!
  15. I have way too many "favorites" to list but my carry guns have always been generic. G19 or 43 as of late. Nothing special in case I actually did have to use it and may never get back.


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