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pop pop

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  1. Farnam’s latest Quip is in response to an older gent, whose question may be relevant for a lot of us here; so I’ve taken the liberty of reproducing it below:Where is “Safety?”by John Farnam | 5 Jan 2018“Reasonable” Response.A student asks:“I’m in my 70s. When I’m the victim of an unprovoked attack by a younger, bigger, stronger person(s) who is using only his fists, elbows, knees, and/or shod feet, how much of a pommeling am I expected to absorb, and for how long, before I employ deadly force in order to stop the attack and thus prevent myself from being injured/murdered?We have seen several instances where a single blow from a fist to an unprotected head proved fatal, many others where such a blow caused permanent, disabling injury and/or disfigurement.Of course, ‘injury’ is easy to demonstrate AFTER it has been inflicted. But, the object of legitimate self-defense is to PREVENT such lethal/disabling outcomes. How can I persuasively demonstrate what didn’t happen?”My comment:No matter whom you ask, you won’t get a very satisfactory answer to that question, and mine (as follows) won’t be very satisfactory either!We all look for “safety” in “the law.” We ask ourselves, “When I strictly follow the law can I know that I will never be prosecuted?”In fact many naive instructors keep reiterating, “Know the law,” as if that were even possible, and as if that represents a guarantee that bad things will never happen to you.If you were to carefully read every law, ordinance, rule “guideline,” and regulation that could ever possibly apply to you as a gun-owner/carrier, particularly as you travel around the Country, there would not be enough years left in your life to complete the task!Even then, the task would be largely and exercise in futility, because we no longer have a “nation of laws.” We have a “nation of agendas.”Some laws, like our immigration laws for example, are openly, deliberately, and contemptuously violated every day, with no consequence! Laws against possession and use of marijuana are openly violated in entire states, with no consequence.So then, what is “the law” when it can be ignored by state governments? What other “laws” can we all ignore?I am today seeing officer-involved shootings which are completely justified, by any standard, not only being the subject of civil suits, where cities don’t even put up a fight, as they dole-out untold millions of taxpayer dollars to the “bereaved” families of vicious, violent, (and mercifully dead) criminals, but these innocent officers, who acted properly and did correctly the job we pay them to do, are also being viciously prosecuted by politically-active prosecutors, who cynically see an unjust conviction merely as a career stepping-stone.So, when you’re involved in a self-defense shooting, what will be important?The factor that will most sway prosecutors is usually the way the event is reported in the papers and other news media.When the headline is, “Local Gun-Nut Slays Honor Student,” you can bet the system will be under immense pressure to prosecute, while actual facts of the case shrink to irrelevance!When the shooting is cross-racial, hang on to your hat! You may find yourself being prosecuted merely in an effort to mollify rioters!When the shooting takes place during an election year, hang on to your hat! A political candidate may push for prosecution merely in an effort to court votes from a particular minority.We saw this exact phenomenon in the Zimmerman Case in FL in 2008!So, where is “safety?”There is none, but here are some things I can recommend:1) Be a good person! Heaven knows none of us are perfect, but good people ever strive towards goodness, decency, and personal honesty. At the same time, be very good at minding your own business!2) (a) Don’t go to stupid places. (b) Don’t associate with stupid people. (c) Don’t do stupid things. (d) Be in bed by 10.00pm (your own bed!). (e) Have a “normal” appearance. (f) Don’t fail the attitude test!3) When you go armed, keep weapon(s) discreetly out of sight. Don’t talk about your guns. Don’t “show” your gun(s) to anyone. Don’t brandish your gun except for good cause.4) When you must shoot, use your sights, press your trigger carefully, and hit with every shot.5) Stop shooting when the threat(s) is clearly neutralized.6) Don’t chase suspects!7) Don’t flee the scene, except as necessary to preserve your own safety8) Be first to the phone! Report the incident to police as soon as practicable.9) Know what to say, and what not to say, to police. Know your lines!10) Get your lawyer involved as quickly as possible11) Be prepared for an unpleasant aftermath, endless media lies, PTSD, complete disruption of your life. Don’t expect anyone to be sympathetic, nor “understanding.”12) Like any traumatic event, you’ll never really “get over it,” but as days and weeks pass, you’ll be able to put it in perspective, and move on.I realize the foregoing is inadequate and grossly oversimplified, but it may be helpful.There are no guarantees!/John
  2. pop pop

    M P 2.0 9C

    Thanks for the advice. What on line ammo company do you guys purchase from?
  3. pop pop

    M P 2.0 9C

    Purchased a 2.0 9C this morning(469.00) at local gun store(Splty Arms, Laverne). Grandson was with me and we just came in from putting several rounds through it, in my back yard. Found the mag springs stiff, but loadable (15+1). The gun is easier for me to hit with than the Glocks. How many rounds should I run through it to determine if it is trustworthy? Also what ammo do you guys recommend? Been using DPX in EDC, but don't have any in 9 MM. Grandson (13) shot it well also. He has medium size hands, as do I. He has a 22lr which is a lot like this gun in design. I will say my initial thoughts are pleasing. I believe it will work for me.
  4. pop pop

    M P 2.0

    Looking at a new MP 2.0 9C. Have a Glock 19, but the grip is a little too big for my hands. Just don't feel comfortable to me. The 2.0's grip is adjustable with 3 different size back grip inserts. Does anyone her have any experience with the 2.0"s?
  5. PA, you are correct, however to my knowledge they all have a review board in some form or another. The biggest difference is some are reimbursement companies, and the other assesses whether they are self defense or not. The NRA program comes to mind, and If memory serves me well, so is the USCCA, however they do send money up front. Someone has to make the determination, call it what you may. To my understanding only pre paid legal will represent you in any case. I am told it has drawbacks also. To my knowledge they are all written with their own regulations. It comes down to what do they cost and who do you trust?
  6. pop pop

    Moving Safe

    My son-in-law moved a similar size Cannon brand safe . He used a strap and dolly. Did not need to negotiate but 2 steps upward and unloaded if off a low trailer. If I had to move it, I would find someone else to do it, or pay the price. Over 400. bucks seems a bit excessive to me.
  7. My wife and I are member of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (360-978-5200), and have been for years. It is the best coverage, for the money, I can find. Call them and talk to Marty Hayes or his wife Gehila. It is 85.00 per year, for self and 155.00 for you and spouse, to maintain membership. They have a track record and will discuss it with you if legal to do so. Check them out and I think you will be surprised. Pretty straight forward and clear what the will do. They have a long list of attorneys, a couple in our local area of mid TN, or they will allow you to use the attorney of your choice. They provide "Boots On the ground" (Come to you and help get your defense started, if forced into a self defense situation) if you request it. IMO, they are one of the best.


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