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pop pop

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Everything posted by pop pop

  1. Ammo is up 90.00 per 1000 from S G Ammo this morning. I could purchase 9 MM for 179. 00 per thousand before Covid. Now it is 269.00, this morning, plus 16.00 shipping. I was a good boy scout though, Raoul. Don't need any. S G got all you want to pay for.
  2. pop pop


    Finally talked the Misses into an RV trip. We are headed to Pigeon Forge on the Car Show weekend. Going to be great, but got the mask. First time out of this house since last October. 7 MONTHS!!! Going ster-crazy with cabin fever. Told her I would be fine to just sit in the Campground and go out to eat a little. Here we come Huck Finn. Dang virus! Going to take one of our daughters and her family with us. Her usband and 16 YO grandson love the cars. Will only be out until Wednesday, but is our first outing this year. Have plans to go to California Redwoods NP in August, but seriously concerned we will not be able to make that trip. Hope to camp in the last 3 states we have not camped in of the lower 48. We lack California, Nevada, and Oregon. Can get all 3 on this trip if we get to make it. Camped in all the other states but these 3. Hoping????
  3. Long story short, I sit on a jury once, where a drunken son-in-law, from Smyrna TN, used a baseball bat to bust an old man's head wide open, after the father's daughter left the guy on trial, and came back home because "He" her husband was beating her. Took many stitches to repair plus the old 63 Y O man, and a Doctor testified he had sustained major head trauma from the numerous blows from the bat. Went in to deliberate and most on that jury, did not want to convict that perp, of a serious crime, because he only used a baseball bat, which they(most) did not consider it a deadly weapon. One women even said, during deliberation, that knives and bats or clubs did not rise to the level of a gun, as far as being dangerous. Good thing we had a knowledgeable jury foreman, because he was able to convince 7 of the jurors, that knives and clubs could kill you just as easy as guns, if the man using one was skilled. Many walking the streets and breathing air do not consider knives as deadly weapons, and always most consider guns the ultimate. Too much stupidity in movies where one shot blows someone through a glass door. Many don't realize one can shoot someone 2 or 3 times with a gun, and a determined guy with a knife may cut one seriously before they pass out or bleed out and become incapacitated. I was sure surprised to hear the people in that courtroom discuss violence and their lack of knowledge of it. The lady that was saying bats were not a deadly weapon told the foreman just to look at TV or movies and that was her argument on what she based her belief on. There are some real bozos out there guys and they are who are going to sit on a jury judging you and I.
  4. Most people don't think knives are all that dangerous, but they are. A knife in a trained man's hands can reek havoc on a man.
  5. I purchased 2 and both had problems. Got rid of both.
  6. Thanks Jeb48 for your suggestions. May get some of that target paint. I just purchased some run of the mill white primer from Home Depot. One good thing about our range is it is fairly well natural lighted but may get a little dimmer as the leaves get thicker. Bodock is very hard wood Tom. Was really hard to cut, for sure under ground level. Good thing I had a new saw. We-gotter-done! Thanks for the replies guys. I have a very good 50 foot range (as far as backyard ranges go) for handguns, and a fair 100 yard for rifles now. Never had the rifle range until work on this range was done. Looking forward to using it. Going to need some more dirt, to raise the height of the mound, because of the settlement of the pile I have now, but then I knew that. Dirt settles over time, but it last, and don't rot like my old backstop. Now I need to build me a new stable rifle firing table, and chair, for my Caldwell Led Sled, so I can do justice to sighting rifles in. I have 2 flat top tables I build, out of treated pine 10 years ago, but they are not as good for rifles. Going to build one with a 18" long side wrap around apron to place my sled on so I can shoulder rifles easily, and comfortably. I have some good ideas. I use 2x4 treated wood for the legs and 1X4 treated pine for decking. That way I can move them, fairly easily, by myself. I guess one thing leads to something else. "Oh the Joy of that!"
  7. Got out to the range this afternoon. I have an new MP 9 C 2.0 that I have had some problems with not cycling. I took some Federal 115 FMJ practice ammo out this time, and fired 100 rounds through it. Did not have any stoppages out of it, with the federal ammo, this time. I been firing WWB 11gr rn practice ammo previously. I cleaned and lubed the pistol well and had good success with it on this outing. I have another, w/o a safety on it, that I have been carrying for a couple years that I have had no problems with. I have about 800 rounds through it at this time. I really like these pistols, but also have a Taurus 7 shot 357/38Spl revolver I carry all the time also. I did not fire it on this trip, but have plans to do that on Monday. I think 100 rounds is about my limit with arthritis. My wife took her 2 revolvers out(Lady Smith mdl 65 357/38 spl, and Ruger LCR 5 shot 38 Spl and run another hundred rounds of 38 spl through them. She liked the Gongs, for sure, after I sprayed the bare metal with white primer paint so she could see where she was hitting. She was able to hit the 4" gong every time with matter of fact fire, but had to go to the 6" for rapid fire to keep all shots on target. We practiced from 15 ft and had no problems with splatter from the RN ammo. It is my plan to have her learn how to run the MP 9MM C 2.0. Both my MP's have the 4" brls on them but just one does has a manual thumb safety on it. Hopefully I will develop some drills and movement into my practice once again. Also want to do some draw and fire drills in the future. I will use the humanoid targets of this. Was a nice afternoon for a trip outside shooting. Am tired of being confined to our home because of the virus. Have plans to go to Defeated Creek Campground, outside of Carthage TN, and on Cordell Hull Lake, on the 1st of June. Will stay to the following Saturday as they canceled our first 8 days because of being closed due to the virus, and it is hard to get reservations at that park. Will be elated to get some good times with our grandkids and get some fishing in. Looking forward to some serious outside time.
  8. Wish I could Dave. May try to get my g-daughter to shoe mw how. I have a new I phone my daughter purchased for me. It takes good pictures my wife says. My range is small and not really that impressive, but It is the one I have. L/w we hope to use it today. On an unrelated subject, I was tied up with my daughter's Horse Trailer pulling truck yesterday evening. She has a 2008 2500 HD Silverado gas burner and the transmission (6 speed automatic) went out. The repair bid was from 2700. to 4800. to repair, or complete rebuild. Ended up repair for 3000. She feels lucky on this one. Man! I knew it would be high, I thought 2000 to 2500 but Geez! Watch those used truck purchases guys. She has owned the truck for 1 year. Hope we have a complete uneventful day today. You guys enjoy your day.
  9. Well, woke up at 4 this morning and could not go back to sleep. Got up, made coffee, and the dog and I sat in the Lazy Boy and sipped while hunting from the chair on the Outdoor channel. Am sore and my hands ache pretty bad. I knew what I was in for because I was overly tired when I went to bed last evening. Got about 6 hrs sleep which is pretty good for me. Getting long in the tooth is not for sissies, as they say. Looks like another good day comin on. Will get the downed tree laid by and out of the way today, L/w. Yes, Dirtshooter, we have plans of several good days on the range soon. You guys have a good day.
  10. Got my horrible tree (bodock) cut today and on the ground. Took my sweetie and I 4 hours. Dug around the stump and cut it beneath the ground level so I would not have problems with mowing over it or moving over a big stump in front of my backstop. I stepped the tree and it was 65' tall and was 18" across the stump. It was a very hard cut under ground level because the roots were very large and I had to cut some before I could get the big saw level for the proper cut. The new saw is a good saw and the tree was so hard sparks were flying off the chain on the saw even though I was not cutting into the dirt with it. I will wake in the morning in your shape monkylizard. Sore and stiff. I have another walnut tree to cut but that saw will go through it like it is butter because it is walnut is very soft wood. It should fall well because there is nothing for it to hang on while on the way to the ground. Removing the bodock opened up a 100 yard lane to the center of my backstop so I can sight in my new rifles as well and shoot handguns much closer. I am tired, but elated to get the Devil tree on the ground. Not worried about the other work which we can handle easily.
  11. Jeb sounds like your range is far superior to the one we have. Of course ours is in its early stages but I don't think ours will ever be that big. My grandson told me he was going to bring me a pistol tree with 6 swinging targets on it that is rated up to 44 mag. He already brought me a swinging 22 3 target pipe hanger combo steel target and a rabbit and groundhog steel target for 22's. He was over 3 weeks ago, and shot one of the three 22 LR targets, with a 9 MM pistol, and broke the weld on one of the swinging targets . His dad has a welder so I will get him to repair that target. He knew better but he is 16 and knows all. This is the first time we have gotten into the AR 500 heavy stuff. Hoping it will stand up to our heavier revolvers, pistols, and rifles. Supposed too. I have 2 rifles, a Savage 308, and A Savage 7MM 08 with 3X9 Weaver scopes, that I need to get the scopes sighted in. As soon as I can cut a Beodok tree, I will finally will have a good 100 yard range to be able to do that. Giving one of the rifles to my youngest grandson at a later date. I purchased them both new at Bass Pro's Thanksgiving day sale last year. Got 165.00 in each one after I finally got my sale price from the store and the 75.00 rebate from Savage. They are the Axis series 1 models. I gave my last deer rifle to my 16 Y O grandson Mason 2 years ago. It was a Weatherby Vanguard with a 3X 9Redfield scope on it. He has taken 5 deer with it in the last 2 years. I am in the process of thinning my gun collection, and giving them to my grandchildren, so my wife won't have to deal with that after I am gone, if I go first. Just had to have me another rifle though. Never know when one will really need one. I ain't too proud to eat wild game, if it comes to that. Parker hunts deer and hogs, in S Carolina, on a friends dad's farm outside of Charleston, where they live. He is 12 now and loves guns, fishing and hunting. I have given him a few guns already, a Marlin 336 30 30, , Mosbberg 20 GA pump, and handguns, but we have to take them to a local gun store, down there, and have a background check, because it is across state lines, to be totally legal. Guess I will give him the 308 as it will be easier for him to purchase ammo for. His dad also has a 3 yr old Carolina brand ocean going 27 foot boat with a center console, and a Yamaha 150 HP outboard they fish out of all the time. His dad purchased it new. Them things are expensive. Parker and his dad have caught some monster redfish out of the Thompson River in and around Charleston harbor and Fort Sumpter. Plan to take a trip down there when the virus lets up a little. Will take the guns with us then. The wife and I hope to bust some caps this afternoon. Just may cut the tree also. Feeling good this morning. Who Knows? Edited to add; Tww does are walking across our front yard, as I look at the front window, just now. Another grate day is dawning! Wife and I are looking forward to bustin some caps this afternoon. Who knows, just may cut the tree. Feeling pretty good!
  12. Jerry Mc can fire a revolver faster than one can your pistols, and is very accurate as he does it. Amazing shooter, for sure! So is his wife and daughter.
  13. I finally got all my gongs, and targets, put together and on my range today. I put 1, 12" gong(chest size), 1, 8" gong, and 1, 4" gong on freestanding targets racks today. Also have 2 target stands that will take my cardboard man size cut outs on them. It was so wet that it took me 15 minutes to clean the mud off my sneakers. We have had so much rain as of late. Also had 3 days of frost, but the last day was real spotty. When we get some warmer dryer weather I will take out two large trees and move a little dirt and it will be totally ready to go. Been a lot of work for an old man. Mt wife, grandson and I have already shot several times before now, but am looking forward to shooting the gongs. Always like a little instant confirmation of hits on steel after shots. One gets that shooting steel. I hung them on a slight angle so the bullet splatter will be directed toward the ground, in front of the target, instead of coming back at the shooter. I actually had 2 different occasions where I fired my revolver and 9MM pistol and the bullet came back and brought blood on my shins, so it truly can happen. I had a wooden backstop and the bullet hit a nail head and ricoched back to where I was standing. Shouldn't have that problem with these targets. My old backstop rotted down 2 years ago so we have been having a hard time shooting. I got about 225.00 in all the supplies to put on the targets on the range. Bought most of it on big sales this spring. Should last me a lifetime. Told my sweetie that and she shamed me. Didn't want to hear it. I told her well, at 72, I am already on "Blessed Time" according to the Bible. She wasn't amused with that either. Looking forward to having a good place to fire my guns, and do some serious practice where I am not forced to stand in one place, and not be able to draw, move, and shoot with live ammo. The area in front of my dirt mound is very flat and smoothe, and is grassed well now. Just need a little tree removal, drying, and warmth. Edited to add; Purchased me an new Stihl Farm Boss chain saw last week for serious tree removal. We have several in my back lot that has blown down and needs removal.
  14. Dave, I don't think none of these will pay if one is involved in a "bad shoot." If I understand, they will pay if one was in a justified shoot. ACLDA has a review process one must get through, but they will put up bond money(limited), and up front lawyer fees (25,000) for members after the incident, then to fund the full defense ( up to 500,000.00)after the board reviews the shoot, IF "In their opinion" it is a good shoot. I KNOW, it has holes in it, but got a better game? __________________ Edited to add; IMO, the bond money and 25 thou up front lawyer seed money is worth the 85.00 per yr fee, the rest would be "gravy" if you are forced into a situation where one really needed it. YMMV
  15. Thanks Dave. Yes that was it. I belong to Armed Citizens Legal Def net 360-978-5200. It is a good product for 135.00 for first year then 85.00 per yr from then on. I look at this as just another homeowners policy, (although the ACLDN is not an insurance policy but a network of like minded permit holders,) because if I am forced into a self defense situation, I don't want the lawyers to own my house when it is over. YMMV and that is OK. Thanks to Dave, this is a fairly good comparison of the orgs.
  16. Sorry tried to post a link and it would not work.
  17. My daughter has horses and boards them on a man's farm in Rockvale. Someone let loose with a pistol, last week, and the horse she was cleaning it feet on, liked to step on her. She was huffed off big time. No problem shooting in Rutherford county, that I know of. Been doing it, in my back yard, for 40 years. Do have a good backstop.
  18. The Christian has no fear of death because of the resurrection of Christ. Watch this. Highlight this address, copy it, paste it to google https://mtpchurch.org/sermon-for-april-12-2020/
  19. God chose man(HIS disciples) to teach the gospel to mankind. God gave them what is called, "The great commission." (Mark 16:15-16) And he said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Praised God for the resurrection of the Christ, and for what God has done for all mankind. Thanks be to Jesus for what He has done for all of us. Have a happy day! Good Bible Lesson, on Christ, if you care to watch. www.godsredeemed.org/index.php/sermons-classes
  20. I have a 10 22 takedown and a Marlin mdl 60. I use the 60 all the time. I have had bad luck with the first 10 22 and had to send it back to Ruger. They sent me a new one to replace the first one. I have a good scope on my mdl 60 Marlin and use it to rid myself of grey squirrels that have tried to eat us out of house and home. I prefer the Mdl 60 Marlin over the Ruger 10 22.
  21. I have belonged to Armed Citizens Legal Defense Net for years(360-978-5200). It is not insurance per say, but one could call it that. Call them and discuss their network, you will get a person to talk too. No, they review every shooting before they agree to pay so one had better be certain of justification. No, I did not purchase membership counting on going out and killing someone. My wife is also a member. I look at my membership as just another homeowners insurance policy, car insurance, of health insurance. I never purchased any of these insurances planning on using them. In fact I hope I never am forced to use many of them, but know at my age I will use the health insurance and dental insurance. I probably had health insurance for most all my life (72) however the last 15 years I have used it many times. Also had homeowners and auto insurance for the past 55 years. Could a D A challenge me for purchasing all these different policies, well yes, but I would guess it could be explained because he has insurance also. Reasonable people take measures to protect themselves. Well don't they? Having the membership in ACLDN does not bother me, and like Dave, I plan to be justified if I am ever forced to protect myself or family. Intervening in others problems are shaky ground at best, so one had better be 100% sure what is going on before getting involved. There is no room, O %, for error. Dave is correct "JUSTIFICATION," will be at the forefront. What would a reasonable person do if he were in the same situation you were in, at the time, will be the standard in judgment of your actions.
  22. I will not answer, because I don't have the details and I know nothing about this Pilot stabbing. I assume it is a truck stop you are talking about. I will say it always intrigues me that so many will say, yes I would get involved, to a situation like this, and then leave a slight connotation that if you don't think as I do, there is something wrong with you, or you are less of a man if you don't make the choice to get involved. It is my thought, on getting involved with another's problems, that person who is directly involved has the responsibility for his or her own safety and security, just as I do. That person involved also has the same opportunity to be concealed carrying as I do. So the question comes up, why should I be forced to protect someone who did not prepare beforehand to protect themselves? Buford Tune is correct, if he taught be a good witness, because you don't always know what the true situation is that one just walks up on. I teach the same when I have train others. Before you all jump on. I will say again, I don't know about the opening posters situation on the stabbings so I will not answer the question on getting involved in that situation. But, IMO, there is no shame on not getting involved with another's problems. The other person has the responsibility for defense of himself.
  23. I retired 2004 after 34 years as a Postal worker. Enjoyed almost every minute of it. Have not sought out another job as I have not been bored. I have learned to keep my body and mind busy, although this this is harder because I can't get out and go like I would wish. I miss that. Doing a lot more exercise (tread mill)and lifting weights, for muscle tone, than usual. Also reading a lot. Would love to be planting flowers, but know that is unwise because I have to go where it is crowded to purchase the plants.
  24. My wife sowed us cotton mask to wear when we are forced to go out. I do have one of the good professional mask which I will cover with the cotton cloth homemade one to keep it from getting contaminated. I have enough supplies for about 2 weeks, but will need a few supplies, bread milk etc, which we will try to order on line next time. If I get the virus with all my problems it could be toast for me so I am trying to limit my exposure.
  25. My wife and I are staying home except for a couple store trips. I am good now for another 2 to 3 weeks. We need our yard mowed and our granddaughter mows it for us. I have asthma and it is hard for me to do. I wonder if it is ok to go and haul her mower over here(Lascassas) and then take her back (Walter Hill)? It is a 10 mile trip one way. Wont be in a crowd. Does anyone know the answer?


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