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Everything posted by PC7

  1. Now that is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a VERY longtime. I think you have Pelosi beat with that one. For the record, the poor won’t be eating me; they may eat you, but I can promise you that they will not be dining on me. Most people are on welfare/ unemployment/government handout-of-the-week because: they don’t want to work and can get away with it and our society allows it, they use drugs, and/or have children they can’t afford. I believe in government handouts under limited circumstances. Such as, all recipients should be barred from using drugs, to include tobacco. If one has money to spend on tobacco, then they don’t need a handout. These people that have been on unemployment for like 3 years now should be drafted into the military or they should be forced to do the jobs that all these illegal aliens are doing after we deport them. You know what the most ridiculous part of all this tax talk is? That half of the people in this country don’t even pay federal income tax.
  2. The one in Clarksville on Madison St is not posted.
  3. The USA’s M4 Carbine Controversy Army announces carbine competition details - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times This article/s should answer all your questions; if you doubt the validity of it, just check the sources/references listed at the end. I did misspeak on the creation of the piston AR, it was created decades ago. My intent was to communicate that HK created/perfected the modern piston AR for the US Army, and thus started the current piston revolution. Carrier tilt is not an issue, due to their manufacturers design, with LWRC and HK piston AR’s. I can’t speak for the others however. Are you serious? Reread my first post. If you still don’t understand, it leaves one to assume that you have not used and/or cleaned both systems. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
  4. The piston is more reliably because you don’t have those hot gases blowing back in the receiver, gumming and drying the action. The difference is that in the piston system, the excess gases and carbon are vented at the piston into the air and not into the action as in the DI. One can see the result of that in the above pictures. If the piston AR is all hype, then why did Tier 1 US Special Operations have the AR piston created and still use it with great success? Further, the US Army is in the process of purchasing piston uppers for the current M4’s and are also having a forthcoming piston carbine comparison. Do most civilian shooters need the reliability and robustness of the piston AR? No, but they are sure easier to clean.
  5. You also can’t carry in the caves of national parks. When I went to Mammoth Cave NP, the caves were posted.
  6. Congrats!You have a great pistol there.
  7. Are you serious? If so, may I be so bold as to guess that: A) you’ve never been a soldier you’ve never been to Afghanistan, or C) all of the above. In all sincerity, I’m not trying to be condescending or rude; it is just that if you don’t understand why the Garand would be way down the list for weapons in Afghanistan, then it would take me writing you a book to get the point across. Yes, I know the Garand is still used in competition, just like the 1911. Also, save the “it was perfect in the Big War,†just try getting in and out of an MRAP, or humping in the mountains, with one.
  8. Vickers used 1911’s (and other pistols as well) in combat with Tier 1 SOF and he said if he had to go to Afghanistan today, he would take the HK45. Keep in mind he is not on HK’s payroll and was a very respected 1911 pistol-smith, as well as one of the top consultants in the small-arms industry. Other than routine cleaning, the HK45 doesn’t require maintenance until 20,000 rounds; can you do that with a 1911? As for the trigger, it is not crap but it isn’t a target trigger, it is a combat trigger. The 1911 did perform well in past wars, but so did the M1 Garand, would you want the Garand in Afghanistan?
  9. Too bad they didn’t have the foresight to follow the US Navel Special Warfare Command’s lead in adopting the Heckler & Koch HK45c. It is working well for them. It is a more reliable platform, and cheaper too.
  10. The article states the ammo was Wolf; that is the culprit in my opinion. I can’t believe anyone puts that commy crap in their weapons.
  11. TN has one of, if not the most reciprocity with our HCP than any other state. This is in large part due to the class requirement. I know it costs but it is not out of line with many other states and we get a lot of reciprocity with it. Just check out the map http://www.usacarry.com/concealed_carry_permit_reciprocity_maps.html It is basically all of the USA or at least all that matters…
  12. I’m partial to HK’s but I have been looking at adding a 1911 to the collection. I’ve been told I need a “high dollar†1911 and I’ve been looking at Wilson, Brown, and Nighthawk. However, I think this one fits the bill.. Factory Engraved 100th Anniversary Colt 1911 : Semi-auto at GunBroker.com
  13. PC7

    Who has an HK P30?

    P30 40 LEM V1 in a Blade Tech IWB holster; great pistol and holster.
  14. PC7

    H&K pistols

    Well shoot it! It is one of the sweetest shooting 45 compacts you will ever fire. Be careful though, if that is your carry weapon in your avatar, you may retire it after you do shoot your USP.
  15. PC7

    H&K pistols

    No, but the USP Compact Tactical 45 and the HK45C do.
  16. PC7

    H&K pistols

    I have a couple of HK pistols and I can’t say enough good about them: accurate and super reliable. There are people who will say HK has poor customer service; this might have been true years ago, but it is certainly not the case now. I’ve called HK USA numerous times in the last two years and they have always been outstanding to deal with. Most people saying negative things about HK’s customer service have not dealt with HK in years, if ever; many are just repeating what someone told someone who told them. BTW, 499 sounds like a great price of a used USP 40 in good condition.
  17. I love seeing my tax dollars at work. The economy is so bad, a lot of people can’t find jobs, right…..I guess not if one is not looking and has time to go to this foolish rally. Why, because most of this people are living on my money in the form of food stamps, welfare, unemployment, etc. I wish I had that much time, but I’m working. There are a million other things I would rather do than go to a political rally. It would be awesome if in the middle of this “sanity” rally the Selective Service board informed everyone that this was a draft board and all of them would be on plane to Iraqi or Afghanistan that night. A deployment would give these folks some character, as most have probability never worked an honest day of work in their life. CK1, if Tennessee is so dumb, why don’t you leave? There many highways and airports that will take you from here. Same goes for this forum giving you a headache, simple fix, don’t sign on…..
  18. Wow. I didn’t realize we had so many “progressives “ on this forum. Ramsey was speaking about Sharia law. All those so quick to criticize him, do you understand what sharia law is? I suggest you do some research. Ron is courageous for standing up and speaking the truth. Look at Afghanistan, apostasy is punished by death. So he is a “moron” and a “redneck” for speaking out against this atrocity? Also, so I should be concerned about what other states think of Tennessee because of his comments? Like whom? California? The northeastern bloc?....yeah ok. I don’t give a damn what other states think of Tennessee or the South. To the supporters of sharia law on this forum, have you been to an Islamic country? I can tell you that you will not find much “tolerance” in these countries.
  19. As soon as someone makes an all metal pistol that is as reliable, light, well made, well engineered, holds 11 rounds of 45, and is as accurate as my H&K HK45, then I would be the first to purchase one.
  20. I recently sent for a duplicate HCP and the turnaround time was about 3 weeks.
  21. Amen brother! I could not agree more. What I think is lost on people is that we, the non-felon citizens, have just as much of a right to be armed as any LEO. I think we are on a slippery slope when we think it is ok for agents of the government to routinely disarm their citizens. Those that agree with this officer’s actions, do you think it was ok what LEO’s did in New Orleans after Katrina? They just disarmed for their safety, right? I think this routine disarming of our citizens by agents of the government would shock and trouble our Founding Fathers. Further, are LEO’s trained on the manual of arms for all pistols? I doubt so, and as such I believe it is a hazard to both the LEO and myself if the LEO handles and unloads an unknown weapon.
  22. What were the 4 thinking! Really? I guess they don't believe in the US Constitution...that is sad and scary.
  23. Well, just watched it on Fox News. The Court sided with us, the 2nd Amendment applies to all states....something we knew all along. However, I don't think much will change in Cali and Chicago. They will find ways around the ruling. If they don't respect the Constitution, why will they respect the SCOTUS ruling.
  24. Why did he unload the pistols? If she wanted to shoot the LEO, it seems she would have done it when he first walked up. This whole unloading just doen't make sense to me. This case makes me think twice about informing LEO's when pulled over. I don't want someone whom I don't know and who likely doesn't know my weapon handling it.
  25. I have the same concerns as you do mk19, but I can also see the point about introducing people to pistol carry with the HCP class. I have an answer for both: I think the shooting portion of the class should be what the THP or TBI does for their pistol qualification. If one can show up to a HCP class and not know how to load their pistol and still pass the qualification course, more power to them! With this increased qualification standard, I think HCP holder's could push for and justify carry everywhere off-duty LEO's are allowed to carry. Just my 2 cents....


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