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Everything posted by Ronald_55

  1. I had to stop reading and compose myself. When the words Dremel and the name of a firearm come in the same sentence, I break up a little. I would have totally done the same to get with the ATF. Better to head trouble off beforehand. Good luck getting the serial re-done.
  2. Teach you to move to KY. LoL There is as reason there is as lube named after it.... I spent too much time in that state working. It would take the end of th e world to make me move there. Off-topic, I know. I have looked at other insurance companies, but have never found as much better price for the same coverage. That is unless I go with one of the cut rate internet places. I have had a few house and car claims in the last 10 years and my insurance has been nothing but accommodating to get things fixed.
  3. Fields Estate Sales
  4. Well out of TN, I would need a local face to do the buys. Here in TN, I would be fine. I just want to see the non-junk stuff end up with someone who appreciates it. Yeah lots of flags considering the shooting officer's record of issues.
  5. Maybe they ran out of space after showing the gazillion items being sold. Lol
  6. May I inquire what "a bit of an issue with a serial number" is?
  7. Wives like to demand. That does not always mean what they demand can be done. I can demand to have a Lamborghini every day....still not gonna happen
  8. Ronald_55


    Is this the story you are working on to explain to your wife where her cats went? Good 1st draft. Lmao
  9. Looks like my Emperor Assault 12 kinda. Interested, why did you just not look to pick up a used pump or semi if you wanted a beater? Or get a Maverick 88. They are pump but usually $190 any day.
  10. It could be both. Maybe someone in charge of the buy back sold some of the guns and this officer bought one and used it to plant. You would think he would be smart enough to know not to plant it if he knew it was a recorded serial number from the buy back. And it looks in good condition for that many years, not like it has passed around gangland for years. I have heard horror stories of the buy-backs. Street sweeper shotguns, German Lugers, Colt Pythons, AKs, and mint condition military rifles all getting turned in for a $100 or $50 gift card. Next one they have, I need to show up with a wad of cash in the parking lot. Or set up a table giving out cards worth twice as much....I bet you would still clean up. LOL
  11. I say string up the judge for turning the S&W in for $100 gift card. And it was his Dad's gun...... Everyone knows you only turn in old broken .22s and throw a way guns to these buybacks.
  12. Internet ordering while sleepy is about as bad as drunk ordering Lol
  13. Would be kind of like me expecting to win the lotto to pay my bills. I got a ticket right up next to the KY border once and you could tell that was the city/county's cash cow.
  14. What quotas? There are no quotas. They just hire twice as many cops to patrol the last week of every month.
  15. Poor car. lol I want to call B.S. on this being a continuous burst of 10 seconds of one Thompson. At the Fastest rate of fire (1500 rpm for the M1919) that makes 250 rounds in 10 seconds. Ok that number might be right if we started counting holes, but the largest drum for a Thompson was 100 round. So they could only sustain fire for less than 5 seconds. So I think some liberty was taken with the timing, number of guns, or they fact that they changed mags during and stopped the clock for that. Ok, not back to the regularly scheduled fun.
  16. Looks like you are a little high on that violet to get a clean kill. lol
  17. You and me both, but my employer uses salary employees to make a bigger profit. What does he care about my family time, he just wants more cash to pad his account.
  18. There are all kinds of cops like in any other profession. I have known good and bad in a lot of places. My Papaw was a deputy and was loved by coworkers and prisoners alike for treating people like humans. More than once a former prisoner showed up to thank him and offer to do chores for him. On the other hand, my uncle was a patrolman in another city. He would show up in full uniform, including State Trooper style glasses at family gatherings...on his day off. He said he needed a pocket recorder because "people always lied about him harassing them." He was an royal a$$hole to everyone. He had a power trip about it like I bet these guys did. If you do it for the right reasons you will be happy doing it. Otherwise, no matter the pay, move on. Nothing justifies you torturing someone that you have clearly restrained.
  19. This wrench looks close to the nut. https://monstrumtactical.com/collections/free-float-quad-rail-handguards-ar-15/products/ar-15-armorers-wrench?variant=15621769091 I tried looking on DB's site and there is no link to a wrench to buy from DB. If you Google, you get a dead link to the page it is supposed to be on. I am guessing they moved to standard barrel nuts maybe. Looks like you might be borrowing theirs. "Rifle Accessories – tagged "HANDGUARD" – Diamondback Firearms https://diamondbackfirearms.com › Rifle Accessories DB15 Custom Handguard Wrench. $ 29.99. DB15 HANDGUARD WRENCH ... DB15 Gen 1 Barrel Nut &Jam Nut. $ 19.99. DB15 GEN 1 BARREL NUT AND JAM ..." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjZzdbXkLnVAhXDJCYKHa9KCDQQFggmMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdiamondbackfirearms.com%2Fcollections%2Frifle-accessories%2Fhandguard&usg=AFQjCNEhK93Lw_7EnpS662G1gp3eyjRXsw
  20. Better question. Did you see the gun knife in pic 32? Pics 148-153 also caught my eye.
  21. Like a lot of Classifides here, I am far (8 hours) away from it, so that makes it a whole different ball game. I would love to go, even if it was only to look.
  22. If I put all my stuff out on display my wife would kill me...then sell it. This guy does look like he had as great sense of taste...and lots of money to collect. I doubt I could afford his cheapest gun. Lol
  23. Looks like they have been prepping for weeks.
  24. Congrats. My advice: Sleep now, starting in February you will think you brought home 5 instead of just 1. You will love every minute though.
  25. Seems like they turned off a bunch of light cameras up here after the news started putting out who got how much money and how they did not even have a cop reviewing the footage. Pretty much are just cash machines for the city or county.


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