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Everything posted by PC7

  1. I'm a student of the Constitution and always like to learn more about it, please direct me to the place this is listed in the US Constitution. Let me say thanks to Erik88 for posting the article, interesting read. I don't open my door for anyone I don't know or didn't call to come to my house for this very reason. And for the comment about the federal marshals, I won't open the door for them either because I won't know who they are. BTW, I did complete and mail my census in but one is not required to complete it, you just have to pay a $5,000.00 fine if you don't. Last but not least, $17 an hour for census workers is ridiculous. What a waste of our tax dollars. That just makes me sick. $17 an hour for someone to ask questions! Isn't that more than most local LEO's make? That is not right.
  2. PC7

    best price for hk45c?

    CDNN has the lowest price I've seen: $918.56 at present for an American made one. Shipping is $14.99. HK Specialist still has some new German ones for $929.00. Which is a very good price for a German one, which are becoming harder to find. I don't remember what shipping was when I purchased mine, but I think it was about the same as CDNN. HK Specialist - Product Display
  3. Mike brings up an interesting point. Does prior trauma justify a LEO use of what some would consider excessive force? If so, soldiers are shot at daily in Iraq and Afghanistan, does that justify them to use excessive force on the citizens of those nations? I think not, based on recent military justice proceedings. Also, for those out there that think it is justified to slam armed law-abiding citizens to the ground, let me ask you this. If a state of martial law was declared, would it be OK for soldiers to slam armed LEO's to the ground until they made sure they weren't a threat? Why not? What would be the difference?
  4. If a LEO disarms a legally carrying HCP and damages their pistol, is the department going to fix the weapon to ones satisfaction? Are LEO's trained on the manual of arms of all pistols? I would guess not, so it seems a hazard to both parties to have someone not familiar with a weapon to manipulate it.
  5. Are you saying that if one does not inform a LEO they are carrying a pistol with a HCP, which is not required under the law in Tennessee, then the LEO is going to slam them down on the ground to take their pistol when said LEO discovers they have a weapon? Is this the tactic/attitude of other LEO's on this forum?
  6. Rape investigation reveals problems at Yellow Cab - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather, and Sports | It seems the folks in Nashville who are worried that us HCP holders will scare away tourists should be more concerned with the cab drivers running them off. I wonder what rayburn thinks of this incident, maybe he should sue Yellow cab. This will hurt tourism a hundred times more than any restaurant carry law. Metro should have been doing their job regulating Yellow Cab instead wasting time keeping lawful gun owners out of parks and restaurants. It looks like Yellow Cab was real helpful during the investigation. Boycott Yellow Cab! Nashville has some of the worst cab drivers I've ever experienced. I had one refuse to take me to get alcohol one night because it was against his religion (islam).
  7. PC7

    My HK's

    Very nice!
  8. You should also look at Rangemaster in Memphis. They are recognized on a national level for their excellent training. RANGEMASTER - Proven techniques, tactics, and thinking for the real world.
  9. The LEM trigger is also available in 4.5, 5.5, and 6.2 pound pull weights.
  10. Does anyone know what day this goes into effect next month? Also, does the state the park is in have to allow carry in state parks to allow carry in national parks? I’ve searched the web, to include the Dept of the Interior website and I can’t find any solid answers.
  11. If you want reliability and quality, go with HK. But I don’t have to tell you that, as I see you have already sampled the HK addiction…you are just in denial now.
  12. Assuming this is true and Obama did pray in a mosque wherever, then if nothing else it proves once again he is a liar. I say this because Obama states he is a Christian, well the problem with that is that only muslims can enter and worship in a mosque.
  13. I’ve found this from the NRA. NRA Endorsed Insurance - Self Defense Coverage Glockmeister, what part would they not pay? The above plan covers civil defense and liability. It also covers reimbursement for criminal defense. Those two alone may be worth it, even if they don’t cover property damage and bodily injury in Tennessee.
  14. I’ve heard that handgun carry liability insurance is available in Tennessee. Does anyone have any info on this (cost, companies, etc)? Also, what are your thoughts on this?
  15. We and everyone we know needs to call and email LT Brown (melvin.brown@nashville.gov and 615-862-7611), as he asks, and SGT Rueff (615-862-7611) to inform them their weapon sign is incorrect. It deeply concerns me when police do not understand or know the laws they are supposed to be enforcing. It seems they need our help in this matter.
  16. I'm looking for some info and suggestions on a 1911 build I'm planning. I know a little info on 1911's but we have some very knowledgeable 1911 folks here. I've never really considered myself a 1911 guy. However, I considered buying a Brown, Wilson, or Nighthawk. After looking at them, I bought a HK Mark 23 instead; HK's are my first and true love. Well, I've always wanted a Colt Delta Elite 10mm since the 80's and now Colt has brought them back. So I had the idea of buying one at Guns and Leather and having Jeff Walle clean it up and replace a few parts. The parts I was looking at replacing are the grip safety (Ed Brown), sear and hammer (Brown), sear spring (Brown), Trigger (Nighthawk), grips (Nighthawk), sights, thumb safety, and barrel bushing. I don't want to replace the barrel, but what other parts would you guys recommend replacing? Also, I know Ed Brown, Nighthawk, Les Baer, and Wilson make the best 1911's. How do they compare to one another when it comes to parts? Are they all of equal high quality or is one better than the other? And does one make, say a better hammer than the rest while a another makes a better trigger? I've figured parts will cost about $200 to $300. What do you think labor will cost to install the parts and clean things up in the pistol? What else needs to be done besides polish the feed ramp and tune things up? I would call to ask Jeff Walle and Guns & Leather but I don't want to waste their valuable time as I'm in Afghanistan for about another 3 months, so it will be until then before I can start it. Also, I don't plan to use it as a CCW or in competition, it will be a range toy and maybe see limited duty on the nightstand. What can I expect performance wise compared to 1911's such as a Brown, Baer, or a Nighthawk? Well, I think that covers it, sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance for any help and/or info.
  17. Since Tennessee sucks, here is an idea, how about you don’t move to Tennessee and just stay in your Obama blue state of Indiana ("Very red state" that is funny). It seems you forgot the results of the last election. BTW, the Indiana’s CCW permit has less reciprocity than Tennessee’s HCP does. There are not many states with better firearms laws than Tennessee.
  18. Tennessee Gun Country in Clarksville charges $15 plus $10 for TIC for up to 3 firearms, then $15 more for 3 more firearms. I do a lot of business with these guys and it looks like I got it good, based on the numbers you guys are quoting. Furthermore, the folks at Tennessee Gun Country are GREAT to deal with, super bunch, I can't say enough.
  19. PC7

    Advice on 45 carry

    Have you considered the HK45C? Heckler & Koch - USA
  20. Yes! Also, “disgruntled†veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan made the list too.
  21. Same here, I travel through once a month on business. Rarely do I stop and I always carry a handgun. However, I do feel under-gunned with a handgun in that toilet. <O:p</O:p Second highest crime rate in the nation and they are planning on searching people looking for law-abiding citizens (HCP holders), not with the intent of finding criminals…brilliant. <O:p</O:p If I were a tourist thinking of coming to to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pMemphis</ST1:p</st1:City>, why would I want to come to a city that has people go through a metal detector before they can walk down a street? What does that say about <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pMemphis</ST1:p</st1:City>? Not a place one needs to visit…..like <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pBaghdad.</ST1:p</st1:City>
  22. This was the best you could come up with? Ok…… I AM discussing this based on logic, YOUR logic; so if it doesn’t make sense than that is a reflection upon your logic. From Webster's... Main Entry: dis·crim·i·nate Pronunciation: \dis-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): dis·crim·i·nat·ed; dis·crim·i·nat·transitive verb1 a: to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of b: distinguish, differentiate <discriminate hundreds of colors>2: to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences ; especially : to distinguish from another like objectintransitive verb1 a: to make a distinction <discriminate among historical sources> b: to use good judgment2: to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit <discriminate in favor of your friends> <discriminate against a certain nationality>
  23. DRM, There is nothing to discuss about the Bill of Rights. It is just that. Many people have died for it and the rights you enjoy now. So you think you have all the rights since you own the business? Well if you don’t want people on your property, don’t open a business. How about this, if you get to tell me when and where I can exercise my Second Amendment Right, then you should be liable, along with the judge and parole board who put the criminal back on the street, for anything a criminal does to me on your property. You willing to pay all my damages, even if it means you have to give up your house and live on the street? That is the way it should be if you and the lawyers want to take responsibility for my rights and safety. BTW, it is nice to know you think it is ok to discriminate against people based upon appearance.
  24. I’m glad you think the Bill of Rights is cute. What more do you want me to say about the Bill of Rights? It speaks for itself. No one said anything about taking away your property rights. If you don’t want me on your property, that is fine. That is your right, just ask me to leave. The fact that I carry a pistol should make no difference, as long as I’m not threatening you with it. BTW, what is your take on civil rights? Do you think it is ok to put up a sign that says “no blacks allowed”? How is that any different? Let me guess, you think you have the right to do that too, as a property owner, right?
  25. Privilege, you say. I always thought the Second Amendment was a Constitutional right.


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